

Realtime Sync for Any Backend Stack
import type {JSONValue} from './json';import type {ReadTransaction} from './transactions';import * as db from './db/mod';import type * as sync from './sync/mod';
export type ScanSubscriptionInfo = { options: db.ScanOptions; inclusiveLimitKey?: string;};
export type Subscription<R extends JSONValue | undefined, E> = { body: (tx: ReadTransaction) => Promise<R>; onData: (r: R) => void; onError?: (e: E) => void; onDone?: () => void; lastValue?: R; keys: ReadonlySet<string>; scans: ReadonlyArray<Readonly<ScanSubscriptionInfo>>;};
function keyMatchesSubscription<V, E>( subscription: Subscription<V, E>, indexName: string, changedKey: string,) { // subscription.keys contains the primary index keys. If we are passing in an // indexName there was a change to the index map, in which case the changedKey // is an encoded index key. We could skip checking the indexName here since // the set would never contain encoded index keys but we do the check for // clarity. if (indexName === '' && subscription.keys.has(changedKey)) { return true; }
for (const scanInfo of subscription.scans) { if (scanInfoMatchesKey(scanInfo, indexName, changedKey)) { return true; } }
return false;}
export function scanInfoMatchesKey( scanInfo: ScanSubscriptionInfo, changeIndexName: string, changedKey: string,): boolean { const {indexName, prefix, startKey, startExclusive, startSecondaryKey} = scanInfo.options;
if (!indexName) { if (changeIndexName) { return false; }
// A scan with limit <= 0 can have no matches if (scanInfo.options.limit !== undefined && scanInfo.options.limit <= 0) { return false; }
// No prefix and no start. Must recompute the subscription because all keys // will have an effect on the subscription. if (!prefix && !startKey) { return true; }
if ( prefix && (!changedKey.startsWith(prefix) || isKeyPastInclusiveLimit(scanInfo, changedKey)) ) { return false; }
if ( startKey && ((startExclusive && changedKey <= startKey) || changedKey < startKey || isKeyPastInclusiveLimit(scanInfo, changedKey)) ) { return false; }
return true; }
if (changeIndexName !== indexName) { return false; }
// No prefix and no start. Must recompute the subscription because all keys // will have an effect on the subscription. if (!prefix && !startKey && !startSecondaryKey) { return true; }
const [changedKeySecondary, changedKeyPrimary] = db.decodeIndexKey(changedKey);
if (prefix) { if (!changedKeySecondary.startsWith(prefix)) { return false; } }
if ( startSecondaryKey && ((startExclusive && changedKeySecondary <= startSecondaryKey) || changedKeySecondary < startSecondaryKey) ) { return false; }
if ( startKey && ((startExclusive && changedKeyPrimary <= startKey) || changedKeyPrimary < startKey) ) { return false; }
return true;}
function isKeyPastInclusiveLimit( scanInfo: ScanSubscriptionInfo, changedKey: string,): boolean { const {inclusiveLimitKey} = scanInfo; return ( scanInfo.options.limit !== undefined && inclusiveLimitKey !== undefined && changedKey > inclusiveLimitKey );}
export function* subscriptionsForChangedKeys<V, E>( subscriptions: Set<Subscription<V, E>>, changedKeysMap: sync.ChangedKeysMap,): Generator<Subscription<V, E>> { outer: for (const subscription of subscriptions) { for (const [indexName, changedKeys] of changedKeysMap) { for (const key of changedKeys) { if (keyMatchesSubscription(subscription, indexName, key)) { yield subscription; continue outer; } } } }}
export function* subscriptionsForIndexDefinitionChanged<V, E>( subscriptions: Set<Subscription<V, E>>, name: string,): Generator<Subscription<V, E>> { for (const subscription of subscriptions) { if ( subscription.scans.some(scanInfo => scanInfo.options.indexName === name) ) { yield subscription; } }}