

Realtime Sync for Any Backend Stack
import { addData, expectLogContext, initReplicacheTesting, replicacheForTesting, tickAFewTimes,} from './test-util';import {expect} from '@esm-bundle/chai';import * as sinon from 'sinon';
// fetch-mock has invalid d.ts file so we removed that on npm install.// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment// @ts-expect-errorimport fetchMock from 'fetch-mock/esm/client';import * as kv from './kv/mod';import * as dag from './dag/mod';import * as persist from './persist/mod';import {assertNotTempHash} from './hash';import {assertNotUndefined} from './asserts';import {deleteClientForTesting} from './persist/clients-test-helpers.js';
let perdag: dag.Store | undefined;teardown(async () => { await perdag?.close();});
test('basic persist & load', async () => { const pullURL = ''; const rep = await replicacheForTesting('persist-test', { pullURL, }); const clientID = await rep.clientID;
perdag = new dag.StoreImpl( new kv.IDBStore(rep.idbName), dag.throwChunkHasher, assertNotTempHash, );
const clientBeforePull = await perdag.withRead(read => persist.getClient(clientID, read), ); assertNotUndefined(clientBeforePull);
fetchMock.postOnce(pullURL, { cookie: '', lastMutationID: 2, patch: [ { op: 'put', key: 'a', value: 1, }, { op: 'put', key: 'b', value: 2, }, ], });
// maxWaitAttempts * waitMs should be at least PERSIST_TIMEOUT // plus some buffer for the persist process to complete const maxWaitAttempts = 20; const waitMs = 100; let waitAttempt = 0; const run = true; while (run) { if (waitAttempt++ > maxWaitAttempts) { throw new Error( `Persist did not complete in ${maxWaitAttempts * waitMs} ms`, ); } await tickAFewTimes(waitMs); const client: persist.Client | undefined = await perdag.withRead(read => persist.getClient(clientID, read), ); assertNotUndefined(client); if (clientBeforePull.headHash !== client.headHash) { // persist has completed break; } }
await rep.query(async tx => { expect(await tx.get('a')).to.equal(1); expect(await tx.get('b')).to.equal(2); });
// If we create another instance it will lazy load the data from IDB const rep2 = await replicacheForTesting('persist-test', { pullURL, }); await rep2.query(async tx => { expect(await tx.get('a')).to.equal(1); expect(await tx.get('b')).to.equal(2); });
expect(await rep.clientID).to.not.equal(await rep2.clientID);});
suite('onClientStateNotFound', () => { test('Called in persist if collected', async () => { const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error');
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('called-in-persist', { mutators: {addData}, });
await rep.mutate.addData({foo: 'bar'}); await rep.persist();
const clientID = await rep.clientID; await deleteClientForTesting(clientID, rep.perdag);
const onClientStateNotFound = sinon.fake(); rep.onClientStateNotFound = onClientStateNotFound; await rep.persist();
expect(onClientStateNotFound.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(onClientStateNotFound.lastCall.args).to.deep.equal([ {type: 'NotFoundOnClient'}, ]); expectLogContext( consoleErrorStub, 0, rep, `Client state not found, clientID: ${clientID}`, ); });
test('Called in query if collected', async () => { const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error');
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('called-in-query', { mutators: {addData}, });
await rep.mutate.addData({foo: 'bar'}); await rep.persist(); const clientID = await rep.clientID; await deleteClientForTesting(clientID, rep.perdag); await rep.close();
const rep2 = await replicacheForTesting('called-in-query', { mutators: {addData}, });
const clientID2 = await rep2.clientID; await deleteClientForTesting(clientID2, rep2.perdag);
const onClientStateNotFound = sinon.fake(); rep2.onClientStateNotFound = onClientStateNotFound;
let e: unknown; try { await rep2.query(async tx => { await tx.get('foo'); }); } catch (err) { e = err; } expect(e); expectLogContext( consoleErrorStub, 0, rep2, `Client state not found, clientID: ${clientID2}`, ); expect(onClientStateNotFound.lastCall.args).to.deep.equal([ {type: 'NotFoundOnClient'}, ]); });
test('Called in mutate if collected', async () => { const consoleErrorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error');
const rep = await replicacheForTesting('called-in-mutate', { mutators: { addData, async check(tx, key) { await tx.has(key); }, }, });
await rep.mutate.addData({foo: 'bar'}); await rep.persist(); const clientID = await rep.clientID; await deleteClientForTesting(clientID, rep.perdag); await rep.close();
const rep2 = await replicacheForTesting('called-in-query', { mutators: { async check(tx, key) { await tx.has(key); }, }, });
const clientID2 = await rep2.clientID; await deleteClientForTesting(clientID2, rep2.perdag);
const onClientStateNotFound = sinon.fake(); rep2.onClientStateNotFound = onClientStateNotFound;
let e: unknown; try { // Another mutate will trigger await rep2.mutate.check('x'); } catch (err) { e = err; }
expect(e); expectLogContext( consoleErrorStub, 0, rep2, `Client state not found, clientID: ${clientID2}`, ); expect(onClientStateNotFound.lastCall.args).to.deep.equal([ {type: 'NotFoundOnClient'}, ]); });});