Extremely Popular
import { assertEquals, assertThrows, fromFileUrl } from "./test_deps.ts";import { createParams } from "../connection/connection_params.ts";import { ConnectionParamsError } from "../client/error.ts";
function setEnv(env: string, value?: string) { value ? Deno.env.set(env, value) : Deno.env.delete(env);}
/** * This function is ment to be used as a container for env based tests. * It will mutate the env state and run the callback passed to it, then * reset the env variables to it's original state * * It can only be used in tests that run with env permissions */function withEnv( { database, host, options, port, user, }: { database?: string; host?: string; options?: string; user?: string; port?: string; }, fn: (t: Deno.TestContext) => void,): (t: Deno.TestContext) => void | Promise<void> { return (t) => { const PGDATABASE = Deno.env.get("PGDATABASE"); const PGHOST = Deno.env.get("PGHOST"); const PGOPTIONS = Deno.env.get("PGOPTIONS"); const PGPORT = Deno.env.get("PGPORT"); const PGUSER = Deno.env.get("PGUSER");
database && Deno.env.set("PGDATABASE", database); host && Deno.env.set("PGHOST", host); options && Deno.env.set("PGOPTIONS", options); port && Deno.env.set("PGPORT", port); user && Deno.env.set("PGUSER", user);
// Reset to original state database && setEnv("PGDATABASE", PGDATABASE); host && setEnv("PGHOST", PGHOST); options && setEnv("PGOPTIONS", PGOPTIONS); port && setEnv("PGPORT", PGPORT); user && setEnv("PGUSER", PGUSER); };}
Deno.test("Parses connection string", function () { const p = createParams( "postgres://some_user@some_host:10101/deno_postgres", );
assertEquals(p.database, "deno_postgres"); assertEquals(p.host_type, "tcp"); assertEquals(p.hostname, "some_host"); assertEquals(p.port, 10101); assertEquals(p.user, "some_user");});
Deno.test("Parses connection string with socket host", function () { const socket = "/var/run/postgresql";
const p = createParams( `postgres://some_user@${encodeURIComponent(socket)}:10101/deno_postgres`, );
assertEquals(p.database, "deno_postgres"); assertEquals(p.hostname, socket); assertEquals(p.host_type, "socket"); assertEquals(p.port, 10101); assertEquals(p.user, "some_user");});
Deno.test('Parses connection string with "postgresql" as driver', function () { const p = createParams( "postgresql://some_user@some_host:10101/deno_postgres", );
assertEquals(p.database, "deno_postgres"); assertEquals(p.user, "some_user"); assertEquals(p.hostname, "some_host"); assertEquals(p.port, 10101);});
Deno.test("Parses connection string without port", function () { const p = createParams( "postgres://some_user@some_host/deno_postgres", );
assertEquals(p.database, "deno_postgres"); assertEquals(p.user, "some_user"); assertEquals(p.hostname, "some_host"); assertEquals(p.port, 5432);});
Deno.test("Parses connection string with application name", function () { const p = createParams( "postgres://some_user@some_host:10101/deno_postgres?application_name=test_app", );
assertEquals(p.database, "deno_postgres"); assertEquals(p.user, "some_user"); assertEquals(p.hostname, "some_host"); assertEquals(p.applicationName, "test_app"); assertEquals(p.port, 10101);});
Deno.test("Parses connection string with reserved URL parameters", () => { const p = createParams( "postgres://?dbname=some_db&user=some_user", );
assertEquals(p.database, "some_db"); assertEquals(p.user, "some_user");});
Deno.test("Parses connection string with sslmode required", function () { const p = createParams( "postgres://some_user@some_host:10101/deno_postgres?sslmode=require", );
assertEquals(p.tls.enabled, true); assertEquals(p.tls.enforce, true);});
Deno.test("Parses connection string with options", () => { { const params = { x: "1", y: "2", };
const params_as_args = Object.entries(params).map(([key, value]) => `--${key}=${value}` ).join(" ");
const p = createParams( `postgres://some_user@some_host:10101/deno_postgres?options=${ encodeURIComponent(params_as_args) }`, );
assertEquals(p.options, params); }
// Test arguments provided with the -c flag { const params = { x: "1", y: "2", };
const params_as_args = Object.entries(params).map(([key, value]) => `-c ${key}=${value}` ).join(" ");
const p = createParams( `postgres://some_user@some_host:10101/deno_postgres?options=${ encodeURIComponent(params_as_args) }`, );
assertEquals(p.options, params); }});
Deno.test("Throws on connection string with invalid options", () => { assertThrows( () => createParams( `postgres://some_user@some_host:10101/deno_postgres?options=z`, ), Error, `Value "z" is not a valid options argument`, );
assertThrows( () => createParams( `postgres://some_user@some_host:10101/deno_postgres?options=${ encodeURIComponent("-c") }`, ), Error, `No provided value for "-c" in options parameter`, );
assertThrows( () => createParams( `postgres://some_user@some_host:10101/deno_postgres?options=${ encodeURIComponent("-c a") }`, ), Error, `Value "a" is not a valid options argument`, );
assertThrows( () => createParams( `postgres://some_user@some_host:10101/deno_postgres?options=${ encodeURIComponent("-b a=1") }`, ), Error, `Argument "-b" is not supported in options parameter`, );});
Deno.test("Throws on connection string with invalid driver", function () { assertThrows( () => createParams( "somedriver://some_user@some_host:10101/deno_postgres", ), Error, "Supplied DSN has invalid driver: somedriver.", );});
Deno.test("Throws on connection string with invalid port", function () { assertThrows( () => createParams( "postgres://some_user@some_host:abc/deno_postgres", ), ConnectionParamsError, "Could not parse the connection string", );});
