

Realtime Sync for Any Backend Stack
import {httpStatusUnauthorized} from './replicache';import { addData, clock, expectLogContext, initReplicacheTesting, MemStoreWithCounters, replicacheForTesting, replicacheForTestingNoDefaultURLs, tickAFewTimes, tickUntil,} from './test-util';import {PatchOperation, Replicache, TransactionClosedError} from './mod';import type {ReadTransaction, WriteTransaction} from './mod';import type {JSONValue} from './json';import {assert, expect} from '@esm-bundle/chai';import * as sinon from 'sinon';import type {ScanOptions} from './scan-options';import {asyncIterableToArray} from './async-iterable-to-array';import {sleep} from './sleep';import * as db from './db/mod';import {TestMemStore} from './kv/test-mem-store';import {WriteTransactionImpl} from './transactions';import {emptyHash, Hash} from './hash';import {defaultPuller} from './puller';import {defaultPusher} from './pusher';import { PROD_LICENSE_SERVER_URL, TEST_LICENSE_KEY, LicenseStatus,} from '@rocicorp/licensing/src/client';
// fetch-mock has invalid d.ts file so we removed that on npm install.// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment// @ts-expect-errorimport fetchMock from 'fetch-mock/esm/client';import type {Mutation} from './sync/push';import type {ReplicacheOptions} from './replicache-options';import {deleteClientForTesting} from './persist/clients-test-helpers.js';import type {LogLevel} from '@rocicorp/logger';import { LICENSE_ACTIVE_PATH, LICENSE_STATUS_PATH,} from '@rocicorp/licensing/src/server/api-types';
const {fail} = assert;
async function expectPromiseToReject(p: unknown): Promise<Chai.Assertion> { let e; try { await p; } catch (ex) { e = ex; } return expect(e);}
async function expectAsyncFuncToThrow(f: () => unknown, c: unknown) { (await expectPromiseToReject(f()));}
test('name is required', () => { expect( () => new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, } as ReplicacheOptions<Record<string, never>>), ).to.throw(/name.*required/);});
test('name cannot be empty', () => { expect( () => new Replicache({licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: ''}), ).to.throw(/name.*must be non-empty/);});
test('get, has, scan on empty db', async () => { const rep = await replicacheForTesting('test2'); async function t(tx: ReadTransaction) { expect(await tx.get('key')).to.equal(undefined); expect(await tx.has('key'));
const scanItems = await asyncIterableToArray(tx.scan()); expect(scanItems).to.have.length(0); }
await rep.query(t);});
test('put, get, has, del inside tx', async () => { const rep = await replicacheForTesting('test3', { mutators: { testMut: async ( tx: WriteTransaction, args: {key: string; value: JSONValue}, ) => { const {key, value} = args; await tx.put(key, value); expect(await tx.has(key)).to.equal(true); const v = await tx.get(key); expect(v).to.deep.equal(value);
expect(await tx.del(key)).to.equal(true); expect(await tx.has(key)); }, }, });
const {testMut} = rep.mutate;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries({ a: true, b: false, c: null, d: 'string', e: 12, f: {}, g: [], h: {h1: true}, i: [0, 1], })) { await testMut({key, value: value as JSONValue}); }});
async function testScanResult<K, V>( rep: Replicache, options: ScanOptions | undefined, entries: [K, V][],) { await rep.query(async tx => { expect( await asyncIterableToArray(tx.scan(options).entries()), ).to.deep.equal(entries); }); await rep.query(async tx => { expect(await asyncIterableToArray(tx.scan(options))).to.deep.equal([, v]) => v), ); }); await rep.query(async tx => { expect(await asyncIterableToArray(tx.scan(options).values())).to.deep.equal([, v]) => v), ); }); await rep.query(async tx => { expect(await asyncIterableToArray(tx.scan(options).keys())).to.deep.equal([k]) => k), ); });
await rep.query(async tx => { expect(await tx.scan(options).toArray()).to.deep.equal([, v]) => v), ); }); // scan().xxx().toArray() await rep.query(async tx => { expect(await tx.scan(options).entries().toArray()).to.deep.equal(entries); }); await rep.query(async tx => { expect(await tx.scan(options).values().toArray()).to.deep.equal([, v]) => v), ); }); await rep.query(async tx => { expect(await tx.scan(options).keys().toArray()).to.deep.equal([k]) => k), ); });}
test('scan', async () => { const rep = await replicacheForTesting('test4', { mutators: { addData, }, }); const add = rep.mutate.addData; await add({ 'a/0': 0, 'a/1': 1, 'a/2': 2, 'a/3': 3, 'a/4': 4, 'b/0': 5, 'b/1': 6, 'b/2': 7, 'c/0': 8, });
await testScanResult(rep, undefined, [ ['a/0', 0], ['a/1', 1], ['a/2', 2], ['a/3', 3], ['a/4', 4], ['b/0', 5], ['b/1', 6], ['b/2', 7], ['c/0', 8], ]);
await testScanResult(rep, {prefix: 'a'}, [ ['a/0', 0], ['a/1', 1], ['a/2', 2], ['a/3', 3], ['a/4', 4], ]);
await testScanResult(rep, {prefix: 'b'}, [ ['b/0', 5], ['b/1', 6], ['b/2', 7], ]);
await testScanResult(rep, {prefix: 'c/'}, [['c/0', 8]]);
await testScanResult( rep, { start: {key: 'b/1', exclusive: false}, }, [ ['b/1', 6], ['b/2', 7], ['c/0', 8], ], );
await testScanResult( rep, { start: {key: 'b/1'}, }, [ ['b/1', 6], ['b/2', 7], ['c/0', 8], ], );
await testScanResult( rep, { start: {key: 'b/1', exclusive: true}, }, [ ['b/2', 7], ['c/0', 8], ], );
await testScanResult( rep, { limit: 3, }, [ ['a/0', 0], ['a/1', 1], ['a/2', 2], ], );
await testScanResult( rep, { limit: 10, prefix: 'a/', }, [ ['a/0', 0], ['a/1', 1], ['a/2', 2], ['a/3', 3], ['a/4', 4], ], );
await testScanResult( rep, { limit: 1, prefix: 'b/', }, [['b/0', 5]], );});
test('name', async () => { const repA = await replicacheForTesting('a', {mutators: {addData}}); const repB = await replicacheForTesting('b', {mutators: {addData}});
const addA = repA.mutate.addData; const addB = repB.mutate.addData;
await addA({key: 'A'}); await addB({key: 'B'});
expect(await repA.query(tx => tx.get('key'))).to.equal('A'); expect(await repB.query(tx => tx.get('key'))).to.equal('B');
await repA.close(); await repB.close();
indexedDB.deleteDatabase(repA.idbName); indexedDB.deleteDatabase(repB.idbName);});
test('register with error', async () => { const rep = await replicacheForTesting('regerr', { mutators: { err: async (_: WriteTransaction, args: number) => { throw args; }, }, });
const doErr = rep.mutate.err;
try { await doErr(42); fail('Should have thrown'); } catch (ex) { expect(ex).to.equal(42); }});
