

A Kafka Client for Deno!
class Broker
import { Broker } from "";


Broker(unnamed 0: BrokerOptions)


allowAutoTopicCreation: boolean
authenticatedAt: [number, number] | null
authenticationTimeout: number
brokerAddress: string
connection: Connection
lock: Lock
logger: Logger
lookupRequest: any
nodeId: number | null
reauthenticationThreshold: number
rootLogger: Logger
sessionLifetime: any
supportAuthenticationProtocol: boolean | null
versions: ApiVersions | null


addOffsetsToTxn(unnamed 0: { transactionalId: string; producerId: number; producerEpoch: number; groupId: string; })

Send an AddOffsetsToTxn request.

Request should be made to the transaction coordinator.

addPartitionsToTxn(unnamed 0: { transactionalId: string; producerId: number; producerEpoch: number; topics: any[]; })

Send an AddPartitionsToTxn request to mark a TopicPartition as participating in the transaction.

Request should be made to the transaction coordinator.

alterConfigs(unnamed 0: { resources: any; validateOnly: boolean; })
createAcls(unnamed 0: { acl: AclEntry[]; })
createTopics(unnamed 0: createTopicsRequest["options"])
deleteAcls(unnamed 0: any)
deleteGroups(groupIds: string[])

Send request to delete groups

deleteRecords(unnamed 0: any)

Send request to delete records

deleteTopics(unnamed 0: { topics: string[]; timeout?: number; })
describeAcls(unnamed 0: any)
describeConfigs(unnamed 0: { resources: any; includeSynonyms: boolean; })
describeGroups(unnamed 0: any)
endTxn(unnamed 0: { transactionalId: string; producerId: number; producerEpoch: number; transactionResult: boolean; })

Send an EndTxn request to indicate transaction should be committed or aborted.

Request should be made to the transaction coordinator.

fetch(unnamed 0: fetchRequest["request"])
findGroupCoordinator(unnamed 0: { groupId: string; coordinatorType: number; })
heartbeat(unnamed 0: { groupId: string; groupGenerationId: number; memberId: string; })
initProducerId(unnamed 0: { transactionalId: number; transactionTimeout: number; })

Send an InitProducerId request to fetch a PID and bump the producer epoch.

Request should be made to the transaction coordinator.

joinGroup(unnamed 0: joinGroupRequest["request"])
leaveGroup(unnamed 0: { groupId: string; memberId: string; })

Send request for list of groups

listOffsets(unnamed 0: { replicaId: number; isolationLevel: number; topics: any; })
offsetCommit(unnamed 0: offsetCommitRequest["request"])
offsetFetch(unnamed 0: offsetFetchRequest["request"])
produce(unnamed 0: produceRequest["request"])
syncGroup(unnamed 0: { groupId: string; generationId: number; memberId: string; groupAssignment: any; })
txnOffsetCommit(unnamed 0: { transactionalId: string; groupId: string; producerId: number; producerEpoch: number; topics: any[]; })

Send a TxnOffsetCommit request to persist the offsets in the __consumer_offsets topics.

Request should be made to the consumer coordinator.

[(PRIVATE as any).SEND_REQUEST](protocolRequest: any)