import * as mod from "";
Get the runtime pagic root path, it should be a file-system-path or a url /User/xcatliu/work/github/pagic or |
Compile input code from tsx to js, by typescript compiler
Will replace | |
Read input file and then compile it | |
Compile a pagic file with local or remote url | |
Traversal a tree or tree[] | |
input: ('foo/bar/', ['foo/_layout.tsx', '_layout.tsx']) output: 'foo/_layout.tsx' | |
Get and parse messages from git log | |
input: foo/ output: foo/index.html | |
Replacement of dynamic import, enable cache by default, support reload options | |
Replacement of dynamic import default | |
Import pagic mod | |
Import pagic mod default | |
Import plugin | |
Import theme or themeFile | |
f omit | Omit the specific items of an object |
input: FooBar output: _foo_bar | |
f pick | Pick the specific items of an object |
input: foo/bar.html replacement: _content.js output: foo/bar_content.js | |
input: foo/ output: foo/bar.html | |
input: [{name:'a'}, {name:'b'}, {name:'c',insert:'before:b'}] output: [{name:'a'}, {name:'c',insert:'before:b'}, {name:'b'}] | |
截取指定长度的中英文混合字符串 | |
input: _foo_bar output: FooBar | |
Remove same items in an array | |
f walk | A util to replace fs.walk method, return relativeToSrcPath instead of fullPath |