Deno.test("Throws on connection string with invalid ssl mode", function () { assertThrows( () => createParams( "postgres://some_user@some_host:10101/deno_postgres?sslmode=invalid", ), ConnectionParamsError, "Supplied DSN has invalid sslmode 'invalid'", );});
Deno.test("Parses connection options", function () { const p = createParams({ user: "some_user", hostname: "some_host", port: 10101, database: "deno_postgres", host_type: "tcp", });
assertEquals(p.database, "deno_postgres"); assertEquals(p.user, "some_user"); assertEquals(p.hostname, "some_host"); assertEquals(p.port, 10101);});
Deno.test("Throws on invalid tls options", function () { assertThrows( () => createParams({ host_type: "tcp", tls: { enabled: false, enforce: true, }, }), ConnectionParamsError, "Can't enforce TLS when client has TLS encryption is disabled", );});
Deno.test( "Parses env connection options", withEnv({ database: "deno_postgres", host: "some_host", port: "10101", user: "some_user", }, () => { const p = createParams(); assertEquals(p.database, "deno_postgres"); assertEquals(p.hostname, "some_host"); assertEquals(p.port, 10101); assertEquals(p.user, "some_user"); }),);
Deno.test( "Parses options argument from env", withEnv({ database: "deno_postgres", user: "some_user", options: "-c a=1", }, () => { const p = createParams();
assertEquals(p.options, { a: "1" }); }),);
Deno.test( "Throws on env connection options with invalid port", withEnv({ database: "deno_postgres", host: "some_host", port: "abc", user: "some_user", }, () => { assertThrows( () => createParams(), ConnectionParamsError, `"abc" is not a valid port number`, ); }),);
Deno.test({ name: "Parses mixed connection options and env connection options", fn: () => { const p = createParams({ database: "deno_postgres", host_type: "tcp", user: "deno_postgres", });
assertEquals(p.database, "deno_postgres"); assertEquals(p.user, "deno_postgres"); assertEquals(p.hostname, ""); assertEquals(p.port, 5432); }, permissions: { env: false, },});
Deno.test({ name: "Throws if it can't obtain necessary parameters from config or env", fn: () => { assertThrows( () => createParams(), ConnectionParamsError, "Missing connection parameters: database, user", );
assertThrows( () => createParams({ user: "some_user" }), ConnectionParamsError, "Missing connection parameters: database", ); }, permissions: { env: false, },});
Deno.test({ name: "Uses default connection options", fn: () => { const database = "deno_postgres"; const user = "deno_postgres";
const p = createParams({ database, host_type: "tcp", user, });
assertEquals(p.database, database); assertEquals(p.user, user); assertEquals( p.hostname, "", ); assertEquals(p.port, 5432); assertEquals( p.password, undefined, ); }, permissions: { env: false, },});
Deno.test({ name: "Throws when required options are not passed", fn: () => { assertThrows( () => createParams(), ConnectionParamsError, "Missing connection parameters:", ); }, permissions: { env: false, },});
Deno.test("Determines host type", () => { { const p = createParams({ database: "some_db", hostname: "", user: "some_user", });
assertEquals(p.host_type, "tcp"); }
{ const p = createParams( "postgres://somehost.com?dbname=some_db&user=some_user", ); assertEquals(p.hostname, "somehost.com"); assertEquals(p.host_type, "tcp"); }
{ const abs_path = "/some/absolute/path";
const p = createParams({ database: "some_db", hostname: abs_path, host_type: "socket", user: "some_user", });
assertEquals(p.hostname, abs_path); assertEquals(p.host_type, "socket"); }
{ const rel_path = "./some_file";
const p = createParams({ database: "some_db", hostname: rel_path, host_type: "socket", user: "some_user", });
assertEquals(p.hostname, fromFileUrl(new URL(rel_path, import.meta.url))); assertEquals(p.host_type, "socket"); }
{ const p = createParams("postgres://?dbname=some_db&user=some_user"); assertEquals(p.hostname, "/tmp"); assertEquals(p.host_type, "socket"); }});
Deno.test("Throws when TLS options and socket type are specified", () => { assertThrows( () => createParams({ database: "some_db", hostname: "./some_file", host_type: "socket", user: "some_user", tls: { enabled: true, }, }), ConnectionParamsError, `No TLS options are allowed when host type is set to "socket"`, );});
Deno.test("Throws when host is a URL and host type is socket", () => { const error = assertThrows( () => createParams({ database: "some_db", hostname: "https://some_host.com", host_type: "socket", user: "some_user", }), );
if (!(error instanceof ConnectionParamsError)) { throw new Error(`Unexpected error: ${error}`); }
if (!(error.cause instanceof Error)) { throw new Error(`Expected cause for error`); }
const expected_message = "The provided host is not a file path"; if ( typeof error.cause.message !== "string" || !error.cause.message.includes(expected_message) ) { throw new Error( `Expected error cause to include "${expected_message}"`, ); }});
Deno.test("Escapes spaces on option values", () => { const value = "space here";
const p = createParams({ database: "some_db", user: "some_user", options: { "key": value, }, });
assertEquals(value.replaceAll(" ", "\\ "), p.options.key);});
Deno.test("Throws on invalid option keys", () => { assertThrows( () => createParams({ database: "some_db", user: "some_user", options: { "asd a": "a", }, }), Error, 'The "asd a" key in the options argument is invalid', );});