

🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
// Copyright 2019-2020 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import * as path from "./vendor/https/";import { resolveIndexPath } from "./_matcher.ts";import { ServeHandler } from "./server.ts";import { contentTypeByExt } from "./media_types.ts";import { toIMF } from "./vendor/https/";
export interface ServeStaticOptions { /** * Custom Content-Type mapper. * .ext -> application/some-type * By default, .ts/.tsx will be resolved by application/typescript. */ contentTypeMap?: Map<string, string>; /** * Custom Content-Disposition mapper. * .ext -> "inline" | "attachment" * By default, Content-Disposition header won't be set for any files. */ contentDispositionMap?: Map<string, "inline" | "attachment">; /** Custom filter function for files */ filter?: (file: string) => boolean | Promise<boolean>; /** * Delactives for Cache-Control header * No value will be sent by default. * */ cacheControl?: CacheControlOptions; /** Value for Expires header */ expires?: Date;}
export interface CacheControlOptions { // public: default none public?: boolean; // private: default none private?: boolean; // max-age=<sec>: default: 0 maxAge?: number; // s-maxage: default none sMaxAge?: number; // no-cache: default none noCache?: boolean; // no-store: default none noStore?: boolean; // no-transform: default none noTransform?: boolean; // must-revalidate: default none mustRevalidate?: boolean; // proxy-revalidate: default none proxyRevalidate?: boolean;}
/** * Serve static files in specified directory. * */
export function serveStatic( dir: string, opts: ServeStaticOptions = {},): ServeHandler { const contentTypeMap = new Map<string, string>([ ...(opts.contentTypeMap || new Map<string, string>()).entries(), ]); const contentDispositionMap = opts.contentDispositionMap || new Map([]); const filter = opts.filter || (() => true); return async function serveStatic(req) { if (req.method === "GET" || req.method === "HEAD") { const filepath = await resolveIndexPath( dir, decodeURIComponent(req.path), ); if (!filepath || !(await filter(filepath))) { return; } const stat = await Deno.stat(filepath); const ext = path.extname(filepath); const base = path.basename(filepath); let contentType = contentTypeMap.get(ext) || contentTypeByExt(ext) || "application/octet-stream"; const headers = new Headers({ "content-length": stat.size + "", "content-type": contentType, }); const contentDisposition = contentDispositionMap.get(ext); if (contentDisposition === "attachment") { headers.set("content-disposition", `attachment; filename="${base}"`); } else if (contentDisposition === "inline") { headers.set("content-disposition", "inline"); } if (opts.cacheControl) { const val = buildCacheControlHeader(opts.cacheControl); if (val) { headers.set("cache-control", val); } } if (opts.expires) { headers.set("expires", toIMF(opts.expires)); } if (req.method === "HEAD") { return req.respond({ status: 200, headers, }); } else { const file = await, { read: true }); try { await req.respond({ status: 200, headers, body: file }); } finally { file.close(); } } } };}
export function buildCacheControlHeader(opts: CacheControlOptions): string { let ret: string[] = []; if (opts.public) { ret.push("public"); } if (opts.private) { ret.push("private"); } if (opts.noCache) { ret.push("no-cache"); } if (opts.noStore) { ret.push("no-store"); } if (opts.maxAge != null) { ret.push("max-age=" + opts.maxAge); } if (opts.sMaxAge != null) { ret.push("s-maxage=" + opts.sMaxAge); } if (opts.mustRevalidate) { ret.push("must-revalidate"); } if (opts.proxyRevalidate) { ret.push("proxy-revalidate"); } if (opts.noTransform) { ret.push("no-transform"); } return ret.join(", ");}