

A middleware framework for handling HTTP with Deno 🐿️ 🦕
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// Copyright 2018-2021 the oak authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import { assertEquals, assertStrictEquals, unreachable } from "./test_deps.ts";
import { HttpServerNative, NativeRequest } from "./http_server_native.ts";
import { Application } from "./application.ts";
const { test } = Deno;
function createMockConn() { return { localAddr: { transport: "tcp", hostname: "localhost", port: 8000 }, remoteAddr: { transport: "tcp", hostname: "remote", port: 4567 }, rid: 1, } as Deno.Conn;}
test({ name: "NativeRequest", async fn() { const respondWithStack: Array<Response | Promise<Response>> = []; const request = new Request("http://localhost:8000/", { method: "POST", body: `{"a":"b"}`, }); const conn = createMockConn(); const nativeRequest = new NativeRequest({ request, respondWith(v) { respondWithStack.push(v); return Promise.resolve(); }, }, { conn }); assertEquals(nativeRequest.url, `/`); assertEquals(respondWithStack.length, 1); const response = new Response("hello deno"); nativeRequest.respond(response); assertStrictEquals(await respondWithStack[0], response); },});
test({ name: "HttpServerNative closes gracefully after serving requests", async fn() { const app = new Application(); const listenOptions = { port: 4505 };
const server = new HttpServerNative(app, listenOptions); server.listen();
const expectedBody = "test-body";
(async () => { for await (const nativeRequest of server) { nativeRequest.respond(new Response(expectedBody)); } })();
try { const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:${listenOptions.port}`); assertEquals(await response.text(), expectedBody); } catch { unreachable(); } finally { server.close(); } },});