

🎯 SSR first, lightweight 1kB JSX library.
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import { h, isSSR, render, _render } from './core.ts'
interface CustomElementsParameters { mode?: 'open' | 'closed' delegatesFocus?: boolean}
const defineAsCustomElementsSSR = ( component: any, componentName: string, _publicProps: string[] = [], _options: any = {}) => { if (!/^[a-zA-Z0-9]+-[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(componentName)) console.log(`Error: WebComponent name "${componentName}" is invalid.`) else _nano.customElements.set(componentName, component)}
export const defineAsCustomElements: ( component: any, componentName: string, publicProps: string[], params?: CustomElementsParameters) => void = function (component, componentName, publicProps, { mode = 'closed', delegatesFocus = false } = {}) { if (isSSR()) { defineAsCustomElementsSSR(component, componentName, publicProps) return }
customElements.define( componentName, class extends HTMLElement { component: any private isFunctionalComponent: boolean private functionalComponentsProps: any
constructor() { super()
const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({ mode, delegatesFocus })
let ref const children = Array.from(this.children).map(c => render(c))
// because nano-jsx update need parentElement, so DocumentFragment is not usable... const el = h( 'div', null, _render({ component, props: { children: children, ref: (r: any) => (ref = r) } }) ) this.component = ref this.isFunctionalComponent = !component.isClass this.functionalComponentsProps = {}
shadowRoot.append(el) if (!this.isFunctionalComponent) { this.component.updatePropsValue = (name: string, value: any) => { // @ts-ignore if (!this.component.props) this.component.props = {} this.component.props[name] = value this.component[name] = value } } }
static get observedAttributes() { return publicProps }
private removeChildren() { if (this.shadowRoot) { const children = Array.from(this.shadowRoot?.children) || [] for (const el of children) { el.remove() } } }
attributeChangedCallback(name: string, _: any, newValue: any) { if (!this.isFunctionalComponent) { this.component.updatePropsValue(name, newValue) this.component.update() } else { this.removeChildren() this.functionalComponentsProps[name] = newValue const el = h( 'div', null, _render({ component, props: { children: [], ref: (r: any) => (this.component = r), ...this.functionalComponentsProps } }) ) this.shadowRoot!.append(el) } } } )}