

helps manage and harmonise READMEs in many repositories with template files
import { assert, assertEquals,} from "";import { info } from "";
import { getBranch, getCommit, getRepository, getTag } from "./git.ts";
const testErrorHandler = (message: string, error?: Error) => { info(message); info(error);};
Deno.test("git", async (t) => { const testingPath = Deno.cwd();
await t.step("gets the repository url", async () => { const url = await getRepository(testingPath, testErrorHandler); assertEquals(url, ""); });
await t.step("gets the repository branch", async () => { const branch = await getBranch(testingPath, testErrorHandler); assertEquals(branch, "main"); });
await t.step("gets the repository commit", async () => { const commit = await getCommit(testingPath, testErrorHandler); assert(commit); });
await t.step("gets the repository tag", async () => { const tag = await getTag(testingPath, testErrorHandler); assert(tag); });});