

Realtime Sync for Any Backend Stack
import {Replicache} from './replicache';import type {WriteTransaction} from './transactions';import {TEST_LICENSE_KEY} from '@rocicorp/licensing/src/client';import type {IndexKey} from './db/index.js';
function use(..._args: unknown[]) { // do nothing}
// Only used for type checkingtest.skip('mutator optional args [type checking only]', async () => { const rep = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: 'test-types', mutators: { mut: async (tx: WriteTransaction, x: number) => { use(tx); return x; }, mut2: (tx: WriteTransaction, x: string) => { use(tx); return x; }, mut3: tx => { use(tx); }, mut4: async tx => { use(tx); }, }, });
const {mut, mut2, mut3, mut4} = rep.mutate; const res: number = await mut(42); use(res);
const res2: string = await mut2('s'); use(res2);
await mut3(); // @ts-expect-error: Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.ts(2554) await mut3(42); // @ts-expect-error: Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'number'.ts(2322) const res3: number = await mut3(); use(res3);
await mut4(); // @ts-expect-error: Expected 0 arguments, but got 1.ts(2554) await mut4(42); // @ts-expect-error: Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'number'.ts(2322) const res4: number = await mut4(); use(res4);
// This should be an error! // new Replicache({name: 'test-types-2', { // mutators: { // // @ts-expect-error symbol is not a JSONValue // mut5: (tx: WriteTransaction, x: symbol) => { // use(tx, x); // return 42; // }, // }, // });});
// Only used for type checkingtest.skip('Test partial JSONObject [type checking only]', async () => { const rep = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: 'test-types', mutators: { mut: async (tx: WriteTransaction, todo: Partial<Todo>) => { use(tx); return todo; }, }, });
type Todo = {id: number; text: string};
const {mut} = rep.mutate; await mut({}); await mut({id: 42}); await mut({text: 'abc'});
// @ts-expect-error Type '42' has no properties in common with type 'Partial<Todo>'.ts(2559) await mut(42); // @ts-expect-error Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number | undefined'.ts(2322) await mut({id: 'abc'});});
// Only used for type checkingtest.skip('Test register param [type checking only]', async () => { const rep = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: 'test-types', mutators: { mut: async (tx: WriteTransaction) => { use(tx); }, mut2: async (tx: WriteTransaction, x: string) => { use(tx, x); }, mut3: async (tx: WriteTransaction, x: string) => { use(tx, x); }, mut4: async (tx: WriteTransaction) => { use(tx); }, }, });
/* eslint-disable prefer-destructuring */ const mut: () => Promise<void> = rep.mutate.mut; use(mut);
// @ts-expect-error Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2322) const mut2: (x: number) => Promise<void> = rep.mutate.mut2; use(mut2);
// @ts-expect-error Type '(args: string) => Promise<void>' is not assignable to type '() => Promise<void>'.ts(2322) const mut3: () => Promise<void> = rep.mutate.mut3; use(mut3);
// This is fine according to the rules of JS/TS const mut4: (x: number) => Promise<void> = rep.mutate.mut4; use(mut4); /* eslint-enable prefer-destructuring */
new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: 'test-types', mutators: { // @ts-expect-error Type '(tx: WriteTransaction, a: string, b: number) => // Promise<void>' is not assignable to type '(tx: WriteTransaction, // args?: any) => MaybePromise<void | JSONValue>'.ts(2322) mut5: async (tx: WriteTransaction, a: string, b: number) => { use(tx, a, b); }, }, });});
// Only used for type checkingtest.skip('Key type for scans [type checking only]', async () => { const rep = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: 'test-types', });
await rep.query(async tx => { for await (const k of tx.scan({indexName: 'n'}).keys()) { // @ts-expect-error Type '[secondary: string, primary?: string | undefined]' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2322) const k2: string = k; use(k2); }
for await (const k of tx.scan({indexName: 'n', start: {key: 's'}}).keys()) { // @ts-expect-error Type '[secondary: string, primary?: string | undefined]' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2322) const k2: string = k; use(k2); }
for await (const k of tx .scan({indexName: 'n', start: {key: ['s']}}) .keys()) { // @ts-expect-error Type '[secondary: string, primary?: string | undefined]' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2322) const k2: string = k; use(k2); }
for await (const k of tx.scan({start: {key: 'p'}}).keys()) { // @ts-expect-error Type 'string' is not assignable to type '[string]'.ts(2322) const k2: [string] = k; use(k2); }
// @ts-expect-error Type 'number' is not assignable to type 'string | undefined'.ts(2322) tx.scan({indexName: 'n', start: {key: ['s', 42]}});
