

A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { BufReader, ReadLineResult } from "./buf_reader.ts";import { getFilename } from "./content_disposition.ts";import { equals, errors, extension, writeAll } from "./deps.ts";import { readHeaders, toParamRegExp, unquote } from "./headers.ts";import { getRandomFilename, skipLWSPChar, stripEol } from "./util.ts";
const decoder = new TextDecoder();const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const BOUNDARY_PARAM_REGEX = toParamRegExp("boundary", "i");const DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1_048_576; // 1mbconst DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 10_485_760; // 10mbconst DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE = 0; // all files written to discconst NAME_PARAM_REGEX = toParamRegExp("name", "i");
/** When reading a body in full via `.read()` from a {@linkcode FormDataReader} * this is what is what the value is resolved, providing a split between any * fields, and multi-part files that were provided. */export interface FormDataBody { /** A record of form parts where the key was the `name` of the part and the * value was the value of the part. This record does not include any files * that were part of the form data. * * *Note*: Duplicate names are not included in this record, if there are * duplicates, the last value will be the value that is set here. If there * is a possibility of duplicate values, use the `.stream()` method on * {@linkcode FormDataReader} to iterate over the values. */ fields: Record<string, string>;
/** An array of any files that were part of the form data. */ files?: FormDataFile[];}
/** A representation of a file that has been read from a form data body. Based * on the {@linkcode FormDataReadOptions} that were passed when reading will * determine if files are written to disk or not and how they are written to * disk. When written to disk, the extension of the file will be determined by * the content type, with the `.filename` property containing the full path to * the file. * * The original filename as part of the form data is available in * `originalName`, but for security and stability reasons, it is not used to * determine the name of the file on disk. If further processing or renaming * is required, the implementor should do that processing. */export interface FormDataFile { /** When the file has not been written out to disc, the contents of the file * as a {@linkcode Uint8Array}. */ content?: Uint8Array;
/** The content type of the form data file. */ contentType: string;
/** When the file has been written out to disc, the full path to the file. */ filename?: string;
/** The `name` that was assigned to the form data file. */ name: string;
/** The `filename` that was provided in the form data file. */ originalName: string;}
/** Options which impact how the form data is decoded for a * {@linkcode FormDataReader}. All these options have sensible defaults for * most applications, but can be modified for different use cases. Many of these * options can have an impact on the stability of a server, especially if there * is someone attempting a denial of service attack on your server, so be * careful when changing the defaults. */export interface FormDataReadOptions { /** The size of the buffer to read from the request body at a single time. * This defaults to 1mb. */ bufferSize?: number;
/** A mapping of custom media types that are supported, mapped to their * extension when determining the extension for a file. The key should be an * all lowercase media type with the value being the extension (without an * initial period), to be used when decoding the file. * * ### Example * * Form data that is sent with content having a type of `text/vdn.custom` will * be decoded and assigned a filename ending with `.txt`: * * ```ts * import { Application } from ""; * * const app = new Application(); * app.use(async (ctx) => { * const body = ctx.request.body(); * if (body.type === "form-data") { * const formatData = await{ * customContentTypes: { * "text/vnd.custom": "txt" * } * }); * console.log(formData); * } * }); * ``` */ customContentTypes?: Record<string, string>;
/** The maximum file size (in bytes) that can be handled. This defaults to * 10MB when not specified. This is to try to avoid DOS attacks where * someone would continue to try to send a "file" continuously until a host * limit was reached crashing the server or the host. Also see `maxSize`. */ maxFileSize?: number;
/** The maximum size (in bytes) of a file to hold in memory, and not write * to disk. This defaults to `0`, so that all multipart form files are * written to disk. When set to a positive integer, if the form data file is * smaller, it will be retained in memory and available in the `.content` * property of the `FormDataFile` object. If the file exceeds the `maxSize` * it will be written to disk and the `.filename` property will contain the * full path to the output file. */ maxSize?: number;
