

Omelette is a simple, template based autocompletion tool for Node and Deno projects with super easy API. (For Bash, Zsh and Fish)
import { EventEmitter } from "";import * as path from "";const hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
function depthOf(object: any) { let key: any, depth: number, level: number; level = 1; for (let key in object) { if (!, key)) continue; if (typeof object[key] === "object") { depth = depthOf(object[key]) + 1; level = Math.max(depth, level); } } return level;}
class Omelette extends EventEmitter { asyncs: number; compgen: number; install: boolean; installFish: boolean; isDebug: boolean; word: string | undefined; mainProgram: Function; programs: string[] = []; program: string = ""; shell: string = "";
fragments: string[] = []; fragment: number; line: string;
constructor() { super(); // let isFish: boolean, isZsh: boolean, ref: string; let isZsh: boolean, ref: string; this.asyncs = 0; this.compgen = Deno.args.indexOf("--compgen"); this.install = Deno.args.indexOf("--completion") > -1; this.installFish = Deno.args.indexOf("--completion-fish") > -1; isZsh = Deno.args.indexOf("--compzsh") > -1; // isFish = Deno.args.indexOf("--compfish") > -1; this.isDebug = Deno.args.indexOf("--debug") > -1; this.fragment = parseInt(Deno.args[this.compgen + 1]) - (isZsh ? 1 : 0); this.line = Deno.args.slice(this.compgen + 3).join(" "); this.word = (ref = this.line) != null ? ref.trim().split(/\s+/).pop() : void 0; this.mainProgram = function () {}; }
setProgram(programs: string) { const splittedPrograms: string[] = programs.split("|"); this.program = splittedPrograms[0]; return this.programs = (program: string) { return program.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\.\_\-]/g, ""); // Do not allow except: // .. uppercase // .. lowercase // .. numbers // .. dots // .. underscores // .. dashes }); }
setFragments(...fragments1: any[]) { this.fragments = fragments1; }
generate() { let data: Object = { before: this.word, fragment: this.fragment, line: this.line, reply: this.reply, }; this.emit("complete", this.fragments[this.fragment - 1], data); this.emit(this.fragments[this.fragment - 1], data); this.emit(`$${this.fragment}`, data); if (this.asyncs === 0) { return Deno.exit(); } }
reply(words: string[] = []) { let writer = function (options: any) { console.log( typeof options.join === "function" ? options.join("\n") : void 0, ); return Deno.exit(); }; if (words instanceof Promise) { return words.then(writer); } else { return writer(words); } }
next(handler: Function | undefined) { if (typeof handler === "function") { return this.mainProgram = handler; } }
tree(objectTree = {}) { let depth, i, level, ref; depth = depthOf(objectTree); for ( level = i = 1, ref = depth; (1 <= ref ? i <= ref : i >= ref); level = 1 <= ref ? ++i : --i ) { this.on( `$${level}`, function ( { fragment, reply, line }: { fragment: number; reply: Function; line: string; }, ) { let accessor, lastIndex: number, replies: string[]; if (!(/\s+/.test(line.slice(-1)))) { lastIndex = -1; } accessor = (t: any) => line.split(/\s+/).slice(1, lastIndex).filter(Boolean).reduce( (a: any, v: any) => a[v], t, ); replies = fragment === 1 ? Object.keys(objectTree) : accessor(objectTree); return reply((function (replies: any) { if (replies instanceof Function) { return replies(); } if (replies instanceof Array) { return replies; } if (replies instanceof Object) { return Object.keys(replies); } })(replies)); }, ); } return this; }
generateCompletionCode() { let completions = string) => { let completion; completion = `_${program}_completion`; return `### ${program} completion - begin. generated by omelette.js ###\nif type compdef &>/dev/null; then\n ${completion}() {\n compadd -- \`${this.program} --compzsh --compgen "\${CURRENT}" "\${words[CURRENT-1]}" "\${BUFFER}"\`\n }\n compdef ${completion} ${program}\nelif type complete &>/dev/null; then\n ${completion}() {\n local cur prev nb_colon\n _get_comp_words_by_ref -n : cur prev\n nb_colon=$(grep -o ":" <<< "$COMP_LINE" | wc -l)\n\n COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W '$(${this.program} --compbash --compgen "$((COMP_CWORD - (nb_colon * 2)))" "$prev" "\${COMP_LINE}")' -- "$cur") )\n\n __ltrim_colon_completions "$cur"\n }\n complete -F ${completion} ${program}\nelif type compctl &>/dev/null; then\n ${completion} () {\n local cword line point si\n read -Ac words\n read -cn cword\n read -l line\n si="$IFS"\n if ! IFS=$'\n' reply=($(${program} --compzsh --compgen "\${cword}" "\${words[cword-1]}" "\${line}")); then\n local ret=$?\n IFS="$si"\n return $ret\n fi\n IFS="$si"\n }\n compctl -K ${completion} ${program}\nfi\n### ${program} completion - end ###`; }); if (this.isDebug) { // Adding aliases for testing purposes completions.push(this.generateTestAliases()); } return completions.join("\n"); }
generateCompletionCodeFish() { let completions = string) => { let completion; completion = `_${program}_completion`; return `### ${program} completion - begin. generated by omelette.js ###\nfunction ${completion}\n ${this.program} --compfish --compgen (count (commandline -poc)) (commandline -pt) (commandline -pb)\nend\ncomplete -f -c ${program} -a '(${completion})'\n### ${program} completion - end ###`; }); if (this.isDebug) { // Adding aliases for testing purposes completions.push(this.generateTestAliases()); } return completions.join("\n"); }
generateTestAliases() { let debugAliases: string, debugUnaliases: string, fullPath: string; fullPath = path.join(Deno.cwd(), this.program); debugAliases = (program: string) { return ` alias ${program}=${fullPath}`; }).join("\n"); debugUnaliases = (program: string) { return ` unalias ${program}`; }).join("\n"); return `### test method ###\nomelette-debug-${this.program}() {\n${debugAliases}\n}\nomelette-nodebug-${this.program}() {\n${debugUnaliases}\n}\n### tests ###`; }
checkInstall() { if (this.install) { console.log(this.generateCompletionCode()); Deno.exit(); } if (this.installFish) { console.log(this.generateCompletionCodeFish()); return Deno.exit(); } }
init() { if (this.compgen > -1) { return this.generate(); } else { return this.mainProgram(); } }
onAsync(event: string, handler: Function) { super.on(event, handler); return this.asyncs += 1; }}
function omelette(template: any, ...args: any[]) { let program: string, callbacks: any[], fragments: string[]; if (template instanceof Array && args.length > 0) { [program, callbacks] = [template[0].trim(), args]; fragments = (callback, index) { return `arg${index}`; }); } else { [program, ...fragments] = template.split(/\s+/); callbacks = []; } fragments = (fragment) { return fragment.replace(/^\<+|\>+$/g, ""); }); const om = new Omelette(); om.setProgram(program); om.setFragments(...fragments); om.checkInstall(); let callback: any; let fragment: string; for (let i, index = i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; index = ++i) { callback = callbacks[index]; fragment = `arg${index}`; (function (callback) { return om.on(fragment, function (...args: any) { return om.reply( callback instanceof Array ? callback : callback(...args), ); }); })(callback); } return om;}
export default omelette;