

JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS for Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and other Web-interoperable runtimes.
Extremely Popular
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Recognized Compact JWE Header Parameters, any other Header Members may also be present.

Recognized Compact JWS Header Parameters, any other Header Members may also be present.

Shared Interface with a "crit" property for all sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt operations.

JWE Decryption options.

JWE Encryption options.

Flattened JWE definition.

Flattened JWS definition. Payload is returned as an empty string when JWS Unencoded Payload (RFC7797) is used.

Flattened JWS definition for verify function inputs, allows payload as Uint8Array for detached signature validation.

General JWS definition. Payload is returned as an empty string when JWS Unencoded Payload (RFC7797) is used.

General JWS definition for verify function inputs, allows payload as Uint8Array for detached signature validation.

Generic Interface for consuming operations dynamic key resolution.

JSON Web Key Set

Recognized JWE Header Parameters, any other Header members may also be present.

Recognized JWE Key Management-related Header Parameters.

JSON Web Key (JWK). "RSA", "EC", "OKP", and "oct" key types are supported.

Convenience interface for Private EC JSON Web Keys

Convenience interface for Public EC JSON Web Keys

Convenience interface for oct JSON Web Keys

Convenience interface for Private OKP JSON Web Keys

Convenience interface for Public OKP JSON Web Keys

Convenience interface for Private RSA JSON Web Keys

Convenience interface for Public RSA JSON Web Keys

Generic JSON Web Key Parameters.

Recognized JWS Header Parameters, any other Header Members may also be present.

JWT Claims Set verification options.

Recognized Signed JWT Header Parameters, any other Header Members may also be present.

Recognized JWT Claims Set members, any other members may also be present.

JWS Signing options.

JWS Verification options.

Type Aliases

KeyLike are runtime-specific classes representing asymmetric keys or symmetric secrets. These are instances of CryptoKey and additionally KeyObject in Node.js runtime. Uint8Array instances are also accepted as symmetric secret representation only.