/** When writing form data files to disk, the output path. This will default * to a temporary path generated by `Deno.makeTempDir()`. */ outPath?: string;
/** When a form data file is written to disk, it will be generated with a * random filename and have an extension based off the content type for the * file. `prefix` can be specified though to prepend to the file name. */ prefix?: string;}
interface PartsOptions { body: BufReader; customContentTypes?: Record<string, string>; final: Uint8Array; maxFileSize: number; maxSize: number; outPath?: string; part: Uint8Array; prefix?: string;}
function append(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): Uint8Array { const ab = new Uint8Array(a.length + b.length); ab.set(a, 0); ab.set(b, a.length); return ab;}
function isEqual(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array): boolean { return equals(skipLWSPChar(a), b);}
async function readToStartOrEnd( body: BufReader, start: Uint8Array, end: Uint8Array,): Promise<boolean> { let lineResult: ReadLineResult | null; while ((lineResult = await body.readLine())) { if (isEqual(lineResult.bytes, start)) { return true; } if (isEqual(lineResult.bytes, end)) { return false; } } throw new errors.BadRequest( "Unable to find multi-part boundary.", );}
/** Yield up individual parts by reading the body and parsing out the ford * data values. */async function* parts( { body, customContentTypes = {}, final, part, maxFileSize, maxSize, outPath, prefix, }: PartsOptions,): AsyncIterableIterator<[string, string | FormDataFile]> { async function getFile(contentType: string): Promise<[string, Deno.FsFile]> { const ext = customContentTypes[contentType.toLowerCase()] ?? extension(contentType); if (!ext) { throw new errors.BadRequest( `The form contained content type "${contentType}" which is not supported by the server.`, ); } if (!outPath) { outPath = await Deno.makeTempDir(); } const filename = `${outPath}/${await getRandomFilename(prefix, ext)}`; const file = await, { write: true, createNew: true }); return [filename, file]; }
while (true) { const headers = await readHeaders(body); const contentType = headers["content-type"]; const contentDisposition = headers["content-disposition"]; if (!contentDisposition) { throw new errors.BadRequest( "Form data part missing content-disposition header", ); } if (!contentDisposition.match(/^form-data;/i)) { throw new errors.BadRequest( `Unexpected content-disposition header: "${contentDisposition}"`, ); } const matches = NAME_PARAM_REGEX.exec(contentDisposition); if (!matches) { throw new errors.BadRequest( `Unable to determine name of form body part`, ); } let [, name] = matches; name = unquote(name); if (contentType) { const originalName = getFilename(contentDisposition); let byteLength = 0; let file: Deno.FsFile | undefined; let filename: string | undefined; let buf: Uint8Array | undefined; if (maxSize) { buf = new Uint8Array(); } else { const result = await getFile(contentType); filename = result[0]; file = result[1]; } while (true) { const readResult = await body.readLine(false); if (!readResult) { throw new errors.BadRequest("Unexpected EOF reached"); } const { bytes } = readResult; const strippedBytes = stripEol(bytes); if (isEqual(strippedBytes, part) || isEqual(strippedBytes, final)) { if (file) { // remove extra 2 bytes ([CR, LF]) from result file const bytesDiff = bytes.length - strippedBytes.length; if (bytesDiff) { const originalBytesSize = await -bytesDiff, Deno.SeekMode.Current, ); await file.truncate(originalBytesSize); }
file.close(); } yield [ name, { content: buf, contentType, name, filename, originalName, } as FormDataFile, ]; if (isEqual(strippedBytes, final)) { return; } break; } byteLength += bytes.byteLength; if (byteLength > maxFileSize) { if (file) { file.close(); } throw new errors.RequestEntityTooLarge( `File size exceeds limit of ${maxFileSize} bytes.`, ); } if (buf) { if (byteLength > maxSize) { const result = await getFile(contentType); filename = result[0]; file = result[1]; await writeAll(file, buf); buf = undefined; } else { buf = append(buf, bytes); } } if (file) { await writeAll(file, bytes); } } } else { const lines: string[] = []; while (true) { const readResult = await body.readLine(); if (!readResult) { throw new errors.BadRequest("Unexpected EOF reached"); } const { bytes } = readResult; if (isEqual(bytes, part) || isEqual(bytes, final)) { yield [name, lines.join("\n")]; if (isEqual(bytes, final)) { return; } break; } lines.push(decoder.decode(bytes)); } } }}
