

TypeScript Compiler API wrapper for static analysis and programmatic code changes.
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class ImportEqualsDeclaration
extends ImportEqualsDeclarationBase<ts.ImportEqualsDeclaration>
import { ImportEqualsDeclaration } from "";


Gets the source file referenced in the external module reference or returns undefined if it doesn't exist.

Gets the source file referenced in the external module reference or throws if it doesn't exist.

Gets the module reference of the import equals declaration.

getParent(): NodeParentType<ts.ImportEqualsDeclaration>
getParentOrThrow(): NonNullable<NodeParentType<ts.ImportEqualsDeclaration>>

Gets if the external module reference is relative.

isTypeOnly(): boolean

Gets if this import equals declaration is type only.

setExternalModuleReference(externalModuleReference: string): this

Sets the external module reference.

Sets the external module reference.

setIsTypeOnly(value: boolean): this

Sets if this import equals declaration is type only.