

Realtime Sync for Any Backend Stack
import {expect} from '@esm-bundle/chai';import { assertNotTempHash, emptyHash, isHash, isTempHash, hashOf, newTempHash, parse,} from './hash';import type {ReadonlyJSONValue} from './json';
test('test of', async () => { const h = await hashOf('abc'); expect(h).to.not.equal(emptyHash);});
test('test native of', async () => { const h = await hashOf('abc'); expect(h).to.not.equal(emptyHash);
const testData = ['abc', '', '\u0000', 'abc', '💩'];
for (const s of testData) { const hash = await hashOf(s); const nativeHash = await hashOf(s); expect(hash).to.equal(nativeHash); }});
test('isHash', async () => { expect(isHash(emptyHash));
const h = await hashOf('abc'); expect(isHash(h)); expect(isHash(h + 'a')); expect(isHash(String(h).slice(0, -1)));});
test('parse', async () => { const h = await hashOf('abc'); expect(parse(String(emptyHash))).to.equal(emptyHash); expect(parse(String(h))).to.equal(h); expect(() => parse(h + 'a')).to.throw(Error); expect(() => parse(String(h).slice(0, -1))).to.throw(Error);});
test('temp hash', async () => { const t = newTempHash(); const c = {hash: await hashOf('dummy')}; expect(String(t).length, 'temp hash length').to.equal(String(c.hash).length); expect(isTempHash(t)).to.equal(true); expect(isTempHash(c.hash)).to.equal(false);
expect(() => assertNotTempHash(t)).to.throw();});
test.skip('type checking only', async () => { const h = await hashOf('abc'); // @ts-expect-error Should be an error const s: string = h; console.log(s);
// @ts-expect-error Sould be an error const h2: Hash = 'abc'; console.log(h2);});
test('hashOf with different types', async () => { const t = async (v: ReadonlyJSONValue) => expect(isHash(await hashOf(v)));
await t(1); await t(1.1); await t(true); await t(false); await t(null); await t(''); await t('a'); await t('abc'); await t('abc\u0000'); await t([]); await t([1, 2, 3]); await t({}); await t({a: 1, b: 2});});