/** An interface which provides an interface to access the fields of a * `multipart/form-data` body. * * Normally an instance of this is accessed when handling a request body, and * dealing with decoding it. There are options that can be set when attempting * to read a multi-part body (see: {@linkcode FormDataReadOptions}). * * If you `.read()` the value, then a promise is provided of type * {@linkcode FormDataBody}. If you use the `.stream()` property, it is an async * iterator which yields up a tuple of with the first element being a * * ### Examples * * Using `.read()`: * * ```ts * import { Application } from ""; * * const app = new Application(); * * app.use(async (ctx) => { * const body = ctx.request.body(); * if (body.type === "form-data") { * const value = body.value; * const formData = await; * // the form data is fully available * } * }); * ``` * * Using `.stream()`: * * ```ts * import { Application } from ""; * * const app = new Application(); * * app.use(async (ctx) => { * const body = ctx.request.body(); * if (body.type === "form-data") { * const value = body.value; * for await (const [name, value] of { * // asynchronously iterate each part of the body * } * } * }); * ``` */export class FormDataReader { #body: Deno.Reader; #boundaryFinal: Uint8Array; #boundaryPart: Uint8Array; #reading = false;
constructor(contentType: string, body: Deno.Reader) { const matches = contentType.match(BOUNDARY_PARAM_REGEX); if (!matches) { throw new errors.BadRequest( `Content type "${contentType}" does not contain a valid boundary.`, ); } let [, boundary] = matches; boundary = unquote(boundary); this.#boundaryPart = encoder.encode(`--${boundary}`); this.#boundaryFinal = encoder.encode(`--${boundary}--`); this.#body = body; }
/** Reads the multipart body of the response and resolves with an object which * contains fields and files that were part of the response. * * *Note*: this method handles multiple files with the same `name` attribute * in the request, but by design it does not handle multiple fields that share * the same `name`. If you expect the request body to contain multiple form * data fields with the same name, it is better to use the `.stream()` method * which will iterate over each form data field individually. */ async read(options: FormDataReadOptions = {}): Promise<FormDataBody> { if (this.#reading) { throw new Error("Body is already being read."); } this.#reading = true; const { outPath, maxFileSize = DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE, maxSize = DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE, bufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, customContentTypes, } = options; const body = new BufReader(this.#body, bufferSize); const result: FormDataBody = { fields: {} }; if ( !(await readToStartOrEnd(body, this.#boundaryPart, this.#boundaryFinal)) ) { return result; } try { for await ( const part of parts({ body, customContentTypes, part: this.#boundaryPart, final: this.#boundaryFinal, maxFileSize, maxSize, outPath, }) ) { const [key, value] = part; if (typeof value === "string") { result.fields[key] = value; } else { if (!result.files) { result.files = []; } result.files.push(value); } } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied) { console.error(err.stack ? err.stack : `${}: ${err.message}`); } else { throw err; } } return result; }
/** Returns an iterator which will asynchronously yield each part of the form * data. The yielded value is a tuple, where the first element is the name * of the part and the second element is a `string` or a `FormDataFile` * object. */ async *stream( options: FormDataReadOptions = {}, ): AsyncIterableIterator<[name: string, value: string | FormDataFile]> { if (this.#reading) { throw new Error("Body is already being read."); } this.#reading = true; const { outPath, customContentTypes, maxFileSize = DEFAULT_MAX_FILE_SIZE, maxSize = DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE, bufferSize = 32000, } = options; const body = new BufReader(this.#body, bufferSize); if ( !(await readToStartOrEnd(body, this.#boundaryPart, this.#boundaryFinal)) ) { return; } try { for await ( const part of parts({ body, customContentTypes, part: this.#boundaryPart, final: this.#boundaryFinal, maxFileSize, maxSize, outPath, }) ) { yield part; } } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied) { console.error(err.stack ? err.stack : `${}: ${err.message}`); } else { throw err; } } }
[Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")](inspect: (value: unknown) => string) { return `${} ${inspect({})}`; }
[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]( depth: number, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any options: any, inspect: (value: unknown, options?: unknown) => string, ) { if (depth < 0) { return options.stylize(`[${}]`, "special"); }
const newOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { depth: options.depth === null ? null : options.depth - 1, }); return `${options.stylize(, "special")} ${ inspect({}, newOptions) }`; }}