

📄 CLI tool for checking license headers in files
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#!/usr/bin/env deno --allow-run// Copyright 2019 Yoshiya Hinosawa. All rights reserved. MIT license.
import minimatch from "";import { exit, args, readFile } from "deno";import { parse } from "";import { color } from "";
import { xrun, decode } from "./util.ts";
async function readConfig(config = ".licenserc.json") { let data; let configObj; try { data = await readFile(config); } catch (e) { console.log(`Error: config file "${config}" not found.`); exit(1); }
try { configObj = JSON.parse(decode(data)); } catch (e) { console.log(`Error: Failed to parse "${config}" as JSON.`); console.log(e); exit(1); }
const ignore: string[] = configObj.ignore || []; delete configObj.ignore;
const entries: Array<[string, string | string[]]> = Object.entries(configObj);
return { ignore, config: entries };}
const checkFile = async ( filename: string, copyright: string | string[], quiet: boolean) => { const sourceCode = decode(await readFile(filename)); const copyrightLines: string[] = Array.isArray(copyright) ? copyright : [String(copyright)]; if (copyrightLines.every(line => sourceCode.includes(line))) { if (!quiet) { console.log(filename, "...","ok")); } return true; }
console.log(filename,"missing copyright!")); return false;};
const main = async opts => { if ( { console.log(`Usage: license_checker.ts [options]
Options: -h, --help Show this help message and exit. -v, --version Show the version number and exit. -q, --quiet Don't print messages except errors. -c, --config <filename> Specify config filename. Default is '.licenserc.json'.`); exit(0); }
if (opts.version) { console.log("1.3.0"); exit(0); }
const { config, ignore } = await readConfig(); const filenames = (await xrun(["git", "ls-files"])).trim().split("\n");
const tasks = [];
for (const filename of filenames) { for (const [glob, copyright] of config) { if (ignore.some(pattern => filename.includes(pattern))) { continue; } if (minimatch(filename, glob)) { tasks.push(checkFile(filename, copyright, opts.quiet)); } } }
const results = await Promise.all(tasks);
if (results.includes(false)) { exit(1); return; } exit(0);};
main( parse(args.slice(1), { boolean: ["quiet", "help", "version"], alias: { q: "quiet", h: "help", v: "version" } }));