// @ts-expect-error Type '[string]' is not assignable to type 'string'.ts(2322) tx.scan({start: {key: ['s']}}); });});
// Only used for type checkingtest.skip('mut [type checking only]', async () => { type CustomType = { n: number; s: string; };
interface CustomInterface { n: number; s: string; }
type ToRecord<T> = {[P in keyof T]: T[P]};
const rep = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: 'type-checking-only', mutators: { a: (tx: WriteTransaction) => { use(tx); return 42; }, b: (tx: WriteTransaction, x: number) => { use(tx, x); return 'hi'; },
// Return void c: (tx: WriteTransaction) => { use(tx); }, d: (tx: WriteTransaction, x: number) => { use(tx, x); },
e: async (tx: WriteTransaction) => { use(tx); return 42; }, f: async (tx: WriteTransaction, x: number) => { use(tx, x); return 'hi'; },
// Return void g: async (tx: WriteTransaction) => { use(tx); }, h: async (tx: WriteTransaction, x: number) => { use(tx, x); },
// // This should be flagged as an error but I need to use `any` for the // // arg since I need covariance and TS uses contravariance here. // // @ts-expect-error XXX // i: (tx: WriteTransaction, d: Date) => // {use(tx, d); // },
j: async (tx: WriteTransaction, custom: CustomType) => { use(tx, custom); custom.n as number; custom.s as string; // @ts-expect-error xxx custom.n as boolean;
await tx.put('c', custom); },
k: async (tx: WriteTransaction, custom: CustomInterface) => { use(tx, custom); custom.n as number; custom.s as string; // @ts-expect-error xxx custom.n as boolean;
// @ts-expect-error Index signature is missing in type 'CustomInterface' await tx.put('c', custom); },
l: async (tx: WriteTransaction, custom: ToRecord<CustomInterface>) => { use(tx, custom); custom.n as number; custom.s as string; // @ts-expect-error xxx custom.n as boolean;
await tx.put('c', custom); }, }, });
rep.mutate.a() as Promise<number>; rep.mutate.b(4) as Promise<string>;
rep.mutate.c() as Promise<void>; rep.mutate.d(2) as Promise<void>;
rep.mutate.e() as Promise<number>; rep.mutate.f(4) as Promise<string>;
rep.mutate.g() as Promise<void>; rep.mutate.h(2) as Promise<void>;
// @ts-expect-error Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.ts(2554) await rep.mutate.b(); //@ts-expect-error Argument of type 'null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.ts(2345) await rep.mutate.b(null);
// @ts-expect-error Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.ts(2554) await rep.mutate.d(); //@ts-expect-error Argument of type 'null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.ts(2345) await rep.mutate.d(null);
// @ts-expect-error Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.ts(2554) await rep.mutate.f(); //@ts-expect-error Argument of type 'null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.ts(2345) await rep.mutate.f(null);
// @ts-expect-error Expected 1 arguments, but got 0.ts(2554) await rep.mutate.h(); // @ts-expect-error Argument of type 'null' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.ts(2345) await rep.mutate.h(null);
{ const rep = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: 'type-checking-only', mutators: {}, }); // @ts-expect-error Property 'abc' does not exist on type 'MakeMutators<{}>'.ts(2339); }
{ const rep = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: 'type-checking-only', }); // @ts-expect-error Property 'abc' does not exist on type 'MakeMutators<{}>'.ts(2339), 2, 3); }
{ const rep = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: 'type-checking-only', }); // @ts-expect-error Property 'abc' does not exist on type 'MakeMutators<{}>'.ts(2339), 2, 3); }});
// Only used for type checkingtest.skip('scan with index [type checking only]', async () => { const rep = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: 'scan-with-index', });
await rep.query(async tx => { (await tx.scan({indexName: 'a'}).keys().toArray()) as [ secondary: string, primary: string, ][];
let indexKeys: IndexKey[] = await tx .scan({indexName: 'a'}) .keys() .toArray(); indexKeys = await tx.scan({indexName: 'a', prefix: 'a'}).keys().toArray(); use(indexKeys);
// @ts-expect-error Cannot convert Index[] to string[] (await tx.scan({indexName: 'a'}).keys().toArray()) as string[]; });});
// Only used for type checkingtest.skip('scan without index [type checking only]', async () => { const rep = new Replicache({ licenseKey: TEST_LICENSE_KEY, name: 'scan-with-index', });
await rep.query(async tx => { (await tx.scan().keys().toArray()) as string[]; (await tx.scan({}).keys().toArray()) as string[];
let indexKeys: string[] = await tx.scan({}).keys().toArray(); indexKeys = await tx.scan({prefix: 'a'}).keys().toArray(); use(indexKeys);
// @ts-expect-error Cannot convert string[] to IndexKey[] (await tx.scan({}).keys().toArray()) as IndexKey[]; });});