

📄 CLI tool for checking license headers in files
// Copyright 2020-2022 Yoshiya Hinosawa. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** * @module lib This module exports the main functionality of the license checker. */
import { blue, contains, delay, expandGlob, green, red, relative,} from "./deps.ts";
/** */const decoder: TextDecoder = new TextDecoder();const decode: (data: Uint8Array) => string = (data: Uint8Array) => decoder.decode(data);
const encoder: TextEncoder = new TextEncoder();const encode: (str: string) => Uint8Array = (str: string) => encoder.encode(str);
type LicenseLines = string | string[];
/** * The main config for the license checker. */export interface Config { ignore?: string[]; config: Array<[string, LicenseLines]>;}
const checkFile = async ( filename: string, copyrightLines: Uint8Array[], quiet: boolean, inject: boolean,): Promise<boolean> => { const stat = await Deno.lstat(filename); if (stat.isDirectory) { if (!quiet) { console.log(filename, "is a directory. Skipping this item."); } return true; } const file = await, { read: true }); // We assume copyright header appears in first 8KB of each file. const sourceCode = new Uint8Array(8192); await; file.close();
if (copyrightLines.every((line) => contains(sourceCode, line))) { if (!quiet) { console.log(filename, "...", green("ok")); } return true; }
if (inject) { const sourceCode = await Deno.readFile(filename); console.log(`${filename} ${blue("missing copyright. injecting ... done")}`); await Deno.writeFile( filename, encode("\n") + "\n" + decode(sourceCode)), ); return true; } else { console.log(filename, red("missing copyright!")); }
return false;};
/** * The options for the checkLicense function. */export type CheckOptions = { cwd?: string; quiet?: boolean; inject?: boolean;};
/** * Checks the license of the files in the given directory. */export const checkLicense = async ( configs: Config[], opts: CheckOptions = {},): Promise<boolean> => { const cwd = opts.cwd ?? Deno.cwd(); const quiet = opts.quiet ?? false; const inject = opts.inject ?? false; const tasks = [];
for (const { ignore, config } of configs) { for (const [glob, copyright] of config) { const copyrightLines = Array.isArray(copyright) ? : [encode(copyright)]; for await (const file of expandGlob(glob)) { const relPath = relative(cwd, file.path); if (ignore?.some((pattern) => relPath.includes(pattern))) { continue; } tasks.push(checkFile(relPath, copyrightLines, quiet, inject)); await delay(1); } } }
const results = await Promise.all(tasks);
return !results.includes(false);};