

Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the Postgres.js client.
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type alias kysely.InferResult
import { type kysely } from "";
const { InferResult } = kysely;

A helper type that allows inferring a select/insert/update/delete query's result type from a query builder or compiled query.


Infer a query builder's result type:

import { InferResult } from 'kysely'

const query = db
  .innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '')
  .select(['person.first_name', ''])

type QueryResult = InferResult<typeof query> // { first_name: string; name: string; }[]

Infer a compiled query's result type:

import { InferResult } from 'kysely'

const compiledQuery = db
    first_name: 'Foo',
    last_name: 'Barson',
    gender: 'other',
    age: 15,

type QueryResult = InferResult<typeof compiledQuery> // Selectable<Person>[]
definition: C extends Compilable<infer O> ? ResolveResult<O> : C extends CompiledQuery<infer O> ? ResolveResult<O> : never