

Kysely dialect for PostgreSQL using the Postgres.js client.
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interface kysely.AliasedExpression
import { type kysely } from "";
const { AliasedExpression } = kysely;

A type that holds an expression and an alias for it.

AliasedExpression<T, A> can be used in places where, in addition to the value type T, you also need a name A for that value. For example anything you can pass into the select method needs to implement an AliasedExpression<T, A>. A becomes the name of the selected expression in the result and T becomes its type.


Example 1

class SomeAliasedExpression<T, A extends string> implements AliasedExpression<T, A> {
  #expression: Expression<T>
  #alias: A

  constructor(expression: Expression<T>, alias: A) {
    this.#expression = expression
    this.#alias = alias

  get expression(): Expression<T> {
    return this.#expression

  get alias(): A {
    return this.#alias

  toOperationNode(): AliasNode {
    return AliasNode.create(this.#expression.toOperationNode(), IdentifierNode.create(this.#alias))

Type Parameters

A extends string


expression(): Expression<T>

Returns the aliased expression.

alias(): A | Expression<unknown>

Returns the alias.

toOperationNode(): AliasNode

Creates the OperationNode that describes how to compile this expression into SQL.

import kysely.AliasedExpression
import { kysely } from "";
const { AliasedExpression } = kysely;