test('overlapping writes', async () => { async function dbWait(tx: ReadTransaction, dur: number) { // Try to take setTimeout away from me??? const t0 =; while ( - t0 > dur) { await tx.get('foo'); } }
const pushURL = ''; // writes wait on writes const rep = await replicacheForTesting('conflict', { pushURL, mutators: { 'wait-then-return': async <T extends JSONValue>( tx: ReadTransaction, {duration, ret}: {duration: number; ret: T}, ) => { await dbWait(tx, duration); return ret; }, }, });, {});
const mut = rep.mutate['wait-then-return'];
let resA = mut({duration: 250, ret: 'a'}); // create a gap to make sure resA starts first (our rwlock isn't fair). await clock.tickAsync(100); let resB = mut({duration: 0, ret: 'b'}); // race them, a should complete first, indicating that b waited expect(await Promise.race([resA, resB])).to.equal('a'); // wait for the other to finish so that we're starting from null state for next one. await Promise.all([resA, resB]);
// reads wait on writes resA = mut({duration: 250, ret: 'a'}); await clock.tickAsync(100); resB = rep.query(() => 'b'); await tickAFewTimes(); expect(await Promise.race([resA, resB])).to.equal('a');
await tickAFewTimes(); await resA; await tickAFewTimes(); await resB;});
test('push', async () => { const pushURL = '';
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('push', { auth: '1', pushURL, pushDelay: 10, mutators: { createTodo: async <A extends {id: number}>( tx: WriteTransaction, args: A, ) => { createCount++; await tx.put(`/todo/${}`, args); }, deleteTodo: async <A extends {id: number}>( tx: WriteTransaction, args: A, ) => { deleteCount++; await tx.del(`/todo/${}`); }, }, });
let createCount = 0; let deleteCount = 0;
const {createTodo, deleteTodo} = rep.mutate;
const id1 = 14323534; const id2 = 22354345;
await deleteTodo({id: id1}); await deleteTodo({id: id2});
fetchMock.postOnce(pushURL, { mutationInfos: [ {id: 1, error: 'deleteTodo: todo not found'}, {id: 2, error: 'deleteTodo: todo not found'}, ], }); await tickAFewTimes(); expect(deleteCount).to.equal(2); const {mutations} = await fetchMock.lastCall().request.json(); expect(mutations).to.deep.equal([ {id: 1, name: 'deleteTodo', args: {id: id1}, timestamp: 100}, {id: 2, name: 'deleteTodo', args: {id: id2}, timestamp: 100}, ]);
await createTodo({ id: id1, text: 'Test', }); expect(createCount).to.equal(1); expect( ((await rep?.query(tx => tx.get(`/todo/${id1}`))) as {text: string}).text, ).to.equal('Test');
fetchMock.postOnce(pushURL, { mutationInfos: [{id: 3, error: 'mutation has already been processed'}], }); await tickAFewTimes(); { const {mutations} = await fetchMock.lastCall().request.json(); expect(mutations).to.deep.equal([ {id: 1, name: 'deleteTodo', args: {id: id1}, timestamp: 100}, {id: 2, name: 'deleteTodo', args: {id: id2}, timestamp: 100}, { id: 3, name: 'createTodo', args: {id: id1, text: 'Test'}, timestamp: 200, }, ]); }
await createTodo({ id: id2, text: 'Test 2', }); expect(createCount).to.equal(2); expect( ((await rep?.query(tx => tx.get(`/todo/${id2}`))) as {text: string}).text, ).to.equal('Test 2');
// Clean up await deleteTodo({id: id1}); await deleteTodo({id: id2});
expect(deleteCount).to.equal(4); expect(createCount).to.equal(2);
fetchMock.postOnce(pushURL, { mutationInfos: [], }); await tickAFewTimes(); { const {mutations} = await fetchMock.lastCall().request.json(); expect(mutations).to.deep.equal([ {id: 1, name: 'deleteTodo', args: {id: id1}, timestamp: 100}, {id: 2, name: 'deleteTodo', args: {id: id2}, timestamp: 100}, { id: 3, name: 'createTodo', args: {id: id1, text: 'Test'}, timestamp: 200, }, { id: 4, name: 'createTodo', args: {id: id2, text: 'Test 2'}, timestamp: 300, }, {id: 5, name: 'deleteTodo', args: {id: id1}, timestamp: 300}, {id: 6, name: 'deleteTodo', args: {id: id2}, timestamp: 300}, ]); }
expect(deleteCount).to.equal(4); expect(createCount).to.equal(2);});
test('push delay', async () => { const pushURL = '';
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('push', { auth: '1', pushURL, pushDelay: 1, mutators: { createTodo: async <A extends {id: number}>( tx: WriteTransaction, args: A, ) => { await tx.put(`/todo/${}`, args); }, }, });
const {createTodo} = rep.mutate;
const id1 = 14323534;
await tickAFewTimes(); fetchMock.reset();
fetchMock.postOnce(pushURL, { mutationInfos: [], });
await createTodo({id: id1});
await tickAFewTimes();
test('push request is only sent when pushURL or non-default pusher are set', async () => { const rep = await replicacheForTestingNoDefaultURLs('no push requests', { auth: '1', pullURL: '', pushDelay: 1, mutators: { createTodo: async <A extends {id: number}>( tx: WriteTransaction, args: A, ) => { await tx.put(`/todo/${}`, args); }, }, });
const {createTodo} = rep.mutate;
await tickAFewTimes(); fetchMock.reset(); fetchMock.postAny({});
await createTodo({id: 'id1'}); await tickAFewTimes();
await tickAFewTimes(); fetchMock.reset(); fetchMock.postAny({});
rep.pushURL = '';
await createTodo({id: 'id2'}); await tickAFewTimes(); expect(fetchMock.calls()).to.have.length(1);
await tickAFewTimes(); fetchMock.reset(); fetchMock.postAny({});
rep.pushURL = '';
await createTodo({id: 'id3'}); await tickAFewTimes(); expect(fetchMock.calls()).to.have.length(0);
await tickAFewTimes(); fetchMock.reset(); fetchMock.postAny({}); let pusherCallCount = 0;
rep.pusher = () => { pusherCallCount++; return Promise.resolve({ httpStatusCode: 200, errorMessage: '', }); };
await createTodo({id: 'id4'}); await tickAFewTimes();
expect(fetchMock.calls()).to.have.length(0); expect(pusherCallCount).to.equal(1);
await tickAFewTimes(); fetchMock.reset(); fetchMock.postAny({}); pusherCallCount = 0;
rep.pusher = defaultPusher;
await createTodo({id: 'id5'}); await tickAFewTimes();
expect(fetchMock.calls()).to.have.length(0); expect(pusherCallCount).to.equal(0);});
test('pull', async () => { const pullURL = '';
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('pull', { auth: '1', pullURL, mutators: { createTodo: async <A extends {id: number}>( tx: WriteTransaction, args: A, ) => { createCount++; await tx.put(`/todo/${}`, args); }, deleteTodo: async <A extends {id: number}>( tx: WriteTransaction, args: A, ) => { deleteCount++; await tx.del(`/todo/${}`); }, }, });
let createCount = 0; let deleteCount = 0; let syncHead: Hash; let beginPullResult: { requestID: string; syncHead: Hash; ok: boolean; };
