

PostgreSQL driver for Deno
Extremely Popular
import { Client, ConnectionError, Pool, PostgresError, TransactionError,} from "../mod.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, assertInstanceOf, assertObjectMatch, assertRejects, assertThrows,} from "./test_deps.ts";import { getMainConfiguration } from "./config.ts";import { PoolClient, QueryClient } from "../client.ts";import { ClientOptions } from "../connection/connection_params.ts";import { Oid } from "../query/oid.ts";
function withClient( t: (client: QueryClient) => void | Promise<void>, config?: ClientOptions,) { async function clientWrapper() { const client = new Client(getMainConfiguration(config)); try { await client.connect(); await t(client); } finally { await client.end(); } }
async function poolWrapper() { const pool = new Pool(getMainConfiguration(config), 1); let client; try { client = await pool.connect(); await t(client); } finally { client?.release(); await pool.end(); } }
return async (test: Deno.TestContext) => { await test.step({ fn: clientWrapper, name: "Client" }); await test.step({ fn: poolWrapper, name: "Pool" }); };}
function withClientGenerator( t: (getClient: () => Promise<QueryClient>) => void | Promise<void>, pool_size = 10,) { async function clientWrapper() { const clients: Client[] = []; try { let client_count = 0; await t(async () => { if (client_count < pool_size) { const client = new Client(getMainConfiguration()); await client.connect(); clients.push(client); client_count++; return client; } else throw new Error("Max client size exceeded"); }); } finally { for (const client of clients) { await client.end(); } } }
async function poolWrapper() { const pool = new Pool(getMainConfiguration(), pool_size); const clients: PoolClient[] = []; try { await t(async () => { const client = await pool.connect(); clients.push(client); return client; }); } finally { for (const client of clients) { client.release(); } await pool.end(); } }
return async (test: Deno.TestContext) => { await test.step({ fn: clientWrapper, name: "Client" }); await test.step({ fn: poolWrapper, name: "Pool" }); };}
Deno.test( "Array query", withClient(async (client) => { const result = await client.queryArray("SELECT UNNEST(ARRAY[1, 2])"); assertEquals(result.rows.length, 2); }),);
Deno.test( "Object query", withClient(async (client) => { const result = await client.queryObject( "SELECT ARRAY[1, 2, 3] AS ID, 'DATA' AS TYPE", );
assertEquals(result.rows, [{ id: [1, 2, 3], type: "DATA" }]); }),);
Deno.test( "Decode strategy - auto", withClient( async (client) => { const result = await client.queryObject( `SELECT 'Y'::BOOLEAN AS _bool, 3.14::REAL AS _float, ARRAY[1, 2, 3] AS _int_array, '{"test": "foo", "arr": [1,2,3]}'::JSONB AS _jsonb, 'DATA' AS _text ;`, );
assertEquals(result.rows, [ { _bool: true, _float: 3.14, _int_array: [1, 2, 3], _jsonb: { test: "foo", arr: [1, 2, 3] }, _text: "DATA", }, ]); }, { controls: { decodeStrategy: "auto" } }, ),);
Deno.test( "Decode strategy - string", withClient( async (client) => { const result = await client.queryObject( `SELECT 'Y'::BOOLEAN AS _bool, 3.14::REAL AS _float, ARRAY[1, 2, 3] AS _int_array, '{"test": "foo", "arr": [1,2,3]}'::JSONB AS _jsonb, 'DATA' AS _text ;`, );
assertEquals(result.rows, [ { _bool: "t", _float: "3.14", _int_array: "{1,2,3}", _jsonb: '{"arr": [1, 2, 3], "test": "foo"}', _text: "DATA", }, ]); }, { controls: { decodeStrategy: "string" } }, ),);
Deno.test( "Custom decoders", withClient( async (client) => { const result = await client.queryObject( `SELECT 0::BOOLEAN AS _bool, (DATE '2024-01-01' + INTERVAL '2 months')::DATE AS _date, 7.90::REAL AS _float, 100 AS _int, '{"foo": "a", "bar": [1,2,3], "baz": null}'::JSONB AS _jsonb, 'MY_VALUE' AS _text, DATE '2024-10-01' + INTERVAL '2 years' - INTERVAL '2 months' AS _timestamp ;`, );
assertEquals(result.rows, [ { _bool: { boolean: false }, _date: new Date("2024-03-03T00:00:00.000Z"), _float: 785, _int: 200, _jsonb: { id: "999", foo: "A", bar: [2, 4, 6], baz: "initial" }, _text: ["E", "U", "L", "A", "V", "_", "Y", "M"], _timestamp: { year: 2126, month: "---08" }, }, ]); }, { controls: { decoders: { // convert to object [Oid.bool]: (value: string) => ({ boolean: value === "t" }), // 1082 = date : convert to date and add 2 days "1082": (value: string) => { const d = new Date(value); return new Date(d.setDate(d.getDate() + 2)); }, // multiply by 100 - 5 = 785 float4: (value: string) => parseFloat(value) * 100 - 5, // convert to int and add 100 = 200 [Oid.int4]: (value: string) => parseInt(value, 10) + 100, // parse with multiple conditions jsonb: (value: string) => { const obj = JSON.parse(value); =; = "999"; = number) => v * 2); if (obj.baz === null) obj.baz = "initial"; return obj; }, // split string and reverse [Oid.text]: (value: string) => value.split("").reverse(), // 1114 = timestamp : format timestamp into custom object 1114: (value: string) => { const d = new Date(value); return { year: d.getFullYear() + 100, month: `---${d.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? "0" : ""}${ d.getMonth() + 1 }`, }; }, }, }, }, ),);
