Quickr: Get Stuff Done
Simple API’s, and a flat dependency structure. Currently in Beta.
- FileSystem (folder iteration, setting permissions, etc)
- Run (subprocesses)
- Console (colors, cli inputs, etc)
import { FileSystem, glob } from "https://deno.land/x/quickr@0.6.47/main/file_system.js"
import { run, throwIfFails, zipInto, mergeInto, returnAsString, Timeout, Env, Cwd, Stdin, Stdout, Stderr, Out, Overwrite, AppendTo } from "https://deno.land/x/quickr@0.6.47/main/run.js"
import { Console, clearAnsiStylesFrom, black, white, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, magenta, lightBlack, lightWhite, lightRed, lightGreen, lightBlue, lightYellow, lightMagenta, lightCyan, blackBackground, whiteBackground, redBackground, greenBackground, blueBackground, yellowBackground, magentaBackground, cyanBackground, lightBlackBackground, lightRedBackground, lightGreenBackground, lightYellowBackground, lightBlueBackground, lightMagentaBackground, lightCyanBackground, lightWhiteBackground, bold, reset, dim, italic, underline, inverse, strikethrough, gray, grey, lightGray, lightGrey, grayBackground, greyBackground, lightGrayBackground, lightGreyBackground, } from "https://deno.land/x/quickr@0.6.47/main/console.js"
import { run, hasCommand, throwIfFails, zipInto, mergeInto, returnAsString, Timeout, Env, Cwd, Stdin, Stdout, Stderr, Out, Overwrite, AppendTo } from "https://deno.land/x/quickr@0.6.47/main/run.js"
// runs async
run("echo", "hello")
// wait for a command
await run("echo", "hello")
// get outcome
var { success, exitCode } = await run("echo", "hello").outcome
// send stdin (a string, a file, or a stream)
await run("cat", Stdin("Bang\n")).outcome
// send stdin, but later
var {stdin} = run("cat", Stdin())
// send a string
stdin.send("Bang Bang\n")
// or send raw bytes (normally from reading a file or stream directly)
stdin.send(new TextEncoder().encode("Bang Bang\n"))
// (cant send file objects and streams yet, but maybe in the future)
// CLOSE IT! otherwise the process will never end!
await stdin.close()
// get output string as return value
const pathToGrep = await run("which", "grep", Out(returnAsString))
console.debug(`pathToGrep is:`,pathToGrep)
// get output string as return value
const miscOutput = await run("deno", "eval", "console.log('hi1')\nsetTimeout(()=>console.log('bye'),1000)", Out(returnAsString))
console.debug(`miscOutput is:`,miscOutput)
// append to a file (give a path or a Deno file object)
var success = await run("which", "grep",
// report status
var process = run("sleep", "5")
let int = setInterval(() => {
console.log(`process.isDone? is:`,process.isDone)
if (process.isDone) {
}, 1000);
await process
// create timeouts
var { success, exitCode } = await run("yes", Stdout(null), Timeout({ gentlyBy: 100, waitBeforeUsingForce: 500}))
// do a manual timeout
var process = run("yes", Stdout(null))
setTimeout(() => {
process.kill() // uses force
}, 100)
await process
// do an even more manual timeout
var process = run("yes", Stdout(null))
setTimeout(() => {
// ask to please stop
setTimeout(() => {
if (!process.isDone) {
// murder it
}, 200)
}, 100)