const {createTodo, deleteTodo} = rep.mutate;
const id1 = 14323534; const id2 = 22354345;
await deleteTodo({id: id1}); await deleteTodo({id: id2});
fetchMock.postOnce(pullURL, { cookie: '', lastMutationID: 2, patch: [ {op: 'del', key: ''}, { op: 'put', key: '/list/1', value: {id: 1, ownerUserID: 1}, }, ], }); rep.pull(); await tickAFewTimes(); expect(deleteCount).to.equal(2);
fetchMock.postOnce(pullURL, { cookie: '', lastMutationID: 2, patch: [], }); beginPullResult = await rep.beginPull(); ({syncHead} = beginPullResult); expect(syncHead).to.equal(emptyHash); expect(deleteCount).to.equal(2);
await createTodo({ id: id1, text: 'Test', }); expect(createCount).to.equal(1); expect( ((await rep?.query(tx => tx.get(`/todo/${id1}`))) as {text: string}).text, ).to.equal('Test');
fetchMock.postOnce(pullURL, { cookie: '', lastMutationID: 3, patch: [ { op: 'put', key: '/todo/14323534', value: {id: 14323534, text: 'Test'}, }, ], }); beginPullResult = await rep.beginPull(); ({syncHead} = beginPullResult); expect(syncHead).equal('t/000000000000000000000000000007');
await createTodo({ id: id2, text: 'Test 2', }); expect(createCount).to.equal(2); expect( ((await rep?.query(tx => tx.get(`/todo/${id2}`))) as {text: string}).text, ).to.equal('Test 2');
fetchMock.postOnce(pullURL, { cookie: '', lastMutationID: 3, patch: [], }); await rep.maybeEndPull(beginPullResult);
// Clean up await deleteTodo({id: id1}); await deleteTodo({id: id2});
expect(deleteCount).to.equal(4); expect(createCount).to.equal(3);
fetchMock.postOnce(pullURL, { cookie: '', lastMutationID: 6, patch: [{op: 'del', key: '/todo/14323534'}], }); rep.pull(); await tickAFewTimes();
expect(deleteCount).to.equal(4); expect(createCount).to.equal(3);});
function expectConsoleLogContextStub( name: string, call: sinon.SinonSpyCall, expectedMessage: string,) { const {args} = call; expect(args).to.have.length(2); expect(args[0]).to.equal(`name=${name}`); expect(args[1]).to.equal(expectedMessage);}
test('reauth pull', async () => { const pullURL = '';
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('reauth', { pullURL, auth: 'wrong', });, {body: 'xxx', status: httpStatusUnauthorized});
const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error');
const getAuthFake = sinon.fake.returns(null); rep.getAuth = getAuthFake;
await rep.beginPull();
expect(getAuthFake.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(consoleErrorStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expectConsoleLogContextStub(, consoleErrorStub.lastCall, 'Got error response from server ( doing pull: 401: xxx', );
{ const consoleInfoStub = sinon.stub(console, 'info'); const getAuthFake = sinon.fake(() => 'boo'); rep.getAuth = getAuthFake;
expect((await rep.beginPull()).syncHead).to.equal(emptyHash);
expect(getAuthFake.callCount).to.equal(8); expect(consoleErrorStub.callCount).to.equal(9); expectConsoleLogContextStub(, consoleInfoStub.lastCall, 'Tried to reauthenticate too many times', ); }});
test('pull request is only sent when pullURL or non-default puller are set', async () => { const rep = await replicacheForTestingNoDefaultURLs('no push requests', { auth: '1', pushURL: '', });
await tickAFewTimes(); fetchMock.reset(); fetchMock.postAny({});
rep.pull(); await tickAFewTimes();
await tickAFewTimes(); fetchMock.reset();
rep.pullURL = '';, {lastMutationID: 0, patch: []});
rep.pull(); await tickAFewTimes(); expect(fetchMock.calls()).to.have.length.greaterThan(0);
await tickAFewTimes(); fetchMock.reset(); fetchMock.postAny({});
rep.pullURL = '';
rep.pull(); await tickAFewTimes(); expect(fetchMock.calls()).to.have.length(0);
await tickAFewTimes(); fetchMock.reset(); fetchMock.postAny({});
let pullerCallCount = 0;
const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error');
rep.puller = () => { pullerCallCount++; return Promise.resolve({ httpRequestInfo: { httpStatusCode: 500, errorMessage: 'Test failure', }, }); };
rep.pull(); await tickAFewTimes();
expect(fetchMock.calls()).to.have.length(0); expect(pullerCallCount);
expectConsoleLogContextStub(, consoleErrorStub.firstCall, 'Got error response from server () doing pull: 500: Test failure', ); consoleErrorStub.restore();
await tickAFewTimes(); fetchMock.reset(); fetchMock.postAny({}); pullerCallCount = 0;
rep.puller = defaultPuller;
rep.pull(); await tickAFewTimes();
expect(fetchMock.calls()).to.have.length(0); expect(pullerCallCount).to.equal(0);});
test('reauth push', async () => { const pushURL = '';
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('reauth', { pushURL, pushDelay: 0, mutators: { noop() { // no op }, }, });
const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error'); const getAuthFake = sinon.fake.returns(null); rep.getAuth = getAuthFake;
await tickAFewTimes();, {body: 'xxx', status: httpStatusUnauthorized});
await rep.mutate.noop(); await tickUntil(() => getAuthFake.callCount > 0, 1);
expectConsoleLogContextStub(, consoleErrorStub.firstCall, 'Got error response from server ( doing push: 401: xxx', );
{ await tickAFewTimes();
const consoleInfoStub = sinon.stub(console, 'info'); const getAuthFake = sinon.fake(() => 'boo'); rep.getAuth = getAuthFake;
await rep.mutate.noop(); await tickUntil(() => consoleInfoStub.callCount > 0, 1);
expectConsoleLogContextStub(, consoleInfoStub.firstCall, 'Tried to reauthenticate too many times', ); }});
test('HTTP status pull', async () => { const pullURL = '';
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('http-status-pull', { pullURL, });
let okCalled = false; let i = 0;, () => { switch (i++) { case 0: return {body: 'internal error', status: 500}; case 1: return {body: 'not found', status: 404}; default: okCalled = true; return {body: {lastMutationID: 0, patch: []}, status: 200}; } });
const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error');
await tickAFewTimes(20, 10);
expect(consoleErrorStub.callCount).to.equal(2); expectConsoleLogContextStub(, consoleErrorStub.firstCall, 'Got error response from server ( doing pull: 500: internal error', ); expectConsoleLogContextStub(, consoleErrorStub.lastCall, 'Got error response from server ( doing pull: 404: not found', );
test('HTTP status push', async () => { const pushURL = '';
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('http-status-push', { pushURL, pushDelay: 1, mutators: {addData}, }); const add = rep.mutate.addData;
