

A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { RequestBody } from "./body.ts";import { readAll } from "./deps.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, assertRejects, assertStrictEquals,} from "./test_deps.ts";import type { ServerRequestBody } from "./types.d.ts";
const { test } = Deno;
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const multipartContentType = `multipart/form-data; boundary=OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARY`;
const multipartFixture = `--OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARYContent-Disposition: form-data; name="hello"
function toServerRequestBody(request: Request): [ServerRequestBody, Headers] { return [{ // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any body: request.body as any, readBody: async () => { const ab = await request.arrayBuffer(); return new Uint8Array(ab); }, }, request.headers];}
test({ name: "body - form", async fn() { const rBody = `foo=bar&bar=1&baz=qux+%2B+quux`; const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request( "http://localhost/index.html", { body: rBody, method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Content-Length": String(rBody.length), }, }, ), ), ); assert(requestBody.has()); const body = requestBody.get({}); assert(body.type === "form"); const actual = await body.value; assertEquals( Array.from(actual.entries()), [["foo", "bar"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "qux + quux"]], ); },});
test({ name: "body - form-data", async fn() { const requestBody = new RequestBody(...toServerRequestBody( new Request( "http://localhost/index.html", { body: multipartFixture, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": multipartContentType, }, }, ), )); assert(requestBody.has()); const body = requestBody.get({}); assert(body.type === "form-data"); const actual = await; assertEquals(actual.fields, { hello: "world" }); },});
test({ name: "body - json", async fn() { const rBody = JSON.stringify({ hello: "world" }); const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request( "http://localhost/index.html", { body: rBody, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json", "content-length": String(rBody.length), }, }, ), ), ); assert(requestBody.has()); const body = requestBody.get({}); assert(body.type === "json"); assertEquals(await body.value, { hello: "world" }); },});
test({ name: "body - bytes", async fn() { const rBody = `console.log("hello world!");\n`; const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request( "http://localhost/index.html", { body: rBody, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/javascript", "content-length": String(rBody.length), }, }, ), ), ); assert(requestBody.has()); const body = requestBody.get({}); assert(body.type === "bytes"); const actual = await body.value; assertEquals(decoder.decode(actual), `console.log("hello world!");\n`); },});
test({ name: "body - text", async fn() { const rBody = "hello"; const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: rBody, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", "content-length": String(rBody.length), }, }), ), ); assert(requestBody.has()); const body = requestBody.get({}); assert(body.type === "text"); assertEquals(await body.value, "hello"); },});
test({ name: "body - undefined", fn() { const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody(new Request("http://localhost/index.html")), ); assertEquals(requestBody.has(), false); const body = requestBody.get({}); assert(body.type === "undefined"); assertEquals(body.value, undefined); },});
test({ name: "body - type: reader", async fn() { const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: "hello world", method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", }, }), ), ); const body = requestBody.get({ type: "reader" }); assert(body.type === "reader"); const actual = await readAll(body.value); assertEquals(decoder.decode(actual), "hello world"); },});
test({ name: "body - type: stream", async fn() { const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: "hello world", method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", }, }), ), ); const body = requestBody.get({ type: "stream" }); assert(body.type === "stream"); const actual = await new Response(body.value).text(); assertEquals(actual, "hello world"); },});
test({ name: "body - type: form", async fn() { const rBody = `foo=bar&bar=1&baz=qux+%2B+quux`; const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: rBody, method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/javascript", "content-length": String(rBody.length), }, }), ), ); const body = requestBody.get({ type: "form" }); assert(body.type === "form"); const actual = await body.value; assertEquals( Array.from(actual.entries()), [["foo", "bar"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "qux + quux"]], ); },});
test({ name: "body - type: form-data", async fn() { const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: multipartFixture, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/javascript; boundary=OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARY", }, }), ), ); const body = requestBody.get({ type: "form-data" }); assert(body.type === "form-data"); const actual = await; assertEquals(actual.fields, { hello: "world" }); },});
test({ name: "body - type: bytes", async fn() { const rBody = `console.log("hello world!");\n`; const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: rBody, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", "content-length": String(rBody.length), }, }), ), ); const body = requestBody.get({ type: "bytes" }); assert(body.type === "bytes"); const actual = await body.value; assertEquals(decoder.decode(actual), `console.log("hello world!");\n`); },});
test({ name: "body - type: json", async fn() { const rBody = JSON.stringify({ hello: "world" }); const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: rBody, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/javascript", "content-length": String(rBody.length), }, }), ), ); const body = requestBody.get({ type: "json" }); assert(body.type === "json"); assertEquals(await body.value, { hello: "world" }); },});
test({ name: "body - type: text", async fn() { const rBody = "hello"; const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: rBody, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/javascript", "content-length": String(rBody.length), }, }), ), ); const body = requestBody.get({ type: "text" }); assert(body.type === "text"); assertEquals(await body.value, "hello"); },});
