

TypeScript Compiler API wrapper for static analysis and programmatic code changes.
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interface ExpressionableNode
import { type ExpressionableNode } from "";


getExpression(): Expression | undefined

Gets the expression if it exists or returns undefined.

getExpressionOrThrow(message?: string | (() => string)): Expression

Gets the expression if it exists or throws.

getExpressionIfKind<TKind extends SyntaxKind>(kind: TKind): KindToExpressionMappings[TKind] | undefined

Gets the expression if it is of the specified syntax kind or returns undefined.

getExpressionIfKindOrThrow<TKind extends SyntaxKind>(kind: TKind): KindToExpressionMappings[TKind]

Gets the expression if it is of the specified syntax kind or throws.

function ExpressionableNode
import { ExpressionableNode } from "";

Type Parameters

T extends Constructor<ExpressionableNodeExtensionType>