let okCalled = false; let i = 0;, () => { switch (i++) { case 0: return {body: 'internal error', status: 500}; case 1: return {body: 'not found', status: 404}; default: okCalled = true; return {body: {}, status: 200}; } });
const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error');
await add({ a: 0, });
await tickAFewTimes(20, 10);
expect(consoleErrorStub.callCount).to.equal(2); expectConsoleLogContextStub(, consoleErrorStub.firstCall, 'Got error response from server ( doing push: 500: internal error', ); expectConsoleLogContextStub(, consoleErrorStub.lastCall, 'Got error response from server ( doing push: 404: not found', );
test('poke', async () => { // TODO(MP) test: // - when we queue a poke and it matches, we update the snapshot // - rebase still works // - when the cookie doesn't match, it doesn't apply, but later when the cookie matches it does // - per-client timing const rep = await replicacheForTesting('poke', { auth: '1', mutators: { setTodo: async <A extends {id: number}>( tx: WriteTransaction, args: A, ) => { await tx.put(`/todo/${}`, args); }, }, });
const {setTodo} = rep.mutate;
const id = 1; const key = `/todo/${id}`; const text = 'yo';
await setTodo({id, text}); expect(await rep.query(tx => tx.has(key))).true;
// cookie *does* apply await rep.poke({ baseCookie: null, pullResponse: { cookie: 'c1', lastMutationID: 1, patch: [{op: 'del', key}], }, }); expect(await rep.query(tx => tx.has(key))).false;
// cookie does not apply await setTodo({id, text}); let error = null; try { await rep.poke({ baseCookie: null, pullResponse: { cookie: 'c1', lastMutationID: 1, patch: [{op: 'del', key}], }, }); } catch (e) { error = String(e); } expect(error).contains('unexpected base cookie for poke'); expect(await rep.query(tx => tx.has(key))).true;
// cookie applies, but lmid goes backward - should be an error. await setTodo({id, text}); error = null; try { // blech could not figure out how to use chai-as-promised. await rep.poke({ baseCookie: 'c1', pullResponse: { cookie: 'c2', lastMutationID: 0, patch: [{op: 'del', key}], }, }); } catch (e: unknown) { error = String(e); } expect(error).contains( 'Received lastMutationID 0 is < than last snapshot lastMutationID 1; ignoring client view', );});
test('closed tx', async () => { const rep = await replicacheForTesting('reauth', { mutators: { mut: async tx => { wtx = tx; }, }, });
let rtx: ReadTransaction; await rep.query(tx => (rtx = tx));
await expectAsyncFuncToThrow(() => rtx.get('x'), TransactionClosedError); await expectAsyncFuncToThrow(() => rtx.has('y'), TransactionClosedError); await expectAsyncFuncToThrow( () => rtx.scan().values().next(), TransactionClosedError, );
let wtx: WriteTransaction | undefined;
await rep.mutate.mut(); expect(wtx); await expectAsyncFuncToThrow(() => wtx?.put('z', 1), TransactionClosedError); await expectAsyncFuncToThrow(() => wtx?.del('w'), TransactionClosedError);});
test('pullInterval in constructor', async () => { const rep = await replicacheForTesting('pullInterval', { pullInterval: 12.34, }); expect(rep.pullInterval).to.equal(12.34); await rep.close();});
test('index', async () => { const rep = await replicacheForTesting('test-index', {mutators: {addData}});
const add = rep.mutate.addData; await add({ 'a/0': {a: '0'}, 'a/1': {a: '1'}, 'a/2': {a: '2'}, 'a/3': {a: '3'}, 'a/4': {a: '4'}, 'b/0': {bc: '5'}, 'b/1': {bc: '6'}, 'b/2': {bc: '7'}, 'c/0': {bc: '8'}, 'd/0': {d: {e: {f: '9'}}}, }); await rep.createIndex({name: 'aIndex', jsonPointer: '/a'});
await testScanResult(rep, {indexName: 'aIndex'}, [ [['0', 'a/0'], {a: '0'}], [['1', 'a/1'], {a: '1'}], [['2', 'a/2'], {a: '2'}], [['3', 'a/3'], {a: '3'}], [['4', 'a/4'], {a: '4'}], ]); await rep.dropIndex('aIndex'); await rep.query(async tx => { const x = tx.scan({indexName: 'aIndex'}); (await expectPromiseToReject(x.values().next())) .instanceOf(Error)'message', 'Unknown index name: aIndex'); return x; });
await rep.createIndex({name: 'aIndex', jsonPointer: '/a'}); await testScanResult(rep, {indexName: 'aIndex'}, [ [['0', 'a/0'], {a: '0'}], [['1', 'a/1'], {a: '1'}], [['2', 'a/2'], {a: '2'}], [['3', 'a/3'], {a: '3'}], [['4', 'a/4'], {a: '4'}], ]); await rep.dropIndex('aIndex'); ( await expectPromiseToReject( rep.query(tx => tx.scan({indexName: 'aIndex'}).toArray()), ) ) .instanceOf(Error)'message', 'Unknown index name: aIndex');
await rep.createIndex({name: 'bc', prefix: 'c/', jsonPointer: '/bc'}); await testScanResult(rep, {indexName: 'bc'}, [[['8', 'c/0'], {bc: '8'}]]); await add({ 'c/1': {bc: '88'}, }); await testScanResult(rep, {indexName: 'bc'}, [ [['8', 'c/0'], {bc: '8'}], [['88', 'c/1'], {bc: '88'}], ]); await rep.dropIndex('bc');
await rep.createIndex({name: 'dIndex', jsonPointer: '/d/e/f'}); await testScanResult(rep, {indexName: 'dIndex'}, [ [['9', 'd/0'], {d: {e: {f: '9'}}}], ]); await rep.dropIndex('dIndex');
await add({ 'e/0': {'': ''}, }); await rep.createIndex({name: 'emptyKeyIndex', jsonPointer: '/'}); await testScanResult(rep, {indexName: 'emptyKeyIndex'}, [ [['', 'e/0'], {'': ''}], ]); await rep.dropIndex('emptyKeyIndex');});
test('index array', async () => { const rep = await replicacheForTesting('test-index', {mutators: {addData}});
const add = rep.mutate.addData; await add({ 'a/0': {a: []}, 'a/1': {a: ['0']}, 'a/2': {a: ['1', '2']}, 'a/3': {a: '3'}, 'a/4': {a: ['4']}, 'b/0': {bc: '5'}, 'b/1': {bc: '6'}, 'b/2': {bc: '7'}, 'c/0': {bc: '8'}, });
await rep.createIndex({name: 'aIndex', jsonPointer: '/a'}); await testScanResult(rep, {indexName: 'aIndex'}, [ [['0', 'a/1'], {a: ['0']}], [['1', 'a/2'], {a: ['1', '2']}], [['2', 'a/2'], {a: ['1', '2']}], [['3', 'a/3'], {a: '3'}], [['4', 'a/4'], {a: ['4']}], ]); await rep.dropIndex('aIndex');});
test('index scan start', async () => { const rep = await replicacheForTesting('test-index-scan', { mutators: {addData}, });
const add = rep.mutate.addData; await add({ 'a/1': {a: '0'}, 'b/0': {b: 'a5'}, 'b/1': {b: 'a6'}, 'b/2': {b: 'b7'}, 'b/3': {b: 'b8'}, });
await rep.createIndex({ name: 'bIndex', jsonPointer: '/b', });
for (const key of ['a6', ['a6'], ['a6', undefined], ['a6', '']] as ( | string | [string, string?] )[]) { await testScanResult(rep, {indexName: 'bIndex', start: {key}}, [ [['a6', 'b/1'], {b: 'a6'}], [['b7', 'b/2'], {b: 'b7'}], [['b8', 'b/3'], {b: 'b8'}], ]); await testScanResult( rep, {indexName: 'bIndex', start: {key, exclusive: false}}, [ [['a6', 'b/1'], {b: 'a6'}], [['b7', 'b/2'], {b: 'b7'}], [['b8', 'b/3'], {b: 'b8'}], ], ); }
