

Realtime Sync for Any Backend Stack
const charTable = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv';
export function encode(plain: Uint8Array): string { let i = 0; let shiftIndex = 0; let digit = 0; let encoded = ''; const {length} = plain;
// byte by byte isn't as pretty as quintet by quintet but tests a bit // faster. will have to revisit. while (i < length) { const current = plain[i];
if (shiftIndex > 3) { digit = current & (0xff >> shiftIndex); shiftIndex = (shiftIndex + 5) % 8; digit = (digit << shiftIndex) | ((i + 1 < length ? plain[i + 1] : 0) >> (8 - shiftIndex)); i++; } else { digit = (current >> (8 - (shiftIndex + 5))) & 0x1f; shiftIndex = (shiftIndex + 5) % 8; if (shiftIndex === 0) { i++; } }
encoded += charTable[digit]; }
// No padding! return encoded;}