

🌾A progressive http server for Deno🌾
// Copyright 2019-2020 Yusuke Sakurai. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { ClientResponse, HttpBody } from "./server.ts";import { assert } from "./vendor/https/";import { readResponse, writeRequest } from "./serveio.ts";import { deferred } from "./vendor/https/";import { BufReader, BufWriter } from "./vendor/https/";import { ConnectionClosedError, UnexpectedEofError } from "./error.ts";
/** keep-alive http agent for single host. each message will be sent in serial */export interface Agent { /** Hostname of host. of */ hostname: string; /** Port of host. 80 of */ port: number; /** send request to host. it throws EOF if conn is closed */ send(opts: AgentSendOptions): Promise<ClientResponse>; /** tcp connection for http agent */ conn: Deno.Conn;}
export interface AgentOptions { cancel?: Promise<void>; timeout?: number; // ms}
/** http agent send options */export interface AgentSendOptions { /** relative path that continues after base url. must begin with /. include queries, hash */ path: string; /** http method. */ method: string; /** http headers */ headers?: Headers; /** http body */ body?: HttpBody;}
const kPortMap = { "http:": 80, "https:": 443,};
export function createAgent( baseUrl: string, opts: AgentOptions = {},): Agent { let connected = false; let connecting = false; let _conn: Deno.Conn; let connectDeferred = deferred<void>(); let bufReader: BufReader; let bufWriter: BufWriter; const url = new URL(baseUrl); assert( url.protocol === "http:" || url.protocol === "https:", `scheme must be http or https: ${url.protocol}`, ); const hostname = url.hostname; let port = url.port ? parseInt(url.port) : kPortMap[url.protocol]; assert(port !== void 0, `unexpected protocol: ${url.protocol}`); const connect = async () => { if (connected) return; if (connecting) return connectDeferred; connecting = true; const opts: Deno.ConnectOptions = { port, transport: "tcp", }; if (url.hostname) { opts.hostname = hostname; } if (url.protocol === "http:") { _conn = await Deno.connect(opts); } else { _conn = await Deno.connectTls(opts); } bufReader = new BufReader(_conn); bufWriter = new BufWriter(_conn); connected = true; connecting = false; connectDeferred.resolve(); }; let prevResponse: ClientResponse; let sending = false; async function send( sendOptions: AgentSendOptions, ): Promise<ClientResponse> { if (sending) { throw new Error("It is not able to send http request concurrently"); } sending = true; if (!connected) { await connect(); } const { path, method, headers, body } = sendOptions; const destUrl = new URL(path, url); try { if (prevResponse) { await prevResponse.body.close(); } await writeRequest(bufWriter, { url: destUrl.toString(), method, headers, body, }); const res = await readResponse(bufReader, opts); return (prevResponse = Object.assign(res, { bufWriter, bufReader, conn: _conn, })); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof UnexpectedEofError) { throw new ConnectionClosedError(); } else { throw e; } } finally { sending = false; } } return { hostname, port, send, get conn() { return _conn; }, };}