

helps manage and harmonise READMEs in many repositories with template files
import { basename, join, resolve,} from "";import { compile, renderAsync, templates,} from "";
import { getBranch, getCommit, getRepository, getTag } from "./git.ts";
/** * Template rendering function. * Uses Eta under the hood. * * ```ts * import { render } from "./render.ts" * const output = await render("/path/to/", "/path/to/", "# my-project", "/path/to/templates/", (errorMsg: string, error: Error) => {}) * ``` * * @param {string} readmeFilePath The path of the readme we want to compile. * @param {string} readmeDirectoryPath The directory where the readme resides. * @param {string} readmeTemplate The contents of the readme we are compiling. * @param {string} templatesPath The directory where the templates used for rendering are. * @param {function(string, Error)} error Handler for errors. */export const render = async ( readmeFilePath: string, readmeDirectoryPath: string, readmeTemplate: string, templatesPath: string, error: (message: string, error?: Error) => void,): Promise<string | void> => { for await (const template of Deno.readDir(templatesPath)) { if ( template.isFile &&"") && !"") && !".") ) { templates.define(, compile( await Deno.readTextFile(resolve(join(templatesPath,, { async: true }, ), ); } } try { return renderAsync( await Deno.readTextFile( resolve(join(templatesPath, "")), ), { name: basename(readmeDirectoryPath), readmeFilePath, readmeDirectoryPath, readme: readmeTemplate, gitURL: (await getRepository(readmeDirectoryPath, error)).trim(), gitBranch: (await getBranch(readmeDirectoryPath, error)).trim(), gitTag: (await getTag(readmeDirectoryPath, error)).trim(), gitCommit: (await getCommit(readmeDirectoryPath, error)).trim(), }, { async: true, autoEscape: false, autoTrim: false, }, ) as Promise<string>; } catch (e) { error(`Something went wrong rendering the README ${readmeFilePath}`, e); }};