

Ultrafast web framework for the Edge
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interface OnHandlerInterface
import { type OnHandlerInterface } from "";

Type Parameters

E extends Env = Env
S = { }

Call Signatures

<M extends string, P extends string, O = { }, I = { }>(
method: M,
path: P,
...handlers: [H<E, P, I, O>, H<E, P, I, O>],
): Hono<E, S & Schema<M, P, I, O>>
<M extends string, P extends string, O = { }, I = { }, I2 = I, I3 = I & I2>(
method: M,
path: P,
...handlers: [H<E, P, I, O>, H<E, P, I2, O>, H<E, P, I3, O>],
): Hono<E, S & Schema<M, P, I3, O>>
<M extends string, P extends string, O = { }, I = { }, I2 = I, I3 = I & I2, I4 = I2 & I3>(
method: M,
path: P,
H<E, P, I, O>,
H<E, P, I2, O>,
H<E, P, I3, O>,
H<E, P, I4, O>,
): Hono<E, S & Schema<M, P, I4, O>>
<M extends string, P extends string, O = { }, I = { }, I2 = I, I3 = I & I2, I4 = I2 & I3, I5 = I3 & I4>(
method: M,
path: P,
H<E, P, I, O>,
H<E, P, I2, O>,
H<E, P, I3, O>,
H<E, P, I4, O>,
H<E, P, I5, O>,
): Hono<E, S & Schema<M, P, I5, O>>
<M extends string, P extends string, O extends { } = { }, I = { }>(
method: M,
path: P,
...handlers: H<E, P, I, O>[],
): Hono<E, S & Schema<M, P, I, O>>