Deno.test( "Custom decoders with arrays", withClient( async (client) => { const result = await client.queryObject( `SELECT ARRAY[true, false, true] AS _bool_array, ARRAY['2024-01-01'::date, '2024-01-02'::date, '2024-01-03'::date] AS _date_array, ARRAY[1.5:: REAL, 2.5::REAL, 3.5::REAL] AS _float_array, ARRAY[10, 20, 30] AS _int_array, ARRAY[ '{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}'::jsonb, '{"key3": "value3", "key4": "value4"}'::jsonb, '{"key5": "value5", "key6": "value6"}'::jsonb ] AS _jsonb_array, ARRAY['string1', 'string2', 'string3'] AS _text_array ;`, );
assertEquals(result.rows, [ { _bool_array: [ { boolean: true }, { boolean: false }, { boolean: true }, ], _date_array: [ new Date("2024-01-11T00:00:00.000Z"), new Date("2024-01-12T00:00:00.000Z"), new Date("2024-01-13T00:00:00.000Z"), ], _float_array: [15, 25, 35], _int_array: [110, 120, 130], _jsonb_array: [ { key1: "value1", key2: "value2" }, { key3: "value3", key4: "value4" }, { key5: "value5", key6: "value6" }, ], _text_array: ["string1_!", "string2_!", "string3_!"], }, ]); }, { controls: { decoders: { // convert to object [Oid.bool]: (value: string) => ({ boolean: value === "t" }), // 1082 = date : convert to date and add 10 days "1082": (value: string) => { const d = new Date(value); return new Date(d.setDate(d.getDate() + 10)); }, // multiply by 20, should not be used! float4: (value: string) => parseFloat(value) * 20, // multiply by 10 float4_array: (value: string, _, parseArray) => parseArray(value, (v) => parseFloat(v) * 10), // return 0, should not be used! [Oid.int4]: () => 0, // add 100 [Oid.int4_array]: (value: string, _, parseArray) => parseArray(value, (v) => parseInt(v, 10) + 100), // split string and reverse, should not be used! [Oid.text]: (value: string) => value.split("").reverse(), // 1009 = text_array : append "_!" to each string 1009: (value: string, _, parseArray) => parseArray(value, (v) => `${v}_!`), }, }, }, ),);
Deno.test( "Custom decoder precedence", withClient( async (client) => { const result = await client.queryObject( `SELECT 0::BOOLEAN AS _bool, 1 AS _int, 1::REAL AS _float, 'TEST' AS _text ;`, );
assertEquals(result.rows, [ { _bool: "success", _float: "success", _int: "success", _text: "success", }, ]); }, { controls: { // numeric oid type values take precedence over name decoders: { // bool bool: () => "fail", [16]: () => "success", //int int4: () => "fail", [Oid.int4]: () => "success", // float4 float4: () => "fail", "700": () => "success", // text text: () => "fail", 25: () => "success", }, }, }, ),);
Deno.test( "Debug query not in error", withClient(async (client) => { const invalid_query = "SELECT this_has $ 'syntax_error';"; try { await client.queryObject(invalid_query); } catch (error) { assertInstanceOf(error, PostgresError); assertEquals(error.message, 'syntax error at or near "$"'); assertEquals(error.query, undefined); } }),);
Deno.test( "Debug query in error", withClient( async (client) => { const invalid_query = "SELECT this_has $ 'syntax_error';"; try { await client.queryObject(invalid_query); } catch (error) { assertInstanceOf(error, PostgresError); assertEquals(error.message, 'syntax error at or near "$"'); assertEquals(error.query, invalid_query); } }, { controls: { debug: { queryInError: true, }, }, }, ),);
Deno.test( "Array arguments", withClient(async (client) => { { const value = "1"; const result = await client.queryArray("SELECT $1", [value]); assertEquals(result.rows, [[value]]); }
{ const value = "2"; const result = await client.queryArray({ args: [value], text: "SELECT $1", }); assertEquals(result.rows, [[value]]); }
{ const value = "3"; const result = await client.queryObject("SELECT $1 AS ID", [value]); assertEquals(result.rows, [{ id: value }]); }
{ const value = "4"; const result = await client.queryObject({ args: [value], text: "SELECT $1 AS ID", }); assertEquals(result.rows, [{ id: value }]); } }),);
Deno.test( "Object arguments", withClient(async (client) => { { const value = "1"; const result = await client.queryArray("SELECT $id", { id: value }); assertEquals(result.rows, [[value]]); }
{ const value = "2"; const result = await client.queryArray({ args: { id: value }, text: "SELECT $ID", }); assertEquals(result.rows, [[value]]); }
{ const value = "3"; const result = await client.queryObject("SELECT $id as ID", { id: value, }); assertEquals(result.rows, [{ id: value }]); }
{ const value = "4"; const result = await client.queryObject({ args: { id: value }, text: "SELECT $ID AS ID", }); assertEquals(result.rows, [{ id: value }]); } }),);
Deno.test( "Throws on duplicate object arguments", withClient(async (client) => { const value = "some_value"; const { rows: res } = await client.queryArray( "SELECT $value, $VaLue, $VALUE", { value }, ); assertEquals(res, [[value, value, value]]);
