

A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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/*! * Adapted directly from type-is at * which is licensed as follows: * * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson * MIT Licensed */
import { lookup } from "./deps.ts";import { parse, format } from "./mediaTyper.ts";
function mimeMatch(expected: string | undefined, actual: string): boolean { if (expected === undefined) { return false; }
const actualParts = actual.split("/"); const expectedParts = expected.split("/");
if (actualParts.length !== 2 || expectedParts.length !== 2) { return false; }
const [actualType, actualSubtype] = actualParts; const [expectedType, expectedSubtype] = expectedParts;
if (expectedType !== "*" && expectedType !== actualType) { return false; }
if (expectedSubtype.substr(0, 2) === "*+") { return ( expectedSubtype.length <= actualSubtype.length + 1 && expectedSubtype.substr(1) === actualSubtype.substr(1 - expectedSubtype.length) ); }
if (expectedSubtype !== "*" && expectedSubtype !== actualSubtype) { return false; }
return true;}
function normalize(type: string): string | undefined { if (type === "urlencoded") { return "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } else if (type === "multipart") { return "multipart/*"; } else if (type[0] === "+") { return `*/*${type}`; } return type.includes("/") ? type : lookup(type);}
function normalizeType(value: string): string | undefined { try { const val = value.split(";"); const type = parse(val[0]); return format(type); } catch { return; }}
/** Given a value of the content type of a request and an array of types, * provide the matching type or `false` if no types are matched. */export function isMediaType(value: string, types: string[]): string | false { const val = normalizeType(value);
if (!val) { return false; }
if (!types.length) { return val; }
for (const type of types) { if (mimeMatch(normalize(type), val)) { return type[0] === "+" || type.includes("*") ? val : type; } }
return false;}