for (const key of ['a6', ['a6'], ['a6', undefined]] as ( | string | [string, string?] )[]) { await testScanResult( rep, {indexName: 'bIndex', start: {key, exclusive: false}}, [ [['a6', 'b/1'], {b: 'a6'}], [['b7', 'b/2'], {b: 'b7'}], [['b8', 'b/3'], {b: 'b8'}], ], ); await testScanResult( rep, {indexName: 'bIndex', start: {key: ['a6', ''], exclusive: true}}, [ [['a6', 'b/1'], {b: 'a6'}], [['b7', 'b/2'], {b: 'b7'}], [['b8', 'b/3'], {b: 'b8'}], ], ); }
for (const key of ['a6', ['a6'], ['a6', undefined]] as ( | string | [string, string?] )[]) { await testScanResult( rep, {indexName: 'bIndex', start: {key, exclusive: true}}, [ [['b7', 'b/2'], {b: 'b7'}], [['b8', 'b/3'], {b: 'b8'}], ], ); }
await testScanResult( rep, {indexName: 'bIndex', start: {key: ['b7', 'b/2']}}, [ [['b7', 'b/2'], {b: 'b7'}], [['b8', 'b/3'], {b: 'b8'}], ], ); await testScanResult( rep, {indexName: 'bIndex', start: {key: ['b7', 'b/2'], exclusive: false}}, [ [['b7', 'b/2'], {b: 'b7'}], [['b8', 'b/3'], {b: 'b8'}], ], ); await testScanResult( rep, {indexName: 'bIndex', start: {key: ['b7', 'b/2'], exclusive: true}}, [[['b8', 'b/3'], {b: 'b8'}]], );
await testScanResult( rep, {indexName: 'bIndex', start: {key: ['a6', 'b/2']}}, [ [['b7', 'b/2'], {b: 'b7'}], [['b8', 'b/3'], {b: 'b8'}], ], ); await testScanResult( rep, {indexName: 'bIndex', start: {key: ['a6', 'b/2'], exclusive: false}}, [ [['b7', 'b/2'], {b: 'b7'}], [['b8', 'b/3'], {b: 'b8'}], ], ); await testScanResult( rep, {indexName: 'bIndex', start: {key: ['a6', 'b/2'], exclusive: true}}, [ [['b7', 'b/2'], {b: 'b7'}], [['b8', 'b/3'], {b: 'b8'}], ], );
await rep.dropIndex('bIndex');});
test('logLevel', async () => { const info = sinon.stub(console, 'info'); const debug = sinon.stub(console, 'debug');
// Just testing that we get some output let rep = await replicacheForTesting('log-level', {logLevel: 'error'}); await rep.query(() => 42); expect(info.callCount).to.equal(0); await rep.close();
info.reset(); debug.reset(); await tickAFewTimes(10, 100);
rep = await replicacheForTesting('log-level', {logLevel: 'info'}); await rep.query(() => 42); expect(info.callCount).to.equal(2 /* licensing log lines */); expect(debug.callCount).to.equal(0); await rep.close();
info.reset(); debug.reset(); await tickAFewTimes(10, 100);
rep = await replicacheForTesting('log-level', {logLevel: 'debug'});
await rep.query(() => 42); expect(info.callCount).to.equal(2 /* licensing log lines */); expect(debug.callCount);
expect( debug.getCalls().some(call => call.firstArg.startsWith(`name=${}`)), ).to.equal(true); expect( debug .getCalls() .some(call => call.args.length > 0 && call.args[1].endsWith('PULL')), ).to.equal(true); expect( debug .getCalls() .some(call => call.args.length > 0 && call.args[1].endsWith('PUSH')), ).to.equal(true);
await rep.close();});
test('logSinks length 0', async () => { const infoStub = sinon.stub(console, 'info'); const debugStub = sinon.stub(console, 'debug'); const expectNoLogsToConsole = () => { expect(infoStub.callCount).to.equal(0); expect(debugStub.callCount).to.equal(0); };
const resetLogCounts = () => { infoStub.reset(); debugStub.reset(); };
resetLogCounts(); let rep = await replicacheForTesting('logSinks-0', { logLevel: 'info', logSinks: [], }); await rep.query(() => 42); expectNoLogsToConsole(); await rep.close(); rep = await replicacheForTesting('logSinks-0', { logLevel: 'debug', logSinks: [], }); await rep.query(() => 42); expectNoLogsToConsole(); await rep.close();});
test('logSinks length 1', async () => { const infoStub = sinon.stub(console, 'info'); const debugStub = sinon.stub(console, 'debug'); const expectNoLogsToConsole = () => { expect(infoStub.callCount).to.equal(0); expect(debugStub.callCount).to.equal(0); };
const initLogCounts = () => ({ info: 0, debug: 0, error: 0, }); let logCounts: Record<LogLevel, number> = initLogCounts(); const resetLogCounts = () => { logCounts = initLogCounts(); infoStub.reset(); debugStub.reset(); };
const logSink = { log: (level: LogLevel, ..._args: unknown[]) => { logCounts[level]++; }, }; resetLogCounts(); let rep = await replicacheForTesting('logSinks-1', { logLevel: 'info', logSinks: [logSink], }); await rep.query(() => 42); expect(; expect(logCounts.debug).to.equal(0); expectNoLogsToConsole(); await rep.close();
logCounts = initLogCounts(); rep = await replicacheForTesting('logSinks-1', { logLevel: 'debug', logSinks: [logSink], }); await rep.query(() => 42); expect(; expect(logCounts.debug); expectNoLogsToConsole(); await rep.close();});
test('logSinks length 3', async () => { const infoStub = sinon.stub(console, 'info'); const debugStub = sinon.stub(console, 'debug'); const expectNoLogsToConsole = () => { expect(infoStub.callCount).to.equal(0); expect(debugStub.callCount).to.equal(0); };
const initLogCounts = () => Array.from({length: 3}, () => ({ info: 0, debug: 0, error: 0, })); let logCounts: Record<LogLevel, number>[] = initLogCounts(); const resetLogCounts = () => { logCounts = initLogCounts(); infoStub.reset(); debugStub.reset(); };
const logSinks = Array.from({length: 3}, (_, i) => ({ log: (level: LogLevel, ..._args: unknown[]) => { logCounts[i][level]++; }, })); resetLogCounts(); let rep = await replicacheForTesting('log-level', { logLevel: 'info', logSinks, }); await rep.query(() => 42); for (const counts of logCounts) { expect(; expect(counts.debug).to.equal(0); } expectNoLogsToConsole(); await rep.close();
logCounts = initLogCounts(); rep = await replicacheForTesting('log-level', { logLevel: 'debug', logSinks, }); await rep.query(() => 42); for (const counts of logCounts) { expect(; expect(; } expectNoLogsToConsole(); await rep.close();});
test('mem store', async () => { let rep = await replicacheForTesting('mem', { mutators: {addData}, }); const add = rep.mutate.addData; await add({a: 42}); expect(await rep.query(tx => tx.get('a'))).to.equal(42); await rep.close();
// Open again and test that we lost the data rep = await replicacheForTesting('mem'); expect(await rep.query(tx => tx.get('a'))).to.equal(undefined);});
test('isEmpty', async () => { const rep = await replicacheForTesting('test-is-empty', { mutators: { addData, del: (tx: WriteTransaction, key: string) => tx.del(key), mut: async tx => { expect(await tx.isEmpty()).to.equal(false);