await assertRejects( () => client.queryArray("SELECT $A", { a: 1, A: 2 }), Error, "The arguments provided for the query must be unique (insensitive)", ); }),);
Deno.test( "Array query handles recovery after error state", withClient(async (client) => { await client.queryArray`CREATE TEMP TABLE PREPARED_STATEMENT_ERROR (X INT)`;
await assertRejects(() => client.queryArray("INSERT INTO PREPARED_STATEMENT_ERROR VALUES ($1)", [ "TEXT", ]) );
const { rows } = await client.queryObject<{ result: number }>({ fields: ["result"], text: "SELECT 1", });
assertEquals(rows[0], { result: 1 }); }),);
Deno.test( "Array query can handle multiple query failures at once", withClient(async (client) => { await assertRejects( () => client.queryArray("SELECT 1; SELECT '2'::INT; SELECT 'A'::INT"), PostgresError, "invalid input syntax for type integer", );
const { rows } = await client.queryObject<{ result: number }>({ fields: ["result"], text: "SELECT 1", });
assertEquals(rows[0], { result: 1 }); }),);
Deno.test( "Array query handles error during data processing", withClient(async (client) => { await assertRejects(() => client.queryObject`SELECT 'A' AS X, 'B' AS X`);
const value = "193"; const { rows: result_2 } = await client.queryObject`SELECT ${value} AS B`; assertEquals(result_2[0], { b: value }); }),);
Deno.test( "Array query can return multiple queries", withClient(async (client) => { const { rows: result } = await client.queryObject<{ result: number }>({ text: "SELECT 1; SELECT '2'::INT", fields: ["result"], });
assertEquals(result, [{ result: 1 }, { result: 2 }]); }),);
Deno.test( "Array query handles empty query", withClient(async (client) => { const { rows: result } = await client.queryArray(""); assertEquals(result, []); }),);
Deno.test( "Prepared query handles recovery after error state", withClient(async (client) => { await client.queryArray`CREATE TEMP TABLE PREPARED_STATEMENT_ERROR (X INT)`;
await assertRejects( () => client.queryArray("INSERT INTO PREPARED_STATEMENT_ERROR VALUES ($1)", [ "TEXT", ]), PostgresError, );
const result = "handled";
const { rows } = await client.queryObject({ args: [result], fields: ["result"], text: "SELECT $1", });
assertEquals(rows[0], { result }); }),);
Deno.test( "Prepared query handles error during data processing", withClient(async (client) => { await assertRejects(() => client.queryObject`SELECT ${1} AS A, ${2} AS A`);
const value = "z"; const { rows: result_2 } = await client.queryObject`SELECT ${value} AS B`; assertEquals(result_2[0], { b: value }); }),);
Deno.test( "Handles array with semicolon separator", withClient(async (client) => { const item_1 = "Test;Azer"; const item_2 = "123;456";
const { rows: result_1 } = await client.queryArray(`SELECT ARRAY[$1, $2]`, [ item_1, item_2, ]); assertEquals(result_1[0], [[item_1, item_2]]); }),);
Deno.test( "Handles parameter status messages on array query", withClient(async (client) => { const { rows: result_1 } = await client .queryArray`SET TIME ZONE 'HongKong'`;
assertEquals(result_1, []);
const { rows: result_2 } = await client.queryObject({ fields: ["result"], text: "SET TIME ZONE 'HongKong'; SELECT 1", });
assertEquals(result_2, [{ result: 1 }]); }),);
Deno.test( "Handles parameter status messages on prepared query", withClient(async (client) => { const result = 10;
await assertRejects( () => client.queryArray("SELECT * FROM PG_TEMP.CHANGE_TIMEZONE($1)", [ result, ]), PostgresError, "control reached end of function without RETURN", );
const { rows: result_1 } = await client.queryObject({ args: [result], fields: ["result"], text: "SELECT * FROM PG_TEMP.CHANGE_TIMEZONE($1)", });
assertEquals(result_1, [{ result }]); }),);
Deno.test( "Handles parameter status after error", withClient(async (client) => { await client .queryArray`CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION PG_TEMP.CHANGE_TIMEZONE() RETURNS INT AS $$ BEGIN SET TIME ZONE 'HongKong'; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;`;
await assertRejects( () => client.queryArray`SELECT * FROM PG_TEMP.CHANGE_TIMEZONE()`, PostgresError, "control reached end of function without RETURN", ); }),);
Deno.test( "Terminated connections", withClient(async (client) => { await client.end();
await assertRejects( async () => { await client.queryArray`SELECT 1`; }, Error, "Connection to the database has been terminated", ); }),);
// This test depends on the assumption that all clients will default to// one reconneciton by defaultDeno.test( "Default reconnection", withClient(async (client) => { await assertRejects( () => client.queryArray`SELECT PG_TERMINATE_BACKEND(${})`, ConnectionError, );
const { rows: result } = await client.queryObject<{ res: number }>({ text: `SELECT 1`, fields: ["res"], }); assertEquals(result[0].res, 1);
assertEquals(client.connected, true); }),);
