

🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
// Copyright 2019-2020 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { ServerResponse } from "./server.ts";import { CookieSetter, cookieSetter } from "./cookie.ts";import { basename, extname } from "./vendor/https/";import { contentTypeByExt } from "./media_types.ts";/** Basic responder for http response */export interface Responder extends CookieSetter { /** * Respond to request * Error will be thrown if request has already been responded. * headers is merged with responseHeaders * */ respond(response: ServerResponse): Promise<void>;
/** * Send file as a response. Content-Type will be guessed but may not be found. * Default Content-Type is application/octet-stream * */ sendFile( path: string, opts?: { contentDisposition?: "inline" | "attachment"; headers?: Headers; }, ): Promise<void>;
/** Redirect request with 302 (Found ) */ redirect( url: string, resp?: Partial<ServerResponse>, ): Promise<void>;
/** Headers to be used for response */ readonly responseHeaders: Headers;
/** Mark as responded manually */ markAsResponded(status: number): void;
isResponded(): boolean;
respondedStatus(): number | undefined;}
/** create ServerResponder object */export function createResponder( onResponse: (resp: ServerResponse) => Promise<void>,): Responder { const responseHeaders = new Headers(); const cookie = cookieSetter(responseHeaders); let responseStatus: number | undefined; function isResponded() { return responseStatus !== undefined; } async function redirect( url: string, resp: Partial<ServerResponse> = {}, ) { let { status, headers, body, } = resp; status = status ?? 302; if (status < 300 || 400 <= status) { throw new Error("redirection status code must be 300 ~ 399"); } headers = headers ?? new Headers(); headers.set("location", url); await respond({ status, headers, body, }); } async function respond(response: ServerResponse): Promise<void> { if (isResponded()) { throw new Error("Request already responded"); } const { status, headers, body } = response; responseStatus = status; if (headers) { for (const [k, v] of headers.entries()) { responseHeaders.append(k, v); } } await onResponse({ status, headers: responseHeaders, body, }); } async function sendFile( path: string, opts?: { contentDisposition?: "inline" | "attachment"; headers?: Headers; }, ): Promise<void> { const body = await; const headers = opts?.headers ?? new Headers(); try { const contentType = contentTypeByExt(extname(path)) ?? "application/octet-stream"; headers.set("content-type", contentType); const contentDisposition = opts?.contentDisposition; if (contentDisposition === "inline") { headers.set("content-disposition", contentDisposition); } else if (contentDisposition === "attachment") { const filename = basename(path); headers.set( "content-disposition", `attachment; filename="${filename}"`, ); } await onResponse({ status: 200, headers, body, }); } finally { body.close(); } } function markAsResponded(status: number) { responseStatus = status; } function respondedStatus() { return responseStatus; } return { respond, redirect, sendFile, isResponded, responseHeaders, respondedStatus, markAsResponded, ...cookie, };}