

Realtime Sync for Any Backend Stack
import {expect} from '@esm-bundle/chai';import {MutatorDefs, Replicache, BeginPullResult} from './replicache';import type { ReplicacheOptions, ReplicacheInternalOptions, ReplicacheInternalAPI,} from './replicache-options';import * as kv from './kv/mod';import * as persist from './persist/mod';import {SinonFakeTimers, useFakeTimers} from 'sinon';import * as sinon from 'sinon';import type {JSONValue, ReadonlyJSONValue} from './json';import {Hash, makeNewTempHashFunction} from './hash';
// fetch-mock has invalid d.ts file so we removed that on npm install.// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment// @ts-expect-errorimport fetchMock from 'fetch-mock/esm/client';import {uuid} from './uuid';import type {WriteTransaction} from './transactions.js';import {TEST_LICENSE_KEY} from '@rocicorp/licensing/src/client';
export class ReplicacheTest< // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types MD extends MutatorDefs = {},> extends Replicache<MD> { private _internalAPI!: ReplicacheInternalAPI;
constructor(options: ReplicacheOptions<MD>) { let internalAPI!: ReplicacheInternalAPI; super({ ...options, exposeInternalAPI: (api: ReplicacheInternalAPI) => { internalAPI = api; }, } as ReplicacheOptions<MD>); this._internalAPI = internalAPI; }
beginPull(): Promise<BeginPullResult> { return super._beginPull(); }
maybeEndPull(beginPullResult: BeginPullResult): Promise<void> { return super._maybeEndPull(beginPullResult); }
invokePush(): Promise<boolean> { return super._invokePush(); }
protected override _memdagHashFunction(): <V extends ReadonlyJSONValue>( data: V, ) => Hash { return makeNewTempHashFunction(); }
protected override _invokePush(): Promise<boolean> { // indirection to allow test to spy on it. return this.invokePush(); }
protected override _beginPull(): Promise<BeginPullResult> { return this.beginPull(); }
persist() { return this._internalAPI.persist(); // return this[persistSymbol](); }
recoverMutationsSpy = sinon.spy(this, 'recoverMutations');
recoverMutations(): Promise<boolean> { return super._recoverMutations(); }
protected override _recoverMutations(): Promise<boolean> { // indirection to allow test to spy on it. return this.recoverMutations(); }
licenseActive(): Promise<boolean> { return this._licenseActivePromise; }
licenseValid(): Promise<boolean> { return this._licenseCheckPromise; }
get perdag() { // @ts-expect-error Property '_perdag' is private return this._perdag; }}
export const reps: Set<ReplicacheTest> = new Set();
export async function closeAllReps(): Promise<void> { for (const rep of reps) { if (!rep.closed) { await rep.close(); } reps.delete(rep); }}
export const dbsToDrop: Set<string> = new Set();
export async function deleteAllDatabases(): Promise<void> { for (const name of dbsToDrop) { await kv.dropIDBStore(name); } dbsToDrop.clear();}
const partialNamesToReplicacheNames: Map<string, string> = new Map();/** Namespace replicache names to isolate tests' IndexedDB state. */export function createReplicacheNameForTest(partialName: string): string { let replicacheName = partialNamesToReplicacheNames.get(partialName); if (!replicacheName) { const namespaceForTest = uuid(); replicacheName = `${namespaceForTest}:${partialName}`; partialNamesToReplicacheNames.set(partialName, replicacheName); } return replicacheName;}
type ReplicacheTestOptions<MD extends MutatorDefs> = Omit< ReplicacheOptions<MD>, 'name' | 'licenseKey'> & { onClientStateNotFound?: (() => void) | null; licenseKey?: string;} & ReplicacheInternalOptions;
export async function replicacheForTesting< // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types MD extends MutatorDefs = {},>( partialName: string, options: ReplicacheTestOptions<MD> = {},): Promise<ReplicacheTest<MD>> { const pullURL = '' + partialName; const pushURL = '' + partialName; return replicacheForTestingNoDefaultURLs( createReplicacheNameForTest(partialName), { pullURL, pushURL, licenseKey: options.licenseKey ?? TEST_LICENSE_KEY, ...options, }, );}
export async function replicacheForTestingNoDefaultURLs< // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types MD extends MutatorDefs = {},>( name: string, { pullURL, pushDelay = 60_000, // Large to prevent interfering pushURL, onClientStateNotFound = () => { throw new Error( 'Unexpected call to onClientStateNotFound. Did you forget to pass it as an option?', ); }, }: ReplicacheTestOptions<MD> = {},): Promise<ReplicacheTest<MD>> { const rep = new ReplicacheTest<MD>({ pullURL, pushDelay, pushURL, name, licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY,, }); dbsToDrop.add(rep.idbName); reps.add(rep);
rep.onClientStateNotFound = onClientStateNotFound;
// Wait for open to be done. await rep.clientID;, {lastMutationID: 0, patch: []});, 'ok'); await tickAFewTimes(); return rep;}
export let clock: SinonFakeTimers;
export function initReplicacheTesting(): void { fetchMock.config.overwriteRoutes = true;
setup(() => { clock = useFakeTimers(0); persist.setupIDBDatabasesStoreForTest(); });
teardown(async () => { clock.restore(); fetchMock.restore(); sinon.restore(); partialNamesToReplicacheNames.clear(); await closeAllReps(); await deleteAllDatabases(); await persist.teardownIDBDatabasesStoreForTest(); });}
export async function tickAFewTimes(n = 10, time = 10) { for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { await clock.tickAsync(time); }}
export async function tickUntil(f: () => boolean, msPerTest = 10) { while (!f()) { await clock.tickAsync(msPerTest); }}
export class MemStoreWithCounters implements kv.Store { readonly store = new kv.MemStore(); readCount = 0; writeCount = 0; closeCount = 0;
resetCounters() { this.readCount = 0; this.writeCount = 0; this.closeCount = 0; }
read() { this.readCount++; return; }
withRead<R>(fn: (read: kv.Read) => R | Promise<R>): Promise<R> { this.readCount++; return; }
write() { this.writeCount++; return; }
withWrite<R>(fn: (write: kv.Write) => R | Promise<R>): Promise<R> { this.writeCount++; return; }
async close() { this.closeCount++; await; }
get closed(): boolean { return; }}
export async function addData( tx: WriteTransaction, data: {[key: string]: JSONValue},) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) { await tx.put(key, value); }}
export function expectLogContext( consoleLogStub: sinon.SinonStub, index: number, rep: Replicache, expectedContext: string,) { expect(consoleLogStub.callCount).to.greaterThan(index); const {args} = consoleLogStub.getCall(index); expect(args).to.have.length(2); expect(args[0]).to.equal(`name=${}`); expect(args[1]).to.equal(expectedContext);}