

🎯 SSR first, lightweight 1kB JSX library.
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import { isSSR, render } from './core.ts'import { documentSSR } from './regexDom.ts'import { _state } from './state.ts'import { detectSSR } from './helpers.ts'
// functions that should only be available on the server-sideconst ssrTricks = { isWebComponent: (tagNameOrComponent: any) => { return ( typeof tagNameOrComponent === 'string' && tagNameOrComponent.includes('-') && _nano.customElements.has(tagNameOrComponent) ) }, renderWebComponent: (tagNameOrComponent: any, props: any, children: any, _render: any) => { const customElement = _nano.customElements.get(tagNameOrComponent) const component = _render({ component: customElement, props: { ...props, children: children } }) // get the html tag and the innerText from string // match[1]: HTMLTag // match[2]: innerText const match = component.toString().match(/^<(?<tag>[a-z]+)>(.*)<\/\k<tag>>$/) if (match) { const element = document.createElement(match[1]) element.innerText = match[2]
// eslint-disable-next-line no-inner-declarations function replacer(match: string, p1: string, _offset: number, _string: string): string { return match.replace(p1, '') } // remove events like onClick from DOM element.innerText = element.innerText.replace(/<\w+[^>]*(\s(on\w*)="[^"]*")/gm, replacer)
return element } else { return null } }}
const initGlobalVar = () => { const isSSR = detectSSR() === true ? true : undefined const location = { pathname: '/' } const document = isSSR ? documentSSR() : window.document globalThis._nano = { isSSR, location, document, customElements: new Map(), ssrTricks }}initGlobalVar()
export const initSSR = (pathname: string = '/') => { _nano.location = { pathname } globalThis.document = _nano.document = isSSR() ? documentSSR() : window.document}
export const renderSSR = (component: any, options: { pathname?: string; clearState?: boolean } = {}) => { const { pathname, clearState = true } = options
initSSR(pathname) if (clearState) _state.clear()
return render(component, null, true).join('') as string}
export const clearState = () => { _state.clear()}