

TypeScript Compiler API wrapper for static analysis and programmatic code changes.
Very Popular
class Type
import { Type } from "";



Type Parameters

TType extends ts.Type = ts.Type


compilerType: TType

Gets the underlying compiler type.


getAliasSymbol(): Symbol | undefined

Gets the alias symbol if it exists.

getAliasSymbolOrThrow(message?: string | (() => string)): Symbol

Gets the alias symbol if it exists, or throws.

Gets the alias type arguments.

Gets the apparent properties of the type.

getApparentProperty(name: string): Symbol | undefined

Gets an apparent property.

getApparentProperty(findFunction: (declaration: Symbol) => boolean): Symbol | undefined

Gets the apparent type.

getArrayElementType(): Type<ts.Type> | undefined

Gets the array element type or returns undefined if it doesn't exist (ex. for T[] it would be T).

getArrayElementTypeOrThrow(message?: string | (() => string)): Type<ts.Type>

Gets the array element type or throws if it doesn't exist (ex. for T[] it would be T).

Gets the base type of a literal type.

For example, for a number literal type it will return the number type.

getBaseTypes(): Type<ts.BaseType>[]

Gets the base types.

Gets the call signatures.

getConstraint(): Type<ts.Type> | undefined

Gets the constraint or returns undefined if it doesn't exist.

getConstraintOrThrow(message?: string | (() => string)): Type<ts.Type>

Gets the constraint or throws if it doesn't exist.

Gets the construct signatures.

getDefault(): Type<ts.Type> | undefined

Gets the default type or returns undefined if it doesn't exist.

getDefaultOrThrow(message?: string | (() => string)): Type<ts.Type>

Gets the default type or throws if it doesn't exist.

Gets the type flags.

Gets the intersection types (ex. for T & U it returns the array [T, U]).

getLiteralFreshType(): Type<ts.FreshableType> | undefined

Gets the fresh type of the literal or returns undefined if this is not a literal type.

Note: I have no idea what this means. Please help contribute to these js docs if you know.

getLiteralFreshTypeOrThrow(message?: string | (() => string)): Type<ts.FreshableType>

Gets the fresh type of the literal or throws if this is not a literal type.

Note: I have no idea what this means. Please help contribute to these js docs if you know.

getLiteralRegularType(): Type<ts.FreshableType> | undefined

Gets the regular type of the literal or returns undefined if this is not a literal type.

Note: I have no idea what this means. Please help contribute to these js docs if you know.

getLiteralRegularTypeOrThrow(message?: string | (() => string)): Type<ts.FreshableType>

Gets the regular type of the literal or throws if this is not a literal type.

Note: I have no idea what this means. Please help contribute to these js docs if you know.

| string
| number
| ts.PseudoBigInt
| undefined

Gets the value of a literal or returns undefined if this is not a literal type.

getLiteralValueOrThrow(message?: string | (() => string)): string | number | ts.PseudoBigInt

Gets the value of the literal or throws if this is not a literal type.

Gets the non-nullable type.

getNumberIndexType(): Type | undefined

Gets the number index type.

| 0
| ObjectFlags.Class
| ObjectFlags.Interface
| ObjectFlags.Reference
| ObjectFlags.Tuple
| ObjectFlags.Anonymous
| ObjectFlags.Mapped
| ObjectFlags.Instantiated
| ObjectFlags.ObjectLiteral
| ObjectFlags.EvolvingArray
| ObjectFlags.ObjectLiteralPatternWithComputedProperties
| ObjectFlags.ReverseMapped
| ObjectFlags.JsxAttributes
| ObjectFlags.JSLiteral
| ObjectFlags.FreshLiteral
| ObjectFlags.ArrayLiteral
| ObjectFlags.ClassOrInterface
| ObjectFlags.ContainsSpread
| ObjectFlags.ObjectRestType
| ObjectFlags.InstantiationExpressionType

Gets the object flags.

Gets the properties of the type.

getProperty(name: string): Symbol | undefined

Gets a property or returns undefined if it does not exist.

getProperty(findFunction: (declaration: Symbol) => boolean): Symbol | undefined

Gets a property or returns undefined if it does not exist.

getPropertyOrThrow(name: string): Symbol

Gets a property or throws if it doesn't exist.

getPropertyOrThrow(findFunction: (declaration: Symbol) => boolean): Symbol

Gets a property or throws if it doesn't exist.

getStringIndexType(): Type | undefined

Gets the string index type.

getSymbol(): Symbol | undefined

Gets the symbol of the type.

getSymbolOrThrow(message?: string | (() => string)): Symbol

Gets the symbol of the type or throws.

getTargetType(): Type<ts.GenericType> | undefined

Returns the generic type when the type is a type reference, returns itself when it's already a generic type, or otherwise returns undefined.

For example:

  • Given type reference Promise<string> returns Promise<T>.
  • Given generic type Promise<T> returns the same Promise<T>.
  • Given string returns undefined.
getTargetTypeOrThrow(message?: string | (() => string)): Type<ts.GenericType>

Returns the generic type when the type is a type reference, returns itself when it's already a generic type, or otherwise throws an error.

For example:

  • Given type reference Promise<string> returns Promise<T>.
  • Given generic type Promise<T> returns the same Promise<T>.
  • Given string throws an error.
getText(enclosingNode?: Node, typeFormatFlags?: TypeFormatFlags): string

Gets the type text.

Gets the individual element types of the tuple.

Gets type arguments.

Gets the union types (ex. for T | U it returns the array [T, U]).

isAnonymous(): boolean

Gets if this is an anonymous type.

isAny(): boolean

Gets if this is an any type.

isArray(): boolean

Gets if this is an array type.

isAssignableTo(target: Type): boolean

Gets if the type is assignable to another type.

isBoolean(): boolean

Gets if this is a boolean type.

isBooleanLiteral(): boolean

Gets if this is a boolean literal type.

isClass(): this is Type<ts.InterfaceType>

Gets if this is a class type.

isClassOrInterface(): this is Type<ts.InterfaceType>

Gets if this is a class or interface type.

isEnum(): boolean

Gets if this is an enum type.

isEnumLiteral(): boolean

Gets if this is an enum literal type.

isInterface(): this is Type<ts.InterfaceType>

Gets if this is an interface type.

isIntersection(): this is Type<ts.IntersectionType>

Gets if this is an intersection type.

isLiteral(): boolean

Gets if this is a literal type.

isNever(): boolean

Gets if this is a never type.

isNull(): boolean

Gets if this is the null type.

isNullable(): boolean

Gets if the type is possibly null or undefined.

isNumber(): boolean

Gets if this is a number type.

isNumberLiteral(): this is Type<ts.NumberLiteralType>

Gets if this is a number literal type.

isObject(): this is Type<ts.ObjectType>

Gets if this is an object type.

isReadonlyArray(): boolean

Gets if this is a readonly array type.

isString(): boolean

Gets if this is a string type.

isStringLiteral(): this is Type<ts.StringLiteralType>

Gets if this is a string literal type.

isTemplateLiteral(): this is Type<ts.TemplateLiteralType>

Gets if this is a template literal type.

isTuple(): this is Type<ts.TupleType>

Gets if this is a tuple type.

Gets if this is a type parameter.

isUndefined(): boolean

Gets if this is the undefined type.

isUnion(): this is Type<ts.UnionType>

Gets if this is a union type.

isUnionOrIntersection(): this is Type<ts.UnionOrIntersectionType>

Gets if this is a union or intersection type.

isUnknown(): boolean

Gets if this is the unknown type.

isVoid(): boolean

Gets if this is the void type.