Deno.test( "Handling of debug notices", withClient(async (client) => { // Create temporary function await client .queryArray`CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION PG_TEMP.CREATE_NOTICE () RETURNS INT AS $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'NOTICED'; RETURN (SELECT 1); END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;`;
const { rows, warnings } = await client.queryArray( "SELECT * FROM PG_TEMP.CREATE_NOTICE();", ); assertEquals(rows[0][0], 1); assertEquals(warnings[0].message, "NOTICED"); }),);
// This query doesn't recreate the table and outputs// a notice insteadDeno.test( "Handling of query notices", withClient(async (client) => { await client.queryArray("CREATE TEMP TABLE NOTICE_TEST (ABC INT);"); const { warnings } = await client.queryArray( "CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS NOTICE_TEST (ABC INT);", );
assert(warnings[0].message.includes("already exists")); }),);
Deno.test( "Handling of messages between data fetching", withClient(async (client) => { await client .queryArray`CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION PG_TEMP.MESSAGE_BETWEEN_DATA(MESSAGE VARCHAR) RETURNS VARCHAR AS $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE '%', MESSAGE; RETURN MESSAGE; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL;`;
const message_1 = "MESSAGE_1"; const message_2 = "MESSAGE_2"; const message_3 = "MESSAGE_3";
const { rows: result, warnings } = await client.queryObject({ args: [message_1, message_2, message_3], fields: ["result"], text: `SELECT * FROM PG_TEMP.MESSAGE_BETWEEN_DATA($1) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM PG_TEMP.MESSAGE_BETWEEN_DATA($2) UNION ALL SELECT * FROM PG_TEMP.MESSAGE_BETWEEN_DATA($3)`, });
assertEquals(result.length, 3); assertEquals(warnings.length, 3);
assertEquals(result[0], { result: message_1 }); assertObjectMatch(warnings[0], { message: message_1 });
assertEquals(result[1], { result: message_2 }); assertObjectMatch(warnings[1], { message: message_2 });
assertEquals(result[2], { result: message_3 }); assertObjectMatch(warnings[2], { message: message_3 }); }),);
Deno.test( "nativeType", withClient(async (client) => { const result = await client.queryArray< [Date] >`SELECT '2019-02-10T10:30:40.005+04:30'::TIMESTAMPTZ`; const row = result.rows[0];
const expectedDate = Date.UTC(2019, 1, 10, 6, 0, 40, 5);
assertEquals(row[0].toUTCString(), new Date(expectedDate).toUTCString()); }),);
Deno.test( "Binary data is parsed correctly", withClient(async (client) => { const { rows: result_1 } = await client .queryArray`SELECT E'foo\\\\000\\\\200\\\\\\\\\\\\377'::BYTEA`;
const expectedBytes = new Uint8Array([102, 111, 111, 0, 128, 92, 255]);
assertEquals(result_1[0][0], expectedBytes);
const { rows: result_2 } = await client.queryArray("SELECT $1::BYTEA", [ expectedBytes, ]); assertEquals(result_2[0][0], expectedBytes); }),);
Deno.test( "Result object metadata", withClient(async (client) => { await client.queryArray`CREATE TEMP TABLE METADATA (VALUE INTEGER)`; await client .queryArray`INSERT INTO METADATA VALUES (100), (200), (300), (400), (500), (600)`;
let result;
// simple select result = await client.queryArray( "SELECT * FROM METADATA WHERE VALUE = 100", ); assertEquals(result.command, "SELECT"); assertEquals(result.rowCount, 1);
// parameterized select result = await client.queryArray( "SELECT * FROM METADATA WHERE VALUE IN ($1, $2)", [200, 300], ); assertEquals(result.command, "SELECT"); assertEquals(result.rowCount, 2);
// simple delete result = await client.queryArray( "DELETE FROM METADATA WHERE VALUE IN (100, 200)", ); assertEquals(result.command, "DELETE"); assertEquals(result.rowCount, 2);
// parameterized delete result = await client.queryArray("DELETE FROM METADATA WHERE VALUE = $1", [ 300, ]); assertEquals(result.command, "DELETE"); assertEquals(result.rowCount, 1);
// simple insert result = await client.queryArray("INSERT INTO METADATA VALUES (4), (5)"); assertEquals(result.command, "INSERT"); assertEquals(result.rowCount, 2);
// parameterized insert result = await client.queryArray("INSERT INTO METADATA VALUES ($1)", [3]); assertEquals(result.command, "INSERT"); assertEquals(result.rowCount, 1);
// simple update result = await client.queryArray( "UPDATE METADATA SET VALUE = 500 WHERE VALUE IN (500, 600)", ); assertEquals(result.command, "UPDATE"); assertEquals(result.rowCount, 2);
// parameterized update result = await client.queryArray( "UPDATE METADATA SET VALUE = 400 WHERE VALUE = $1", [400], ); assertEquals(result.command, "UPDATE"); assertEquals(result.rowCount, 1); }),);
Deno.test( "Long column alias is truncated", withClient(async (client) => { const { rows: result, warnings } = await client.queryObject(` SELECT 1 AS "very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_long_name" `);
assertEquals(result, [ { very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_very_long_nam: 1 }, ]);
