

A JSZip wrapper for handling zipfiles in deno
import { decode, encode } from "";import { join } from "";import { assertEquals } from "";import { JSZip, readZip, zipDir } from "./mod.ts";
// FIXME use tmp directory and clean up.async function exampleZip(path: string) { const zip = new JSZip(); zip.addFile("Hello.txt", "Hello World\n");
const img = zip.folder("images"); img.addFile("smile.gif", "\0", { base64: true });
await zip.writeZip(path);}
async function fromDir<T>(dir: string, f: () => Promise<T>) { const cwd = Deno.cwd(); Deno.chdir(dir); try { return await f(); } finally { Deno.chdir(cwd); }}
async function exampleDir(): Promise<string> { const dir = await Deno.makeTempDir(); await fromDir(dir, async () => { await Deno.writeFile("Hello.txt", encode("Hello World\n")); await Deno.mkdir("images"); Deno.chdir("images"); await Deno.writeFile("smile.gif", encode("\0")); }); return dir;}
Deno.test("read", async () => { await exampleZip("");
const z = await readZip(""); assertEquals(z.file("Hello.txt").name, "Hello.txt");
let i = 0; for (const f of z) i++; assertEquals(i, 3);
assertEquals("Hello World\n", await z.file("Hello.txt").async("string"));
await Deno.remove("");});
// TODO add tests for unzip
Deno.test("dir", async () => { const dir = await exampleDir(); const z = await zipDir(dir);
assertEquals(z.file("Hello.txt").name, "Hello.txt"); assertEquals("Hello World\n", await z.file("Hello.txt").async("string"));
const img = z.folder("images"); assertEquals(img.file("smile.gif").name, "images/smile.gif");});
Deno.test("unzip", async () => { const dir = await Deno.makeTempDir(); await exampleZip(""); const z = await readZip(""); await z.unzip(dir);
const content = await Deno.readFile(join(dir, "Hello.txt")); assertEquals("Hello World\n", decode(content));
const smile = await Deno.readFile(join(dir, "images", "smile.gif")); assertEquals("", decode(smile));});