await tx.del('c'); expect(await tx.isEmpty()).to.equal(false);
await tx.del('a'); expect(await tx.isEmpty()).to.equal(true);
await tx.put('d', 4); expect(await tx.isEmpty()).to.equal(false); }, }, }); const {addData: add, del, mut} = rep.mutate;
async function t(expected: boolean) { expect(await rep?.query(tx => tx.isEmpty())).to.equal(expected); }
await t(true);
await add({a: 1}); await t(false);
await add({b: 2, c: 3}); await t(false);
await del('b'); await t(false);
await mut();
await t(false);});
test('onSync', async () => { const pullURL = ''; const pushURL = '';
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('onSync', { pullURL, pushURL, pushDelay: 5, mutators: {addData}, }); const add = rep.mutate.addData;
const onSync = sinon.fake(); rep.onSync = onSync;
fetchMock.postOnce(pullURL, { cookie: '', lastMutationID: 2, patch: [], }); rep.pull(); await tickAFewTimes(15);
expect(onSync.callCount).to.equal(2); expect(onSync.getCall(0).args[0]); expect(onSync.getCall(1).args[0]);
onSync.resetHistory(); fetchMock.postOnce(pushURL, {}); await add({a: 'a'}); await tickAFewTimes();
expect(onSync.callCount).to.equal(2); expect(onSync.getCall(0).args[0]); expect(onSync.getCall(1).args[0]);
fetchMock.postOnce(pushURL, {}); onSync.resetHistory(); await add({b: 'b'}); await tickAFewTimes(); expect(onSync.callCount).to.equal(2); expect(onSync.getCall(0).args[0]); expect(onSync.getCall(1).args[0]);
{ // Try with reauth const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error'); fetchMock.postOnce(pushURL, {body: 'xxx', status: httpStatusUnauthorized}); onSync.resetHistory(); rep.getAuth = () => { // Next time it is going to be fine fetchMock.postOnce({url: pushURL, headers: {authorization: 'ok'}}, {}); return 'ok'; };
await add({c: 'c'});
await tickUntil(() => onSync.callCount >= 4);
expectConsoleLogContextStub(, consoleErrorStub.firstCall, 'Got error response from server ( doing push: 401: xxx', );
expect(onSync.callCount).to.equal(4); expect(onSync.getCall(0).args[0]); expect(onSync.getCall(1).args[0]); expect(onSync.getCall(2).args[0]); expect(onSync.getCall(3).args[0]); }
rep.onSync = null; onSync.resetHistory(); fetchMock.postOnce(pushURL, {}); expect(onSync.callCount).to.equal(0);});
test('push timing', async () => { const pushURL = ''; const pushDelay = 5;
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('push-timing', { pushURL, pushDelay, mutators: {addData}, });
const invokePushSpy = sinon.spy(rep, 'invokePush');
const add = rep.mutate.addData;, {}); await add({a: 0}); await tickAFewTimes();
const pushCallCount = () => { const rv = invokePushSpy.callCount; invokePushSpy.resetHistory(); return rv; };
// This will schedule push in pushDelay ms await add({a: 1}); await add({b: 2}); await add({c: 3}); await add({d: 4});
await clock.tickAsync(pushDelay + 10);
const p1 = add({e: 5}); const p2 = add({f: 6}); const p3 = add({g: 7});
await tickAFewTimes(); await p1; expect(pushCallCount()).to.equal(1); await tickAFewTimes(); await p2; expect(pushCallCount()).to.equal(0); await tickAFewTimes(); await p3; expect(pushCallCount()).to.equal(0);});
test('push and pull concurrently', async () => { const pushURL = ''; const pullURL = '';
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('concurrently', { pullURL, pushURL, pushDelay: 10, mutators: {addData}, });
const beginPullSpy = sinon.spy(rep, 'beginPull'); const commitSpy = sinon.spy(db.Write.prototype, 'commitWithChangedKeys'); const invokePushSpy = sinon.spy(rep, 'invokePush'); const putSpy = sinon.spy(WriteTransactionImpl.prototype, 'put');
function resetSpies() { beginPullSpy.resetHistory(); commitSpy.resetHistory(); invokePushSpy.resetHistory(); putSpy.resetHistory(); }
const callCounts = () => { const rv = { beginPull: beginPullSpy.callCount, commit: commitSpy.callCount, invokePush: invokePushSpy.callCount, put: putSpy.callCount, }; resetSpies(); return rv; };
const add = rep.mutate.addData;
const requests: string[] = [];, async () => { requests.push(pushURL); return {}; });, () => { requests.push(pullURL); return {lastMutationID: 0, patch: []}; });
await add({a: 0}); resetSpies();
await add({b: 1}); rep.pull();
await clock.tickAsync(10);
// Only one push at a time but we want push and pull to be concurrent. expect(callCounts()).to.deep.equal({ beginPull: 1, commit: 1, invokePush: 1, put: 1, });
await tickAFewTimes();
expect(requests).to.deep.equal([pullURL, pushURL]);
await tickAFewTimes();
expect(requests).to.deep.equal([pullURL, pushURL]);
expect(callCounts()).to.deep.equal({ beginPull: 0, commit: 0, invokePush: 0, put: 0, });});
test('schemaVersion pull', async () => { const schemaVersion = 'testing-pull';
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('schema-version-pull', { schemaVersion, });
rep.pull(); await tickAFewTimes();
const req = await fetchMock.lastCall().request.json(); expect(req.schemaVersion).to.deep.equal(schemaVersion);});
test('schemaVersion push', async () => { const pushURL = ''; const schemaVersion = 'testing-push';
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('schema-version-push', { pushURL, schemaVersion, pushDelay: 1, mutators: {addData}, });
const add = rep.mutate.addData; await add({a: 1});, {}); await tickAFewTimes();
const req = await fetchMock.lastCall().request.json(); expect(req.schemaVersion).to.deep.equal(schemaVersion);});
test('clientID', async () => { const re = /^[0-9:A-z]{8}-[0-9:A-z]{4}-4[0-9:A-z]{3}-[0-9:A-z]{4}-[0-9:A-z]{12}$/;
let rep = await replicacheForTesting('clientID'); const clientID = await rep.clientID; expect(clientID).to.match(re); await rep.close();
const rep2 = await replicacheForTesting('clientID2'); const clientID2 = await rep2.clientID; expect(clientID2).to.match(re); expect(clientID2).to.not.equal(clientID);
rep = await replicacheForTesting('clientID'); const clientID3 = await rep.clientID; expect(clientID3).to.match(re); // With SDD we never reuse client IDs. expect(clientID3).to.not.equal(clientID);
const rep4 = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: 'clientID4', pullInterval: null, }); const clientID4 = await rep4.clientID; expect(clientID4).to.match(re); await rep4.close();});
test('profileID', async () => { const re = /^p.+/; // More specific re tested in IdbDatabase.test.ts.
