

Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the Postgres.js client.
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type alias kysely.AnyColumnWithTable
import { type kysely } from "";
const { AnyColumnWithTable } = kysely;

Given a database type and a union of table names in that db, returns a union type with all possible table.column combinations.


interface Person {
  id: number

interface Pet {
  name: string
  species: 'cat' | 'dog'

interface Movie {
  stars: number

interface Database {
  person: Person
  pet: Pet
  movie: Movie

type Columns = AnyColumnWithTable<Database, 'person' | 'pet'>

// Columns == '' | '' | 'pet.species'

Type Parameters

TB extends keyof DB
definition: [T in TB]: `${T & string}.${keyof DB[T] & string}`[TB]