assert(warnings[0].message.includes("will be truncated")); }),);
Deno.test( "Query array with template string", withClient(async (client) => { const [value_1, value_2] = ["A", "B"];
const { rows } = await client.queryArray< [string, string] >`SELECT ${value_1}, ${value_2}`;
assertEquals(rows[0], [value_1, value_2]); }),);
Deno.test( "Object query field names aren't transformed when camel case is disabled", withClient(async (client) => { const record = { pos_x: "100", pos_y: "200", prefix_name_suffix: "square", };
const { rows: result } = await client.queryObject({ args: [record.pos_x, record.pos_y, record.prefix_name_suffix], camelCase: false, text: "SELECT $1 AS POS_X, $2 AS POS_Y, $3 AS PREFIX_NAME_SUFFIX", });
assertEquals(result[0], record); }),);
Deno.test( "Object query field names are transformed when camel case is enabled", withClient(async (client) => { const record = { posX: "100", posY: "200", prefixNameSuffix: "point", };
const { rows: result } = await client.queryObject({ args: [record.posX, record.posY, record.prefixNameSuffix], camelCase: true, text: "SELECT $1 AS POS_X, $2 AS POS_Y, $3 AS PREFIX_NAME_SUFFIX", });
assertEquals(result[0], record); }),);
Deno.test( "Object query result is mapped to explicit fields", withClient(async (client) => { const result = await client.queryObject({ text: "SELECT ARRAY[1, 2, 3], 'DATA'", fields: ["ID", "type"], });
assertEquals(result.rows, [{ ID: [1, 2, 3], type: "DATA" }]); }),);
Deno.test( "Object query explicit fields override camel case", withClient(async (client) => { const record = { field_1: "A", field_2: "B", field_3: "C" };
const { rows: result } = await client.queryObject({ args: [record.field_1, record.field_2, record.field_3], camelCase: true, fields: ["field_1", "field_2", "field_3"], text: "SELECT $1 AS POS_X, $2 AS POS_Y, $3 AS PREFIX_NAME_SUFFIX", });
assertEquals(result[0], record); }),);
Deno.test( "Object query throws if explicit fields aren't unique", withClient(async (client) => { await assertRejects( () => client.queryObject({ text: "SELECT 1", fields: ["FIELD_1", "FIELD_1"], }), TypeError, "The fields provided for the query must be unique", ); }),);
Deno.test( "Object query throws if implicit fields aren't unique 1", withClient(async (client) => { await assertRejects( () => client.queryObject`SELECT 1 AS "a", 2 AS A`, Error, `Field names "a" are duplicated in the result of the query`, );
await assertRejects( () => client.queryObject({ camelCase: true, text: `SELECT 1 AS "fieldX", 2 AS field_x`, }), Error, `Field names "fieldX" are duplicated in the result of the query`, ); }),);
Deno.test( "Object query doesn't throw when explicit fields only have one letter", withClient(async (client) => { const { rows: result_1 } = await client.queryObject<{ a: number }>({ text: "SELECT 1", fields: ["a"], });
assertEquals(result_1[0].a, 1);
await assertRejects( async () => { await client.queryObject({ text: "SELECT 1", fields: ["1"], }); }, TypeError, "The fields provided for the query must contain only letters and underscores", ); }),);
Deno.test( "Object query throws if explicit fields aren't valid", withClient(async (client) => { await assertRejects( async () => { await client.queryObject({ text: "SELECT 1", fields: ["123_"], }); }, TypeError, "The fields provided for the query must contain only letters and underscores", );
await assertRejects( async () => { await client.queryObject({ text: "SELECT 1", fields: ["1A"], }); }, TypeError, "The fields provided for the query must contain only letters and underscores", );
await assertRejects( async () => { await client.queryObject({ text: "SELECT 1", fields: ["A$"], }); }, TypeError, "The fields provided for the query must contain only letters and underscores", ); }),);
Deno.test( "Object query throws if result columns don't match explicit fields", withClient(async (client) => { await assertRejects( async () => { await client.queryObject({ text: "SELECT 1", fields: ["FIELD_1", "FIELD_2"], }); }, RangeError, "The fields provided for the query don't match the ones returned as a result (1 expected, 2 received)", ); }),);
Deno.test( "Object query throws when multiple query results don't have the same number of rows", withClient(async function (client) { await assertRejects( () => client.queryObject<{ result: number }>({ text: "SELECT 1; SELECT '2'::INT, '3'", fields: ["result"], }), RangeError, "The result fields returned by the database don't match the defined structure of the result", ); }),);
Deno.test( "Query object with template string", withClient(async (client) => { const value = { x: "A", y: "B" };
const { rows } = await client.queryObject<{ x: string; y: string; }>`SELECT ${value.x} AS x, ${value.y} AS y`;
