

A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2021 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// deno-lint-ignore-file
import { assert, assertEquals, assertStrictEquals, assertThrows, assertThrowsAsync, BufReader, BufWriter,} from "./test_deps.ts";import type { Application, State } from "./application.ts";import { Context } from "./context.ts";import { Cookies } from "./cookies.ts";import { readAll } from "./deps.ts";import { NativeRequest } from "./http_server_native.ts";import type { UpgradeWebSocketFn } from "./http_server_native.ts";import type { ServerRequest } from "./http_server_std.ts";import { Request as OakRequest } from "./request.ts";import { Response as OakResponse } from "./response.ts";import { cloneState } from "./structured_clone.ts";import { httpErrors } from "./httpError.ts";import { WebSocketShim } from "./websocket.ts";import type { UpgradeWebSocketOptions } from "./websocket.ts";
const { test } = Deno;
function createMockApp<S extends State = Record<string, any>>( state = {} as S,): Application<S> { return { state, dispatchEvent() {}, [Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")]() { return `MockApplication {}`; }, } as any;}
interface MockServerOptions { headers?: [string, string][]; proto?: string; url?: string;}
function createMockServerRequest( { url = "/", proto = "HTTP/1.1", headers: headersInit = [["host", "localhost"]], }: MockServerOptions = {},): ServerRequest { const headers = new Headers(headersInit); return { conn: { close() {}, }, r: new BufReader(new Deno.Buffer(new Uint8Array())), w: new BufWriter(new Deno.Buffer(new Uint8Array())), headers, method: "GET", proto, url, async respond() {}, } as any;}
interface MockNativeOptions { url?: string; requestInit?: RequestInit; undefinedUpgrade?: boolean;}
let respondWithStack: (Response | Promise<Response>)[] = [];let upgradeWebSocketStack: [Request, UpgradeWebSocketOptions | undefined][] = [];
const mockWebSocket = {} as WebSocket;const mockResponse = {} as Response;
function createMockNativeRequest( { url = "http://localhost/", requestInit = { headers: [["host", "localhost"]] }, undefinedUpgrade = false, }: MockNativeOptions = {},) { respondWithStack = []; upgradeWebSocketStack = []; const request = new Request(url, requestInit); const requestEvent = { request, respondWith(r: Response | Promise<Response>) { respondWithStack.push(r); return Promise.resolve(); }, }; const upgradeWebSocket: UpgradeWebSocketFn | undefined = undefinedUpgrade ? undefined : (request, options) => { upgradeWebSocketStack.push([request, options]); return { response: mockResponse, websocket: mockWebSocket }; }; return new NativeRequest(requestEvent, { upgradeWebSocket });}
function isDenoReader(value: any): value is Deno.Reader { return value && typeof value === "object" && "read" in value && typeof === "function";}
test({ name: "context", fn() { const app = createMockApp(); const serverRequest = createMockServerRequest(); const context = new Context(app, serverRequest, cloneState(app.state)); assert(context instanceof Context); assertEquals(context.state, app.state); assertStrictEquals(, app); assert(context.cookies instanceof Cookies); assert(context.request instanceof OakRequest); assert(context.response instanceof OakResponse); },});
test({ name: "context.assert()", fn() { const context: Context = new Context( createMockApp(), createMockServerRequest(), {}, ); assertThrows( () => { let loggedIn: string | undefined; context.assert(loggedIn, 401, "Unauthorized"); }, httpErrors.Unauthorized, "Unauthorized", ); },});
test({ name: "context.throw()", fn() { const context = new Context(createMockApp(), createMockServerRequest(), {}); assertThrows( () => { context.throw(404, "foobar"); }, httpErrors.NotFound, "foobar", ); },});
test({ name: "context.send() default path", async fn() { const context = new Context( createMockApp(), createMockServerRequest({ url: "/test.html" }), {}, ); const fixture = await Deno.readFile("./fixtures/test.html"); await context.send({ root: "./fixtures", maxbuffer: 0 }); const serverResponse = await context.response.toServerResponse(); const bodyReader = serverResponse.body; assert(isDenoReader(bodyReader)); const body = await readAll(bodyReader); assertEquals(body, fixture); assertEquals(context.response.type, ".html"); assertEquals( context.response.headers.get("content-length"), String(fixture.length), ); assert(context.response.headers.get("last-modified") != null); assertEquals(context.response.headers.get("cache-control"), "max-age=0"); context.response.destroy(); },});
