

helps manage and harmonise READMEs in many repositories with template files
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import { ensureDir, move } from "";import { join, resolve } from "";
import { checkExists } from "./utils.ts";
// this is fugly but eh...export const mod = `import { basename } from "";import * as Eta from "";
const __dirname = new URL(".", import.meta.url).pathname;
export default ( readmeFilePath: string, readmeDirectoryPath: string, readmeTemplate: string,): string | Promise<string> | void => { const template = \`<%~ includeFile("", {}) %>
\${readmeTemplate}\`.replaceAll('includeFile("', \`includeFile("\${__dirname}\`); try { return Eta.render( template, { name: basename(readmeDirectoryPath), }, ); } catch (e) { console.error(e); Deno.exit(1); }};`;
export const header = `# <%= %>
hello world`;
export const footer = `---made with k by love`;
export const bootstrap = async ( templateDirectory: string, error: (message: string, error?: Error) => void,) => { if (await checkExists(templateDirectory, error)) { console.log( "You ran bootstrap mode with present templates, backing up.", ); try { await move(templateDirectory, `${templateDirectory}.old`, { overwrite: true, }); } catch (e) { error("Something went wrong backing up your templates.", e); } }
try { await ensureDir(templateDirectory); } catch (e) { error( `Something went wrong trying to create the templates directory at ${templateDirectory}.`, e, ); } const modPath = resolve(join(templateDirectory, "mod.ts")); try { await Deno.writeTextFile(modPath, mod); } catch (e) { error( `Something went wrong trying to boostrap ${modPath}.`, e, ); } const headerPath = resolve(join(templateDirectory, "")); try { await Deno.writeTextFile(headerPath, header); } catch (e) { error( `Something went wrong trying to boostrap ${headerPath}.`, e, ); } const footerPath = resolve(join(templateDirectory, "")); try { await Deno.writeTextFile(footerPath, footer); } catch (e) { error( `Something went wrong trying to boostrap ${footerPath}.`, e, ); } console.log(`Template bootstrapping done in ${templateDirectory}.`); console.log("Feel free to edit anything to your liking."); console.log(); console.log( "Caching modules once. You may need to recache if you add new imports.", ); console.log(`deno cache ${templateDirectory}/mod.ts`); const cacheProcess ={ cmd: ["deno", "cache", resolve(join(templateDirectory, "mod.ts"))], }); await cacheProcess.status(); cacheProcess.close(); console.log("All done!");};