assertEquals(rows[0], value); }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction parameter validation", withClient((client) => { assertThrows( // deno-lint-ignore ban-ts-comment // @ts-expect-error () => client.createTransaction(), "Transaction name must be a non-empty string", ); }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction", withClient(async (client) => { const transaction_name = "x"; const transaction = client.createTransaction(transaction_name);
await transaction.begin(); assertEquals( client.session.current_transaction, transaction_name, "Client is locked out during transaction", ); await transaction.queryArray`CREATE TEMP TABLE TEST (X INTEGER)`; const savepoint = await transaction.savepoint("table_creation"); await transaction.queryArray`INSERT INTO TEST (X) VALUES (1)`; const query_1 = await transaction.queryObject<{ x: number; }>`SELECT X FROM TEST`; assertEquals( query_1.rows[0].x, 1, "Operation was not executed inside transaction", ); await transaction.rollback(savepoint); const query_2 = await transaction.queryObject<{ x: number; }>`SELECT X FROM TEST`; assertEquals( query_2.rowCount, 0, "Rollback was not succesful inside transaction", ); await transaction.commit(); assertEquals( client.session.current_transaction, null, "Client was not released after transaction", ); }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction implement queryArray and queryObject correctly", withClient(async (client) => { const transaction = client.createTransaction("test");
await transaction.begin();
const data = 1; { const { rows: result } = await transaction .queryArray`SELECT ${data}::INTEGER`; assertEquals(result[0], [data]); } { const { rows: result } = await transaction.queryObject({ text: "SELECT $1::INTEGER", args: [data], fields: ["data"], }); assertEquals(result[0], { data }); }
await transaction.commit(); }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction with repeatable read isolation level", withClientGenerator(async (generateClient) => { const client_1 = await generateClient();
const client_2 = await generateClient();
const transaction_rr = client_1.createTransaction( "transactionIsolationLevelRepeatableRead", { isolation_level: "repeatable_read" }, ); await transaction_rr.begin();
// This locks the current value of the test table await transaction_rr.queryObject<{ x: number; }>`SELECT X FROM FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`;
// Modify data outside the transaction await client_2.queryArray`UPDATE FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST SET X = 2`;
const { rows: query_1 } = await client_2.queryObject<{ x: number; }>`SELECT X FROM FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`; assertEquals(query_1, [{ x: 2 }]);
const { rows: query_2 } = await transaction_rr.queryObject<{ x: number; }>`SELECT X FROM FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`; assertEquals( query_2, [{ x: 1 }], "Repeatable read transaction should not be able to observe changes that happened after the transaction start", );
await transaction_rr.commit();
const { rows: query_3 } = await client_1.queryObject<{ x: number; }>`SELECT X FROM FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`; assertEquals( query_3, [{ x: 2 }], "Main session should be able to observe changes after transaction ended", );
await client_1.queryArray`DROP TABLE FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`; }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction with serializable isolation level", withClientGenerator(async (generateClient) => { const client_1 = await generateClient();
const client_2 = await generateClient();
const transaction_rr = client_1.createTransaction( "transactionIsolationLevelRepeatableRead", { isolation_level: "serializable" }, ); await transaction_rr.begin();
// This locks the current value of the test table await transaction_rr.queryObject<{ x: number; }>`SELECT X FROM FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`;
// Modify data outside the transaction await client_2.queryArray`UPDATE FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST SET X = 2`;
await assertRejects( () => transaction_rr.queryArray`UPDATE FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST SET X = 3`, TransactionError, undefined, "A serializable transaction should throw if the data read in the transaction has been modified externally", );
const { rows: query_3 } = await client_1.queryObject<{ x: number; }>`SELECT X FROM FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`; assertEquals( query_3, [{ x: 2 }], "Main session should be able to observe changes after transaction ended", );
await client_1.queryArray`DROP TABLE FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`; }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction read only", withClient(async (client) => { await client.queryArray`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`; await client.queryArray`CREATE TABLE FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST (X INTEGER)`; const transaction = client.createTransaction("transactionReadOnly", { read_only: true, }); await transaction.begin();
