

A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2021 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { assert, assertEquals } from "./test_deps.ts";import { createMockApp, createMockContext, mockContextState,} from "./testing.ts";
import type { Application } from "./application.ts";import type { Context } from "./context.ts";import type { RouteParams } from "./router.ts";
import { calculate, factory, ifMatch, ifNoneMatch } from "./etag.ts";
const { test } = Deno;
function setup< // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any S extends Record<string | number | symbol, any> = Record<string, any>,>( path = "/", method = "GET",): { app: Application<S>; context: Context<S>;} { mockContextState.encodingsAccepted = "identity"; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const app = createMockApp<any>(); const context = createMockContext<RouteParams, S>({ app, path, method }); return { app, context };}
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
test({ name: "etag - calculate - string - empty", async fn() { const actual = await calculate(""); assertEquals(actual, `"0-2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk="`); },});
test({ name: "etag - calculate - string", async fn() { const actual = await calculate("hello deno"); assertEquals(actual, `"a-l+ghcNTLpmZ9DVs/87qbgBvpV0M"`); },});
test({ name: "etag - calculate - Uint8Array - empty", async fn() { const actual = await calculate(new Uint8Array()); assertEquals(actual, `"0-2jmj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk="`); },});
test({ name: "etag - calculate - Uint8Array - empty", async fn() { const actual = await calculate(encoder.encode("hello deno")); assertEquals(actual, `"a-l+ghcNTLpmZ9DVs/87qbgBvpV0M"`); },});
test({ name: "etag - calculate - Deno.FileInfo", async fn() { const fixture: Deno.FileInfo = { isFile: true, isDirectory: false, isSymlink: false, size: 1024, mtime: new Date(Date.UTC(96, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), atime: null, birthtime: null, dev: null, ino: null, mode: null, nlink: null, uid: null, gid: null, rdev: null, blksize: null, blocks: null, }; const actual = await calculate(fixture); assertEquals(actual, `W/"400-bfac58a88e"`); },});
test({ name: "etag - middleware - body string", async fn() { const { context } = setup(); function next() { context.response.body = "hello deno"; return Promise.resolve(); }
const mw = factory(); await mw(context, next); assertEquals( context.response.headers.get("etag"), `"a-l+ghcNTLpmZ9DVs/87qbgBvpV0M"`, ); },});
test({ name: "etag - middleware - body Uint8Array", async fn() { const { context } = setup(); function next() { context.response.body = encoder.encode("hello deno"); return Promise.resolve(); }
const mw = factory(); await mw(context, next); assertEquals( context.response.headers.get("etag"), `"a-l+ghcNTLpmZ9DVs/87qbgBvpV0M"`, ); },});
test({ name: "etag - middleware - body File", async fn() { const { context } = setup(); let file: Deno.File; async function next() { file = await"./fixtures/test.jpg", { read: true, }); context.response.body = file; }
const mw = factory(); await mw(context, next); // Deno.fstat is currently an unstable API in Deno, but the code is written // to fail gracefully, so we sniff if the API is unavailable and change // the assertions accordingly. if ("fstat" in Deno) { const actual = context.response.headers.get("etag"); // mtime will vary from system to system which makes up part of the hash // we we only look at the part that is consistent. assert(actual && actual.startsWith(`W/"4a3b7-`)); } else { assertEquals( context.response.headers.get("etag"), null, ); }
file!.close(); },});
test({ name: "etag - middleware - body JSON-like", async fn() { const { context } = setup(); function next() { context.response.body = { msg: "hello deno" }; return Promise.resolve(); }
const mw = factory(); await mw(context, next); assertEquals( context.response.headers.get("etag"), `"14-KZ23xGibHn2QLCgZY4YQIjYHYhI"`, ); },});
test({ name: "etag - middleware - body function", async fn() { // if we call the body function in the middleware, we cause problems with // the response, so we just have to ignore body functions const { context } = setup(); function next() { context.response.body = () => Promise.resolve("hello deno"); return Promise.resolve(); }
const mw = factory(); await mw(context, next); assertEquals( context.response.headers.get("etag"), null, ); },});
test({ name: "etag - middleware - body async iterator", async fn() { // The only async readable we can really support is Deno.File, because we // know how to get the meta data in order to build a weak tag. Other async // iterables should be ignored and not serialized as JSON. const { context } = setup(); function next() { context.response.body = new ReadableStream<string>({ start(controller) { controller.enqueue("hello deno"); controller.close(); }, }); return Promise.resolve(); }
const mw = factory(); await mw(context, next); assertEquals( context.response.headers.get("etag"), null, ); },});
test({ name: "etag - ifMatch", async fn() { assert(!await ifMatch(`"abcdefg"`, "hello deno")); assert(await ifMatch(`"a-l+ghcNTLpmZ9DVs/87qbgBvpV0M"`, "hello deno")); assert( await ifMatch(`"abcdefg", "a-l+ghcNTLpmZ9DVs/87qbgBvpV0M"`, "hello deno"), ); assert(await ifMatch("*", "hello deno")); assert( !await ifMatch("*", { size: 1024, mtime: new Date(Date.UTC(96, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), }), ); },});
test({ name: "etag - ifNoneMatch", async fn() { assert(await ifNoneMatch(`"abcdefg"`, "hello deno")); assert(!await ifNoneMatch(`"a-l+ghcNTLpmZ9DVs/87qbgBvpV0M"`, "hello deno")); assert( !await ifNoneMatch( `"abcdefg", "a-l+ghcNTLpmZ9DVs/87qbgBvpV0M"`, "hello deno", ), ); assert(!await ifNoneMatch("*", "hello deno")); assert( !await ifNoneMatch(`W/"400-bfac58a88e"`, { size: 1024, mtime: new Date(Date.UTC(96, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), }), ); assert( await ifNoneMatch(`"400-bfac58a88e"`, { size: 1024, mtime: new Date(Date.UTC(96, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)), }), ); },});