

A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2022 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any
/** * A collection of utility APIs which can make testing of an oak application * easier. * * @module */
import type { Application, State } from "./application.ts";import { createHttpError } from "./httpError.ts";import type { RouteParams, RouterContext } from "./router.ts";import type { ErrorStatus } from "./types.d.ts";import { Cookies } from "./cookies.ts";import { Request } from "./request.ts";import { Response } from "./response.ts";import { preferredMediaTypes } from "./negotiation/mediaType.ts";
/** Creates a mock of `Application`. */export function createMockApp< S extends Record<string | number | symbol, any> = Record<string, any>,>( state = {} as S,): Application<S> { const app = { state, use() { return app; }, [Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")]() { return "MockApplication {}"; }, } as any; return app;}
/** Options that can be set in a mock context. */export interface MockContextOptions< R extends string, P extends RouteParams<R> = RouteParams<R>, S extends State = Record<string, any>,> { app?: Application<S>; ip?: string; method?: string; params?: P; path?: string; state?: S; headers?: [string, string][];}
/** Allows external parties to modify the context state. */export const mockContextState = { /** Adjusts the return value of the `acceptedEncodings` in the context's * `request` object. */ encodingsAccepted: "identity",};
/** Create a mock of `Context` or `RouterContext`. */export function createMockContext< R extends string, P extends RouteParams<R> = RouteParams<R>, S extends State = Record<string, any>,>( { ip = "", method = "GET", params, path = "/", state, app = createMockApp(state), headers, }: MockContextOptions<R> = {},) { function createMockRequest(): Request { const headerMap = new Headers(headers); return { accepts(...types: string[]) { const acceptValue = headerMap.get("Accept"); if (!acceptValue) { return; } if (types.length) { return preferredMediaTypes(acceptValue, types)[0]; } return preferredMediaTypes(acceptValue); }, acceptsEncodings() { return mockContextState.encodingsAccepted; }, headers: headerMap, ip, method, path, search: undefined, searchParams: new URLSearchParams(), url: new URL(path, "http://localhost/"), } as any; }
const request = createMockRequest(); const response = new Response(request); const cookies = new Cookies(request, response);
return ({ app, params, request, cookies, response, state: Object.assign({}, app.state), assert( condition: any, errorStatus: ErrorStatus = 500, message?: string, props?: Record<string, unknown>, ): asserts condition { if (condition) { return; } const err = createHttpError(errorStatus, message); if (props) { Object.assign(err, props); } throw err; }, throw( errorStatus: ErrorStatus, message?: string, props?: Record<string, unknown>, ): never { const err = createHttpError(errorStatus, message); if (props) { Object.assign(err, props); } throw err; }, [Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")]() { return `MockContext {}`; }, } as unknown) as RouterContext<R, P, S>;}
/** Creates a mock `next()` function which can be used when calling * middleware. */export function createMockNext() { return async function next() {};}