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('clientID'); const profileID = await rep.profileID; expect(profileID).to.not.equal(await rep.clientID); expect(profileID).to.match(re); await rep.close();
const rep2 = await replicacheForTesting('clientID2'); const profileID2 = await rep2.profileID; expect(profileID2).to.equal(profileID);
const rep3 = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: 'clientID3', }); const profileID3 = await rep3.profileID; expect(profileID3).to.equal(profileID); await rep3.close();});
test('pull and index update', async () => { const pullURL = ''; const rep = await replicacheForTesting('pull-and-index-update', { pullURL, });
const indexName = 'idx1'; let lastMutationID = 0;
async function testPull(opt: { patch: PatchOperation[]; expectedResult: JSONValue; }) { let pullDone = false;, () => { pullDone = true; return { lastMutationID: lastMutationID++, patch: opt.patch, }; });
await tickUntil(() => pullDone); await tickAFewTimes();
const actualResult = await rep.query(tx => tx.scan({indexName}).entries().toArray(), ); expect(actualResult).to.deep.equal(opt.expectedResult); }
await rep.createIndex({name: indexName, jsonPointer: '/id'});
await testPull({patch: [], expectedResult: []});
await testPull({ patch: [ { op: 'put', key: 'a1', value: {id: 'a-1', x: 1}, }, ], expectedResult: [ [ ['a-1', 'a1'], { id: 'a-1', x: 1, }, ], ], });
// Change value for existing key await testPull({ patch: [ { op: 'put', key: 'a1', value: {id: 'a-1', x: 2}, }, ], expectedResult: [ [ ['a-1', 'a1'], { id: 'a-1', x: 2, }, ], ], });
// Del await testPull({ patch: [ { op: 'del', key: 'a1', }, ], expectedResult: [], });});
async function tickUntilTimeIs(time: number, tick = 10) { while ( < time) { await clock.tickAsync(tick); }}
test('pull mutate options', async () => { const pullURL = ''; const rep = await replicacheForTesting('pull-mutate-options', { pullURL, });
const log: number[] = [];, () => { log.push(; return { cookie: '', lastMutationID: 2, patch: [], }; });
await tickUntilTimeIs(1000);
while ( < 1150) { rep.pull(); await clock.tickAsync(10); }
rep.requestOptions.minDelayMs = 500;
while ( < 2000) { rep.pull(); await clock.tickAsync(100); }
rep.requestOptions.minDelayMs = 25;
while ( < 2500) { rep.pull(); await clock.tickAsync(5); }
expect(log).to.deep.equal([ 1000, 1030, 1060, 1090, 1120, 1150, 1180, 1680, 2180, 2205, 2230, 2255, 2280, 2305, 2330, 2355, 2380, 2405, 2430, 2455, 2480, ]);});
test('online', async () => { const pushURL = ''; const rep = await replicacheForTesting('online', { pushURL, pushDelay: 0, mutators: {addData}, });
const log: boolean[] = []; rep.onOnlineChange = b => { log.push(b); };
const consoleInfoStub = sinon.stub(console, 'info');, async () => { await sleep(10); return {throws: new Error('Simulate fetch error in push')}; });
expect(; expect(log).to.deep.equal([]);
await rep.mutate.addData({a: 0});
await tickAFewTimes();
expect(; expect(consoleInfoStub.callCount); expect(log).to.deep.equal([false]);
consoleInfoStub.resetHistory();, {}); await rep.mutate.addData({a: 1});
await tickAFewTimes(20);
expect(consoleInfoStub.callCount).to.equal(0); expect(; expect(log).to.deep.equal([false, true]);});
type LicenseKeyCheckTestCase = { licenseKey: string; enableLicensing?: boolean; // default true mockFetchParams: object | undefined; expectValid: boolean; expectDisable: boolean; expectFetchCalled: boolean;};
// TODO(phritz) ick, export these urls from the licensing client.const statusUrlMatcher = new RegExp( `${PROD_LICENSE_SERVER_URL}${LICENSE_STATUS_PATH.slice(1)}`,);const activeUrlMatcher = new RegExp( `${PROD_LICENSE_SERVER_URL}${LICENSE_ACTIVE_PATH.slice(1)}`,);
async function licenseKeyCheckTest(tc: LicenseKeyCheckTestCase) { const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error'); const name = 'license-key-test'; fetchMock.reset();, 200); if (tc.expectFetchCalled) { fetchMock.postOnce(statusUrlMatcher, tc.mockFetchParams); } fetchMock.catch();
const rep = await replicacheForTesting( name, tc.enableLicensing !== undefined ? { licenseKey: tc.licenseKey, enableLicensing: tc.enableLicensing, } : {licenseKey: tc.licenseKey}, );
expect(await rep.licenseValid()).to.equal(tc.expectValid); if (tc.expectDisable) { expect(rep.closed); expect(consoleErrorStub.lastCall.args[1]).to.match(/REPLICACHE DISABLED/); } else { expect(rep.closed); } if (!tc.expectValid) { expect(consoleErrorStub.getCall(0).args[1]).to.match( /REPLICACHE LICENSE NOT VALID/, ); } expect(fetchMock.called(statusUrlMatcher)).to.equal(tc.expectFetchCalled);
await rep.close();}
test('empty licensing key is not valid and does not send status check', async () => { await licenseKeyCheckTest({ licenseKey: '', mockFetchParams: undefined, expectValid: false, expectDisable: true, expectFetchCalled: false, });});
test('test licensing key is valid and does not send status check', async () => { await licenseKeyCheckTest({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, mockFetchParams: undefined, expectValid: true, expectDisable: false, expectFetchCalled: false, });});
test('test when internal option enableLicensing is false any key is valid and does not send status check', async () => { await licenseKeyCheckTest({ licenseKey: 'any-random-key', enableLicensing: false, mockFetchParams: undefined, expectValid: true, expectDisable: false, expectFetchCalled: false, });});
test('licensing key is valid if check returns valid', async () => { await licenseKeyCheckTest({ licenseKey: 'l123validkey', mockFetchParams: { body: { status: LicenseStatus.Valid, disable: false, pleaseUpdate: false, }, }, expectValid: true, expectDisable: false, expectFetchCalled: true, });});
test('licensing key is not valid if check returns invalid', async () => { await licenseKeyCheckTest({ licenseKey: 'l123keyreturnsINVALID', mockFetchParams: { body: { status: LicenseStatus.Invalid, disable: false, pleaseUpdate: false, }, }, expectValid: false, expectDisable: false, expectFetchCalled: true, });});
test('Replicache is disabled if check returns disable', async () => { await licenseKeyCheckTest({ licenseKey: 'l123keyreturnsINVALID', mockFetchParams: { body: { status: LicenseStatus.Invalid, disable: true, pleaseUpdate: false, }, }, expectValid: false, expectDisable: true, expectFetchCalled: true, });});
test('licensing key is valid if check throws', async () => { await licenseKeyCheckTest({ licenseKey: 'l123keythrows', mockFetchParams: { throws: new Error('kaboom (this is a fake error in a test)'), }, expectValid: true, expectDisable: false, expectFetchCalled: true, });});
test('licensing key is valid if check returns non-200', async () => { await licenseKeyCheckTest({ licenseKey: 'lkeyreturns500', mockFetchParams: { status: 500, }, expectValid: true, expectDisable: false, expectFetchCalled: true, });});
type LicenseActiveTestCase = { licenseKey: string | undefined; enableLicensing?: boolean; // default true mockFetchParams: object | undefined; expectActive: boolean; expectFetchCalled: boolean;};
async function licenseActiveTest(tc: LicenseActiveTestCase) { // Silence console.error sinon.stub(console, 'error'); // TODO: assert we are getting the correct logs
fetchMock.reset(); statusUrlMatcher, '{"status": "VALID", "disable": false, "pleaseUpdate": false}', ); if (tc.expectFetchCalled) { fetchMock.postOnce(activeUrlMatcher, tc.mockFetchParams); } fetchMock.catch(); const rep = await replicacheForTesting( 'license-active-test', tc.enableLicensing !== undefined ? { licenseKey: tc.licenseKey, enableLicensing: tc.enableLicensing, } : {licenseKey: tc.licenseKey}, ); const licenseActive = await rep.licenseActive(); expect(licenseActive).to.equal(tc.expectActive); expect(fetchMock.called(activeUrlMatcher)).to.equal(tc.expectFetchCalled); if (tc.expectFetchCalled && fetchMock.called(activeUrlMatcher)) { const got = JSON.parse(fetchMock.lastCall(activeUrlMatcher)[1].body); const {licenseKey, profileID} = got; expect(licenseKey).to.equal(tc.licenseKey); expect(profileID).to.equal(await rep.profileID); } // TODO(phritz) Should we test that it gets called repeatedly? await rep.close();}
