

A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2021 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import type { Application, State } from "./application.ts";import type { Server } from "./types.d.ts";import { isListenTlsOptions } from "./util.ts";
export type Respond = (r: Response | Promise<Response>) => void;export const DomResponse: typeof Response = Response;
// Since the native bindings are currently unstable in Deno, we will add the// interfaces here, so that we can type check oak without requiring the// `--unstable` flag to be used.
interface RequestEvent { readonly request: Request; respondWith(r: Response | Promise<Response>): Promise<void>;}
interface HttpConn extends AsyncIterable<RequestEvent> { readonly rid: number; nextRequest(): Promise<RequestEvent | null>; close(): void;}
const serveHttp: (conn: Deno.Conn) => HttpConn = "serveHttp" in Deno ? // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (Deno as any).serveHttp.bind( Deno, ) : undefined;
/** * Detects if the current version of Deno provides the native HTTP bindings, * which may be only available under the `--unstable` flag. */export function hasNativeHttp(): boolean { return !!serveHttp;}
export class NativeRequest { #conn?: Deno.Conn<Deno.NetAddr>; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any #reject!: (reason?: any) => void; #request: Request; #requestPromise: Promise<void>; #resolve!: (value: Response) => void; #resolved = false;
constructor(requestEvent: RequestEvent, conn?: Deno.Conn<Deno.NetAddr>) { this.#conn = conn; this.#request = requestEvent.request; const p = new Promise<Response>((resolve, reject) => { this.#resolve = resolve; this.#reject = reject; }); this.#requestPromise = requestEvent.respondWith(p); }
get body(): ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | null { return this.#request.body; }
get donePromise(): Promise<void> { return this.#requestPromise; }
get headers(): Headers { return this.#request.headers; }
get method(): string { return this.#request.method; }
get remoteAddr(): string | undefined { return this.#conn?.remoteAddr.hostname; }
get request(): Request { return this.#request; }
get url(): string { return this.#request.url; }
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any error(reason?: any): void { if (this.#resolved) { throw new Error("Request already responded to."); } this.#reject(reason); this.#resolved = true; }
respond(response: Response): Promise<void> { if (this.#resolved) { throw new Error("Request already responded to."); } this.#resolve(response); this.#resolved = true; return this.#requestPromise; }}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport class HttpServerNative<AS extends State = Record<string, any>> implements Server<NativeRequest> { #app: Application<AS>; #closed = false; #options: Deno.ListenOptions | Deno.ListenTlsOptions;
constructor( app: Application<AS>, options: Deno.ListenOptions | Deno.ListenTlsOptions, ) { if (!("serveHttp" in Deno)) { throw new Error( "The native bindings for serving HTTP are not available.", ); } this.#app = app; this.#options = options; }
get app(): Application<AS> { return this.#app; }
get closed(): boolean { return this.#closed; }
close(): void { this.#closed = true; }
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<NativeRequest> { // deno-lint-ignore no-this-alias const server = this; const options = this.#options;
const stream = new ReadableStream<NativeRequest>({ start(controller) { const listener = isListenTlsOptions(options) ? Deno.listenTls(options) : Deno.listen(options);
async function serve(conn: Deno.Conn<Deno.NetAddr>) { const httpConn = serveHttp(conn); for await (const requestEvent of httpConn) { const nativeRequest = new NativeRequest(requestEvent, conn); controller.enqueue(nativeRequest); try { await nativeRequest.donePromise; } catch (error) { ErrorEvent("error", { error })); } if (server.closed) { httpConn.close(); listener.close(); controller.close(); return; } } }
async function accept() { for await (const conn of listener) { if (server.closed) { listener.close(); controller.close(); return; } serve(conn); } }
accept(); }, });
return stream[Symbol.asyncIterator](); }}