test({ name: "context.send() specified path", async fn() { const context = new Context(createMockApp(), createMockServerRequest(), {}); const fixture = await Deno.readFile("./fixtures/test.html"); await context.send({ path: "/test.html", root: "./fixtures", maxbuffer: 0, }); const serverResponse = context.response.toServerResponse(); const bodyReader = (await serverResponse).body; assert(isDenoReader(bodyReader)); const body = await readAll(bodyReader); assertEquals(body, fixture); assertEquals(context.response.type, ".html"); assertEquals( context.response.headers.get("content-length"), String(fixture.length), ); assert(context.response.headers.get("last-modified") != null); assertEquals(context.response.headers.get("cache-control"), "max-age=0"); context.response.destroy(); },});
test({ name: "context.upgrade() - std Request", async fn() { const context = new Context( createMockApp(), createMockServerRequest({ headers: [["Upgrade", "websocket"], ["Sec-WebSocket-Key", "abc"], [ "host", "localhost", ]], }), {}, ); assert(context.socket === undefined); const ws = await context.upgrade(); assert(ws); assert(ws instanceof WebSocketShim); assertStrictEquals(context.socket, ws); assertEquals(context.respond, false); },});
test({ name: "context.upgrade() - native request", async fn() { const context = new Context( createMockApp(), createMockNativeRequest({ url: "http://localhost/", requestInit: { headers: [ ["upgrade", "websocket"], ["sec-websocket-key", "abc"], ["host", "localhost"], ], }, }), {}, ); assert(context.socket === undefined); const ws = await context.upgrade(); assert(ws); assertStrictEquals(context.socket, ws); assertStrictEquals(ws, mockWebSocket); assertEquals(context.respond, false); assertEquals(respondWithStack.length, 1); assertStrictEquals(await respondWithStack[0], mockResponse); assertEquals(upgradeWebSocketStack.length, 1); },});
test({ name: "context.upgrade() - not supported", async fn() { const context = new Context( createMockApp(), createMockNativeRequest({ url: "http://localhost/", requestInit: { headers: [ ["upgrade", "websocket"], ["sec-websocket-key", "abc"], ["host", "localhost"], ], }, undefinedUpgrade: true, }), {}, ); assert(context.socket === undefined); await assertThrowsAsync( async () => { await context.upgrade(); }, TypeError, "Upgrading web sockets not supported.", ); assert(context.socket === undefined); assertEquals(context.respond, true); },});
test({ name: "context.upgrade() failure does not set socket/respond", async fn() { const context = new Context(createMockApp(), createMockServerRequest(), {}); assert(context.socket === undefined); await assertThrowsAsync(async () => { await context.upgrade(); }); assert(context.socket === undefined); assertEquals(context.respond, true); },});
test({ name: "context.isUpgradable true - std request", async fn() { const context = new Context( createMockApp(), createMockServerRequest({ headers: [["Upgrade", "websocket"], ["Sec-WebSocket-Key", "abc"]], }), {}, ); assertEquals(context.isUpgradable, true); },});
test({ name: "context.isUpgradable true - native request", async fn() { const context = new Context( createMockApp(), createMockNativeRequest({ url: "http://localhost/", requestInit: { headers: [ ["upgrade", "websocket"], ["sec-websocket-key", "abc"], ["host", "localhost"], ], }, }), {}, ); assertEquals(context.isUpgradable, true); },});
test({ name: "context.isUpgradable false - std request", async fn() { const context = new Context( createMockApp(), createMockServerRequest({ headers: [["Upgrade", "websocket"]], }), {}, ); assertEquals(context.isUpgradable, false); },});
test({ name: "context.isUpgradable false - native request", async fn() { const context = new Context( createMockApp(), createMockNativeRequest({ url: "http://localhost/", requestInit: { headers: [ ["upgrade", "websocket"], ], }, }), {}, ); assertEquals(context.isUpgradable, false); },});
test({ name: "context.getSSETarget()", async fn() { const context = new Context(createMockApp(), createMockServerRequest(), {}); const sse = context.sendEvents(); sse.dispatchComment(`hello world`); await sse.close(); },});
test({ name: "context create secure", fn() { const context = new Context( createMockApp(), createMockServerRequest(), {}, true, ); assertEquals(, true); },});
test({ name: "Context - inspecting", fn() { const app = createMockApp(); const req = createMockServerRequest(); assertEquals( Deno.inspect(new Context(app, req, {}), { depth: 1 }), `Context {\n app: MockApplication {},\n cookies: Cookies [],\n isUpgradable: false,\n respond: true,\n request: Request {\n hasBody: false,\n headers: Headers { host: "localhost" },\n ip: "",\n ips: [],\n method: "GET",\n secure: false,\n url: "http://localhost/"\n},\n response: Response { body: undefined, headers: Headers {}, status: 404, type: undefined, writable: true },\n socket: undefined,\n state: {}\n}`, ); },});