

helps manage and harmonise READMEs in many repositories with template files
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import { ensureDir, move } from "";import { join, resolve } from "";
import { checkExists } from "./utils.ts";
/** * Base template used to include other. * Allow javascript and async function calls. */export const readme = `<%~ await include("", {}) %>
<% it.javascripted = 13 + 12 %>
<%= it.javascripted %>
<% it.asyncJavascripted = await fetch("").then(r => r.json()) %>
<%= it.asyncJavascripted.title %>
<%= it.readme %>
<%~ await include("", {}) %>`;
/** * Example header template. */export const header = `# <%= %>
hello world---`;
/** * Example footer template. */export const footer = `---made with k by love
<%= await fetch("").then(r => r.json()).then(r => JSON.stringify(r)) %>`;
/** * Bootstrap template files in a specified directory. * Creates the required files for readme-manager. * * ```ts * import { bootstrap } from "./bootstrap.ts" * await bootstrap('/path/to/templates', (errorMsg: string, error?: Error) => {}) * ``` * * @param {string} templateDirectory Directory where files should be created. * @param {function(string, Error)} error Handler for errors. */export const bootstrap = async ( templateDirectory: string, error: (message: string, error?: Error) => void,) => { if (await checkExists(templateDirectory, error)) { console.log("You ran bootstrap mode with present templates, backing up."); try { await move(templateDirectory, `${templateDirectory}.old`, { overwrite: true, }); } catch (e) { error("Something went wrong backing up your templates.", e); } }
try { await ensureDir(templateDirectory); } catch (e) { error( `Something went wrong trying to create the templates directory at ${templateDirectory}.`, e, ); } const readmePath = resolve(join(templateDirectory, "")); try { await Deno.writeTextFile(readmePath, readme); } catch (e) { error(`Something went wrong trying to boostrap ${readmePath}.`, e); } const headerPath = resolve(join(templateDirectory, "")); try { await Deno.writeTextFile(headerPath, header); } catch (e) { error(`Something went wrong trying to boostrap ${headerPath}.`, e); } const footerPath = resolve(join(templateDirectory, "")); try { await Deno.writeTextFile(footerPath, footer); } catch (e) { error(`Something went wrong trying to boostrap ${footerPath}.`, e); } console.log(`Template bootstrapping done in ${templateDirectory}.`); console.log("Feel free to edit anything to your liking.");};