await assertRejects( () => transaction.queryArray`DELETE FROM FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`, TransactionError, undefined, "DELETE shouldn't be able to be used in a read-only transaction", );
await client.queryArray`DROP TABLE FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`; }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction snapshot", withClientGenerator(async (generateClient) => { const client_1 = await generateClient(); const client_2 = await generateClient();
await client_1.queryArray`DROP TABLE IF EXISTS FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`; await client_1.queryArray`CREATE TABLE FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST (X INTEGER)`; await client_1.queryArray`INSERT INTO FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST (X) VALUES (1)`; const transaction_1 = client_1.createTransaction("transactionSnapshot1", { isolation_level: "repeatable_read", }); await transaction_1.begin();
// This locks the current value of the test table await transaction_1.queryObject<{ x: number; }>`SELECT X FROM FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`;
// Modify data outside the transaction await client_2.queryArray`UPDATE FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST SET X = 2`;
const { rows: query_1 } = await transaction_1.queryObject<{ x: number; }>`SELECT X FROM FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`; assertEquals( query_1, [{ x: 1 }], "External changes shouldn't affect repeatable read transaction", );
const snapshot = await transaction_1.getSnapshot();
const transaction_2 = client_2.createTransaction("transactionSnapshot2", { isolation_level: "repeatable_read", snapshot, }); await transaction_2.begin();
const { rows: query_2 } = await transaction_2.queryObject<{ x: number; }>`SELECT X FROM FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`; assertEquals( query_2, [{ x: 1 }], "External changes shouldn't affect repeatable read transaction with previous snapshot", );
await transaction_1.commit(); await transaction_2.commit();
await client_1.queryArray`DROP TABLE FOR_TRANSACTION_TEST`; }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction locks client", withClient(async (client) => { const name = "x"; const transaction = client.createTransaction(name);
await transaction.begin(); await transaction.queryArray`SELECT 1`; await assertRejects( () => client.queryArray`SELECT 1`, Error, `This connection is currently locked by the "${name}" transaction`, "The connection is not being locked by the transaction", ); await transaction.commit();
await client.queryArray`SELECT 1`; assertEquals( client.session.current_transaction, null, "Client was not released after transaction", ); }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction commit chain", withClient(async (client) => { const name = "transactionCommitChain"; const transaction = client.createTransaction(name);
await transaction.begin();
await transaction.commit({ chain: true }); assertEquals( client.session.current_transaction, name, "Client shouldn't have been released on chained commit", );
await transaction.commit(); assertEquals( client.session.current_transaction, null, "Client was not released after transaction ended", ); }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction lock is released on savepoint-less rollback", withClient(async (client) => { const name = "transactionLockIsReleasedOnRollback"; const transaction = client.createTransaction(name);
await client.queryArray`CREATE TEMP TABLE MY_TEST (X INTEGER)`; await transaction.begin(); await transaction.queryArray`INSERT INTO MY_TEST (X) VALUES (1)`;
const { rows: query_1 } = await transaction.queryObject<{ x: number; }>`SELECT X FROM MY_TEST`; assertEquals(query_1, [{ x: 1 }]);
await transaction.rollback({ chain: true });
assertEquals( client.session.current_transaction, name, "Client shouldn't have been released after chained rollback", );
await transaction.rollback();
const { rowCount: query_2 } = await client.queryObject<{ x: number; }>`SELECT X FROM MY_TEST`; assertEquals(query_2, 0);
assertEquals( client.session.current_transaction, null, "Client was not released after rollback", ); }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction rollback validations", withClient(async (client) => { const transaction = client.createTransaction( "transactionRollbackValidations", ); await transaction.begin();
await assertRejects( // @ts-ignore This is made to check the two properties aren't passed at once () => transaction.rollback({ savepoint: "unexistent", chain: true }), Error, "The chain option can't be used alongside a savepoint on a rollback operation", );
await transaction.commit(); }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction lock is released after unrecoverable error", withClient(async (client) => { const name = "transactionLockIsReleasedOnUnrecoverableError"; const transaction = client.createTransaction(name);
