
Simple CLI tool for sending HTTP JSON requests.

With jsonr you can create collection of requests (for instance inside GIT repository) and easily use them. This tool is supposed to be very simple to use and already provide you with all utilities needed to play with JSON HTTP API’s.


Run jsonr --help for details.


Deno runtime environment https://deno.land


deno install -f -r --allow-net --allow-read --allow-write https://deno.land/x/jsonr/main.js

--allow-write permission is needed only if you are planning to use -o parameter (write response body to file, check jsonr --help for details)

If your requests are failing due to certificate validation errors (and you trust target server):

deno install --unsafely-ignore-certificate-errors ...


Sample usage:

jsonr -h "Authorization: Bearer MyToken" my-request.http

my-request.http file content:

POST http://my-api.com/endpoint

  "someKey": "someValue"

Type jsonr --help for more details on usage once you have a tool installed.


If you want to disable colors (at least for main log messages), you can use:

NO_COLOR=1 jsonr ...


If you want to implement/request new features you are more than welcome to contribute. Please keep in mind that this tool is supposed to be super simple to use and cover ~80% of use cases for playing around with JSON HTTP API’s. Instructions (–help) for this tool should be possible to read in less than 5 minutes. If more features will be added this may be hard to achieve.