

Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the Postgres.js client.
class kysely.NoopQueryExecutor
extends QueryExecutorBase
import { kysely } from "";
const { NoopQueryExecutor } = kysely;

A QueryExecutor subclass that can be used when you don't have a QueryCompiler, ConnectionProvider or any other needed things to actually execute queries.


adapter: DialectAdapter

Returns the adapter for the current dialect.


Compiles the transformed query into SQL. You usually want to pass the output of {@link transformQuery} into this method but you can compile any query using this method.

provideConnection<T>(): Promise<T>

Provides a connection for the callback and takes care of disposing the connection after the callback has been run.

Returns a copy of this executor with a new connection provider.

Returns a copy of this executor without any plugins.

Returns a copy of this executor with a plugin added as the last plugin.

Returns a copy of this executor with a plugin added as the first plugin.

withPlugins(plugins: ReadonlyArray<KyselyPlugin>): NoopQueryExecutor

Returns a copy of this executor with a list of plugins added as the last plugins.