await transaction.begin(); await assertRejects( () => transaction.queryArray`SELECT []`, TransactionError, `The transaction "${name}" has been aborted`, ); assertEquals(client.session.current_transaction, null);
await transaction.begin(); await assertRejects( () => transaction.queryObject`SELECT []`, TransactionError, `The transaction "${name}" has been aborted`, ); assertEquals(client.session.current_transaction, null); }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction savepoints", withClient(async (client) => { const savepoint_name = "a1"; const transaction = client.createTransaction("x");
await transaction.begin(); await transaction.queryArray`CREATE TEMP TABLE X (Y INT)`; await transaction.queryArray`INSERT INTO X VALUES (1)`; const { rows: query_1 } = await transaction.queryObject<{ y: number; }>`SELECT Y FROM X`; assertEquals(query_1, [{ y: 1 }]);
const savepoint = await transaction.savepoint(savepoint_name);
await transaction.queryArray`DELETE FROM X`; const { rowCount: query_2 } = await transaction.queryObject<{ y: number; }>`SELECT Y FROM X`; assertEquals(query_2, 0);
await savepoint.update();
await transaction.queryArray`INSERT INTO X VALUES (2)`; const { rows: query_3 } = await transaction.queryObject<{ y: number; }>`SELECT Y FROM X`; assertEquals(query_3, [{ y: 2 }]);
await transaction.rollback(savepoint); const { rowCount: query_4 } = await transaction.queryObject<{ y: number; }>`SELECT Y FROM X`; assertEquals(query_4, 0);
assertEquals( savepoint.instances, 2, "An incorrect number of instances were created for a transaction savepoint", ); await savepoint.release(); assertEquals( savepoint.instances, 1, "The instance for the savepoint was not released", );
// This checks that the savepoint can be called by name as well await transaction.rollback(savepoint_name); const { rows: query_5 } = await transaction.queryObject<{ y: number; }>`SELECT Y FROM X`; assertEquals(query_5, [{ y: 1 }]);
await transaction.commit(); }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction savepoint validations", withClient(async (client) => { const transaction = client.createTransaction("x"); await transaction.begin();
await assertRejects( () => transaction.savepoint("1"), Error, "The savepoint name can't begin with a number", );
await assertRejects( () => transaction.savepoint( "this_savepoint_is_going_to_be_longer_than_sixty_three_characters", ), Error, "The savepoint name can't be longer than 63 characters", );
await assertRejects( () => transaction.savepoint("+"), Error, "The savepoint name can only contain alphanumeric characters", );
const savepoint = await transaction.savepoint("ABC1"); assertEquals(, "abc1");
assertEquals( savepoint, await transaction.savepoint("abc1"), "Creating a savepoint with the same name should return the original one", ); await savepoint.release();
await savepoint.release();
await assertRejects( () => savepoint.release(), Error, "This savepoint has no instances to release", );
await assertRejects( () => transaction.rollback(savepoint), Error, `There are no savepoints of "abc1" left to rollback to`, );
await assertRejects( () => transaction.rollback("UNEXISTENT"), Error, `There is no "unexistent" savepoint registered in this transaction`, );
await transaction.commit(); }),);
Deno.test( "Transaction operations throw if transaction has not been initialized", withClient(async (client) => { const transaction_x = client.createTransaction("x");
const transaction_y = client.createTransaction("y");
await transaction_x.begin();
await assertRejects( () => transaction_y.begin(), Error, `This client already has an ongoing transaction "x"`, );
await transaction_x.commit(); await transaction_y.begin(); await assertRejects( () => transaction_y.begin(), Error, "This transaction is already open", );
await transaction_y.commit(); await assertRejects( () => transaction_y.commit(), Error, `This transaction has not been started yet, make sure to use the "begin" method to do so`, );
await assertRejects( () => transaction_y.commit(), Error, `This transaction has not been started yet, make sure to use the "begin" method to do so`, );
await assertRejects( () => transaction_y.queryArray`SELECT 1`, Error, `This transaction has not been started yet, make sure to use the "begin" method to do so`, );
await assertRejects( () => transaction_y.queryObject`SELECT 1`, Error, `This transaction has not been started yet, make sure to use the "begin" method to do so`, );
await assertRejects( () => transaction_y.rollback(), Error, `This transaction has not been started yet, make sure to use the "begin" method to do so`, );
await assertRejects( () => transaction_y.savepoint("SOME"), Error, `This transaction has not been started yet, make sure to use the "begin" method to do so`, ); }),);