test({ name: "body - type - body undefined", async fn() { const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody(new Request("http://localhost/index.html")), ); assertEquals(requestBody.has(), false); const body = requestBody.get({ type: "text" }); assert(body.type === "text"); assertEquals(await body.value, ""); },});
test({ name: "body - contentTypes: form", async fn() { const rBody = `foo=bar&bar=1&baz=qux+%2B+quux`; const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: rBody, method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/javascript", "content-length": String(rBody.length), }, }), ), ); const body = requestBody.get( { contentTypes: { form: ["application/javascript"] } }, ); assert(body.type === "form"); const actual = await body.value; assertEquals( Array.from(actual.entries()), [["foo", "bar"], ["bar", "1"], ["baz", "qux + quux"]], ); },});
test({ name: "body - contentTypes: form-data", async fn() { const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: multipartFixture, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/javascript; boundary=OAK-SERVER-BOUNDARY", }, }), ), ); const body = requestBody.get( { contentTypes: { formData: ["application/javascript"] } }, ); assert(body.type === "form-data"); const actual = await; assertEquals(actual.fields, { hello: "world" }); },});
test({ name: "body - contentTypes: bytes", async fn() { const rBody = `console.log("hello world!");\n`; const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: rBody, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", "content-length": String(rBody.length), }, }), ), ); const body = requestBody.get({ contentTypes: { bytes: ["text/plain"] } }); assert(body.type === "bytes"); const actual = await body.value; assertEquals(decoder.decode(actual), `console.log("hello world!");\n`); },});
test({ name: "body - contentTypes: json", async fn() { const rBody = JSON.stringify({ hello: "world" }); const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: rBody, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/javascript", "content-length": String(rBody.length), }, }), ), ); const body = requestBody.get( { contentTypes: { json: ["application/javascript"] } }, ); assert(body.type === "json"); assertEquals(await body.value, { hello: "world" }); },});
test({ name: "body - contentTypes: text", async fn() { const rBody = "hello"; const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: rBody, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/javascript", "content-length": String(rBody.length), }, }), ), ); const body = requestBody.get( { contentTypes: { text: ["application/javascript"] } }, ); assert(body.type === "text"); assertEquals(await body.value, "hello"); },});
test({ name: "body - multiple gets memoized", fn() { const rBody = `console.log("hello world!");\n`; const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: rBody, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/javascript", "content-length": String(rBody.length), }, }), ), ); const a = requestBody.get({}); const b = requestBody.get({}); assertStrictEquals(a.type, b.type); assertStrictEquals(a.value, b.value); assert(a !== b); },});
test({ name: "body - can get different types", async fn() { const body = JSON.stringify({ hello: "world" }); const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "application/json", "content-length": String(body.length), }, }), ), ); const textBody = requestBody.get({ type: "text" }); assert(textBody.type === "text"); assertEquals(await textBody.value, body); const bodyJson = requestBody.get({}); assert(bodyJson.type === "json"); assertEquals(await bodyJson.value, { hello: "world" }); },});
test({ name: "body - multiple streams", async fn() { const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: "hello world", method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", }, }), ), ); const a = requestBody.get({ type: "stream" }); const b = requestBody.get({ type: "stream" }); assert(a.type === "stream"); assert(b.type === "stream"); const textA = await new Response(a.value).text(); const textB = await new Response(b.value).text(); assertEquals(textA, textB); },});
test({ name: "body - decode JSON with null body", async fn() { const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { method: "POST" }), ), ); const actual = requestBody.get({ type: "json" }); assertEquals(actual.type, "json"); assertEquals(await actual.value, null); },});
test({ name: "body - default limit, 0 content-length (content-length greater than or equal to zero is a valid value -", async fn() { const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: "", method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", "content-length": "0", }, }), ), ); const actual = requestBody.get({ type: "text" }); assertEquals(await actual.value, ""); },});
test({ name: "body - limit set to 0", async fn() { const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: "hello world", method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", }, }), ), ); const actual = requestBody.get({ type: "text", limit: 0 }); assertEquals(await actual.value, "hello world"); },});
test({ name: "body - limit set to Infinity", async fn() { const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body: "hello world", method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", }, }), ), ); const actual = requestBody.get({ type: "text", limit: Infinity }); assertEquals(await actual.value, "hello world"); },});
test({ name: "body - limit set to 1000", async fn() { const body = "hello world"; const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", "content-length": String(body.length), }, }), ), ); const actual = requestBody.get({ type: "text", limit: 1000 }); assertEquals(await actual.value, "hello world"); },});
test({ name: "body - exceeds limit", async fn() { const body = "hello world"; const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", "content-length": String(body.length), }, }), ), ); const actual = requestBody.get({ type: "text", limit: 2 }); await assertRejects( async () => { await actual.value; }, RangeError, "Body exceeds a limit of ", ); },});
test({ name: "body - exceeds limit but can retrieve with different limit", async fn() { const body = "hello world"; const requestBody = new RequestBody( ...toServerRequestBody( new Request("http://localhost/index.html", { body, method: "POST", headers: { "content-type": "text/plain", "content-length": String(body.length), }, }), ), ); let actual = requestBody.get({ type: "text", limit: 2 }); await assertRejects( async () => { await actual.value; }, RangeError, "Body exceeds a limit of ", ); actual = requestBody.get(); assertEquals(await actual.value, "hello world"); },});