

📗 SheetJS Community Edition -- Spreadsheet Data Toolkit
Extremely Popular
/*::type ZIPFile = any;
type XLString = { t:string; r?:string; h?:string;};
type WorkbookFile = any;
type Workbook = { SheetNames: Array<string>; Sheets: {[name:string]:Worksheet};
Props?: any; Custprops?: any; Themes?: any;
Workbook?: WBWBProps;
SSF?: SSFTable; cfb?: any; vbaraw?: any;};
type WBWBProps = { Sheets: Array<WBWSProp>; Names?: Array<any>; Views?: Array<any>; WBProps?: WBProps; SheetNames?: Array<string>;};
type WBProps = { allowRefreshQuery?: boolean; autoCompressPictures?: boolean; backupFile?: boolean; checkCompatibility?: boolean; CodeName?: string; date1904?: boolean; defaultThemeVersion?: number; filterPrivacy?: boolean; hidePivotFieldList?: boolean; promptedSolutions?: boolean; publishItems?: boolean; refreshAllConnections?: boolean; saveExternalLinkValues?: boolean; showBorderUnselectedTables?: boolean; showInkAnnotation?: boolean; showObjects?: string; showPivotChartFilter?: boolean; updateLinks?: string;};
type WBWSProp = { Hidden?: number; name?: string; CodeName?: string;};
interface CellAddress { r:number; c:number; cRel?:boolean; rRel?:boolean;};type CellAddrSpec = CellAddress | string;
type Cell = any;
type Range = { s: CellAddress; e: CellAddress;}type Worksheet = any;
type Sheet2CSVOpts = any;type Sheet2JSONOpts = any;type Sheet2HTMLOpts = any;
type ParseOpts = any;
type WriteOpts = any;type WriteFileOpts = any;
type RawData = any;
interface TypeOpts { type?:string;}
type XLSXModule = any;
type SST = { [n:number]:XLString; Count:number; Unique:number; push(x:XLString):void; length:number;};
type Comment = { t:string; a?:string; r?:string; h?:string;};
type RawComment = any;
type RowInfo = { hidden?:boolean; // if true, the row is hidden
hpx?:number; // height in screen pixels hpt?:number; // height in points level?:number; // outline / group level};
type ColInfo = { hidden?:boolean; // if true, the column is hidden
wpx?:number; // width in screen pixels width?:number; // width in Excel's "Max Digit Width", width*256 is integral wch?:number; // width in characters
MDW?:number; // Excel's "Max Digit Width" unit, always integral
interface Margins { left?:number; right?:number; top?:number; bottom?:number; header?:number; footer?:number;};
interface DefinedName { Name:string; Ref:string; Sheet?:number; Comment?:string;};
interface Hyperlink { Target:string; Tooltip?:string;};
type SSFTable = any;
type AOA = Array<Array<any> >;*/