

Fast, lightweight Redis client library for Deno.
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import { assertEquals, assertRejects } from "./deps.ts";import { type Command, listenReplies, pipelineCommands, type Reply, sendCommand, sendCommandRawReply, writeCommand,} from "./mod.ts";
/** Default port for Redis. */export const PORT = 6379;const redisConn = await Deno.connect({ port: PORT });
async function sendCommandTest( command: Command, expected: Reply,): Promise<void> { assertEquals(await sendCommand(redisConn, command), expected);}
Deno.test("sendCommand parses simple string", async () => { await sendCommandTest(["PING"], "PONG");});
Deno.test("sendCommand parses error", async () => { await assertRejects(async () => await sendCommand(redisConn, ["helloworld"]));});
Deno.test("sendCommand parses integer", async () => { await sendCommandTest(["INCR", "integer"], 1); await sendCommandTest(["INCR", "integer"], 2);});
Deno.test("sendCommand parses bulk string", async () => { await sendCommand(redisConn, ["SET", "big ups", "west side massive"]); await sendCommandTest(["GET", "big ups"], "west side massive");});
Deno.test("sendCommand parses null", async () => { await sendCommandTest(["GET", "nonexistant"], null);});
Deno.test("sendCommand parses array", async () => { await sendCommand(redisConn, [ "HSET", "hash", "hello", "world", "integer", 13, ]); await sendCommandTest([ "HMGET", "hash", "hello", "integer", "nonexistant", ], ["world", "13", null]);});
Deno.test("sendCommand parses empty array", async () => { await sendCommandTest(["HGETALL", "nonexistant"], []);});
Deno.test("sendCommand parses null array", async () => { await sendCommandTest(["BLPOP", "list", 1], null);});
Deno.test("sendCommand works with transactions", async () => { await sendCommandTest(["MULTI"], "OK"); await sendCommandTest(["INCR", "FOO"], "QUEUED"); await sendCommandTest(["INCR", "BAR"], "QUEUED"); await sendCommandTest(["EXEC"], [1, 1]);});
Deno.test("sendCommandRawReply works", async () => { const value = new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3]); await sendCommandTest(["SET", "binary", value], "OK"); assertEquals(await sendCommandRawReply(redisConn, ["GET", "binary"]), value);});
Deno.test("sendCommandRawReply throws on non-bulk-string reply", async () => { await assertRejects(async () => await sendCommandRawReply(redisConn, ["PING"]) );});
Deno.test("pipelineCommands works", async () => { assertEquals( await pipelineCommands(redisConn, [ ["INCR", "X"], ["INCR", "X"], ["INCR", "X"], ["INCR", "X"], ]), [1, 2, 3, 4], );});
Deno.test("listenReples works", async () => { await writeCommand(redisConn, ["SUBSCRIBE", "mychannel"]); const iterator = listenReplies(redisConn); assertEquals(await, { value: ["subscribe", "mychannel", 1], done: false, }); await writeCommand(redisConn, ["UNSUBSCRIBE"]); assertEquals(await, { value: ["unsubscribe", "mychannel", 0], done: false, });});
Deno.test("any fn throws if no reply", async () => { await assertRejects(async () => await sendCommand(redisConn, ["SHUTDOWN"]));});
addEventListener("unload", () => redisConn.close());