

🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
// Copyright 2019-2020 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { MultipartFormData, MultipartReader,} from "./vendor/https/";import { decode } from "./_util.ts";import { Buffer } from "./vendor/https/";
import Reader = Deno.Reader;export interface BodyParser { text(): Promise<string>; json(): Promise<any>; arrayBuffer(): Promise<Uint8Array>; formData(): Promise<MultipartFormData>;}
export function createBodyParser(holder: { readonly reader: Deno.Reader; readonly contentType: string; readonly maxMemory?: number;}): BodyParser { let bodyBuf: Buffer | undefined; let formBody: MultipartFormData | undefined; let textBody: string | undefined; let jsonBody: any | undefined; async function formDataInternal( contentType: string, body: Reader, maxMemory?: number, ): Promise<MultipartFormData> { const headers = new Headers({ "content-type": contentType, }); if (contentType.match(/^multipart\/form-data/)) { return parserMultipartRequest({ headers, body }, maxMemory); } else if (contentType.match(/^application\/x-www-form-urlencoded/)) { return parseUrlEncodedForm({ headers, body, }); } else { throw new Error( "request is not multipart/form-data nor application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ); } } async function formData(): Promise<MultipartFormData> { const { contentType, reader, maxMemory } = holder; if (formBody) { return formBody; } else if (bodyBuf) { return (formBody = await formDataInternal( contentType, bodyBuf, maxMemory, )); } return (formBody = await formDataInternal( contentType, reader, maxMemory, )); }
async function json<T>(): Promise<T> { if (jsonBody) { return jsonBody as T; } else if (bodyBuf) { return (jsonBody = JSON.parse(decode(bodyBuf.bytes()))); } bodyBuf = new Buffer(); await Deno.copy(holder.reader, bodyBuf); return JSON.parse(decode(bodyBuf.bytes())); }
async function text(): Promise<string> { if (textBody) { return textBody; } else if (bodyBuf) { return (textBody = decode(bodyBuf.bytes())); } bodyBuf = new Buffer(); await Deno.copy(holder.reader, bodyBuf); return (textBody = decode(bodyBuf.bytes())); }
async function arrayBuffer(): Promise<Uint8Array> { if (bodyBuf) { return bodyBuf.bytes(); } bodyBuf = new Buffer(); await Deno.copy(holder.reader, bodyBuf); return bodyBuf.bytes(); } return { json, text, formData, arrayBuffer };}
/** * Parse multipart/form-data request * @param req ServerRequest * @param maxMemory maximum memory size for file part. * Small file will be stored in memory, Big file in tempfile */export async function parserMultipartRequest( req: { headers: Headers; body?: Reader }, maxMemory: number = 1 << 10, // 10MB by default): Promise<MultipartFormData> { // Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryO5quBRiT4G7Vm3R7 const contentType = req.headers.get("content-type"); if (!req.body) { throw new Error("request has no body"); } if (!contentType || !contentType.match("multipart/form-data")) { throw new Error("is not multipart request"); } let m = contentType.match(/boundary=([^ ]+?)$/); if (!m) { throw new Error("doesn't have boundary"); } const boundary = m[1]; const reader = new MultipartReader(req.body, boundary); return reader.readForm(maxMemory);}/** * Parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded request * @param req part of ServerRequest */export async function parseUrlEncodedForm(req: { headers: Headers; body?: Reader;}): Promise<MultipartFormData> { const contentType = req.headers.get("content-type"); if (!req.body) { throw new Error("request has no body"); } if ( !contentType || !contentType.match(/^application\/x-www-form-urlencoded/) ) { throw new Error("is not form urlencoded request"); } const buf = new Buffer(); await Deno.copy(req.body, buf); const params = new URLSearchParams(decodeURIComponent(decode(buf.bytes()))); function* entries() { for (const i of params.entries()) { yield i; } } return { value(f: string) { return params.get(f) ?? undefined; }, entries, [Symbol.iterator]() { return entries(); }, file(f: string) { return undefined; }, async removeAll() { }, };}