test('no licensing key is not active and does not send active pings', async () => { await licenseActiveTest({ licenseKey: undefined, mockFetchParams: undefined, expectActive: false, expectFetchCalled: false, });});
test('test licensing key is not active and does not send active pings', async () => { await licenseActiveTest({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, mockFetchParams: undefined, expectActive: false, expectFetchCalled: false, });});
test('test when internal option enableLicensing is false any licensing key is not active and does not send active pings', async () => { await licenseActiveTest({ licenseKey: 'any-random-key', enableLicensing: false, mockFetchParams: undefined, expectActive: false, expectFetchCalled: false, });});
test('a non-empty, non-test licensing key is active and does send active pings', async () => { await licenseActiveTest({ licenseKey: 'l123validkey', mockFetchParams: { status: 200, body: '{}', }, expectActive: true, expectFetchCalled: true, });});
test('overlapping open/close', async () => { const pullInterval = 60_000; const name = 'overlapping-open-close';
const rep = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name, pullInterval, }); const p = rep.close();
const rep2 = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name, pullInterval, }); const p2 = rep2.close();
const rep3 = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name, pullInterval, }); const p3 = rep3.close();
await p; await p2; await p3;
{ const rep = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name, pullInterval, }); await rep.clientID; const p = rep.close(); const rep2 = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name, pullInterval, }); await rep2.clientID; const p2 = rep2.close(); await p; await p2; }});
test('experiment KV Store', async () => { const store = new MemStoreWithCounters(); const rep = await replicacheForTesting('experiment-kv-store', { experimentalKVStore: store, mutators: {addData}, });
expect(store.readCount).to.equal(3, 'readCount'); expect(store.writeCount).to.equal(1, 'writeCount'); expect(store.closeCount).to.equal(0, 'closeCount'); store.resetCounters();
const b = await rep.query(tx => tx.has('foo')); expect(b);
expect(store.readCount).to.equal(1, 'readCount'); expect(store.writeCount).to.equal(0, 'writeCount'); expect(store.closeCount).to.equal(0, 'closeCount'); store.resetCounters();
await rep.mutate.addData({foo: 'bar'}); expect(store.readCount).to.equal(0, 'readCount'); expect(store.writeCount).to.equal(0, 'writeCount'); expect(store.closeCount).to.equal(0, 'closeCount'); store.resetCounters();
await rep.persist(); expect(store.readCount).to.equal(2, 'readCount'); expect(store.writeCount).to.equal(1, 'writeCount'); expect(store.closeCount).to.equal(0, 'closeCount'); store.resetCounters();
await rep.close(); expect(store.readCount).to.equal(0, 'readCount'); expect(store.writeCount).to.equal(0, 'writeCount'); expect(store.closeCount).to.equal(1, 'closeCount');});
function findPropertyValue( obj: unknown, propertyName: string, propertyValue: unknown,): unknown | undefined { if (typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null) { const rec = obj as Record<string, unknown>; if (rec[propertyName] === propertyValue) { return rec; }
let values: Iterable<unknown>; if (obj instanceof Set || obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof Array) { values = obj.values(); } else { values = Object.values(rec); } for (const v of values) { const r = findPropertyValue(v, propertyName, propertyValue); if (r) { return r; } } } return undefined;}
test('mutate args in mutation', async () => { // This tests that mutating the args in a mutation does not mutate the args we // store in the kv.Store. const store = new TestMemStore(); const rep = await replicacheForTesting('mutate-args-in-mutation', { experimentalKVStore: store, mutators: { async mutArgs(tx, args: {v: number}) { args.v = 42; await tx.put('v', args.v); }, }, });
await rep.mutate.mutArgs({v: 1});
// Safari does not have requestIdleTimeout so it waits for a second. await clock.tickAsync(1000);
const o = findPropertyValue(, 'mutatorName', 'mutArgs'); expect((o as {mutatorArgsJSON?: unknown}).mutatorArgsJSON).to.deep.equal({ v: 1, });});
test('client ID is set correctly on transactions', async () => { const rep = await replicacheForTesting( 'client-id-is-set-correctly-on-transactions', { mutators: { async expectClientID(tx, expectedClientID: string) { expect(tx.clientID).to.equal(expectedClientID); }, }, }, );
const repClientID = await rep.clientID;
await rep.query(tx => { expect(tx.clientID).to.equal(repClientID); });
await rep.mutate.expectClientID(repClientID);});
test('mutation timestamps are immutable', async () => { let pending: Mutation[] = []; const rep = await replicacheForTesting('mutation-timestamps-are-immutable', { mutators: { foo: async (tx, _: JSONValue) => { await tx.put('foo', 'bar'); }, }, pusher: async (req: Request) => { const parsed = await req.json(); pending = parsed.mutations as Mutation[]; return { errorMessage: '', httpStatusCode: 200, }; }, });
// Create a mutation and verify it has been assigned current time. await; await rep.invokePush(); expect(pending).deep.equal([ { id: 1, name: 'foo', args: null, timestamp: 100, }, ]);
// Move clock forward, then cause a rebase, the pending mutation will // replay internally. pending = []; await tickAFewTimes();
await rep.poke({ baseCookie: null, pullResponse: { lastMutationID: 0, patch: [ { op: 'put', key: 'hot', value: 'dog', }, ], cookie: 1, }, });
// Verify rebase did occur by checking for the new value. const val = await rep.query(async tx => await tx.get('hot')); expect(val).equal('dog');
// Check that mutation timestamp did not change await rep.invokePush(); expect(pending).deep.equal([ { id: 1, name: 'foo', args: null, timestamp: 100, }, ]);});
// Define this here to prevent issues with building docstype DocumentVisibilityState = 'hidden' | 'visible';
suite('check for client not found in visibilitychange', () => { const t = (visibilityState: DocumentVisibilityState, called: boolean) => { test('visibilityState: ' + visibilityState, async () => { const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error'); sinon.stub(document, 'visibilityState').get(() => visibilityState);
const rep = await replicacheForTesting( `check-for-client-not-found-in-visibilitychange-${visibilityState}`, );
const onClientStateNotFound = sinon.fake(); rep.onClientStateNotFound = onClientStateNotFound;
const clientID = await rep.clientID; await deleteClientForTesting(clientID, rep.perdag);
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('visibilitychange'));
await tickAFewTimes();
expect(onClientStateNotFound.called).to.equal(called); if (called) { expectLogContext( consoleErrorStub, 0, rep, `Client state not found, clientID: ${clientID}`, ); }
await rep.close(); }); };
t('hidden', false); t('visible', true);});
test('scan in write transaction', async () => { let x = 0; const rep = await replicacheForTesting('scan-before-commit', { mutators: { async test(tx, v: number) { await tx.put('a', v); expect(await tx.scan().toArray()).to.deep.equal([v]); x++; }, }, });
await rep.mutate.test(42);