

The next-gen web framework.
Extremely Popular
import { DenoConfig } from "../server.ts";import { assertEquals, assertExists, assertMatch, assertRejects, assertStringIncludes, join, JSONC, retry,} from "./deps.ts";
async function updateAndVerify(cwd: string | URL, expected: RegExp) { const cliProcess = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: [ "run", "-A", "--no-config", join(Deno.cwd(), "update.ts"), ".", ], cwd, stdin: "null", stdout: "piped", });
const { code, stdout } = await cliProcess.output(); const output = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout);
assertMatch( output, expected, ); assertEquals(code, 0);}
async function initProject() { const tmpDirName = await Deno.makeTempDir();
const cliProcess = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: [ "run", "-A", "--no-config", join(Deno.cwd(), "init.ts"), ".", ], cwd: tmpDirName, stdin: "null", stdout: "null", });
await cliProcess.output();
return tmpDirName;}
async function executeUpdateCommand(t: Deno.TestContext, tmpDirName: string) { await t.step("execute update command", async () => { await updateAndVerify( tmpDirName, /The manifest has been generated for \d+ routes and \d+ islands./, ); });}
Deno.test("fresh-update", async function fn(t) { // Preparation const tmpDirName = await initProject(); await executeUpdateCommand(t, tmpDirName);
await t.step("check deno.json", async () => { const configPath = join(tmpDirName, "deno.json"); const json = JSONC.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(configPath)) as DenoConfig;
assertExists(json.tasks?.start, "Missing 'start' task"); assertExists(json.tasks?.build, "Missing 'build' task"); assertExists(json.tasks?.preview, "Missing 'preview' task");
assertEquals(json.lint?.rules?.tags, ["fresh", "recommended"]); assertEquals(json.exclude, ["**/_fresh/*"]); });
const comment = "// This is a test comment"; const regex = /("preact": "https:\/\/\/preact@[\d.]+",\n)/; const originalName = `${tmpDirName}/deno.json`; const updatedName = `${originalName}c`;
await t.step("execute update command deno.jsonc support", async () => { try { Deno.renameSync(originalName, updatedName); let denoJsonText = await Deno.readTextFile(updatedName); denoJsonText = denoJsonText.replace(regex, `$1${comment}\n`); await Deno.writeTextFile(updatedName, denoJsonText); await updateAndVerify( tmpDirName, /The manifest has been generated for \d+ routes and \d+ islands./, ); } finally { let denoJsonText = await Deno.readTextFile(updatedName); denoJsonText = denoJsonText.replace(new RegExp(`\n${comment}\n`), "\n"); await Deno.writeTextFile(updatedName, denoJsonText); Deno.renameSync(updatedName, originalName); } });
await t.step("execute update command src dir", async () => { const names = [ "components", "islands", "routes", "static", "dev.ts", "main.ts", "fresh.gen.ts", ]; try { Deno.mkdirSync(tmpDirName + "/src"); names.forEach((x) => { Deno.renameSync( join(tmpDirName, x), join(tmpDirName, "src", x), ); }); await updateAndVerify( tmpDirName, /The manifest has been generated for (?!0 routes and 0 islands)\d+ routes and \d+ islands./, ); } finally { names.forEach((x) => { Deno.renameSync( join(tmpDirName, "src", x), join(tmpDirName, x), ); }); Deno.removeSync(tmpDirName + "/src", { recursive: true }); } });
await t.step("execute update command (no islands directory)", async () => { await retry(() => Deno.remove(join(tmpDirName, "islands"), { recursive: true }) ); await updateAndVerify( tmpDirName, /The manifest has been generated for \d+ routes and 0 islands./, ); });
await retry(() => Deno.remove(tmpDirName, { recursive: true }));});
Deno.test("fresh-update add _app.tsx if not present", async function fn(t) { // Preparation const tmpDirName = await initProject();
const appTsx = join(tmpDirName, "routes", "_app.tsx"); await Deno.remove(appTsx);
await executeUpdateCommand(t, tmpDirName);
await t.step("add _app.tsx", async () => { const raw = await Deno.readTextFile(appTsx); assertStringIncludes(raw, "<html>", `<html>-tag not found in _app.tsx`); });});
Deno.test( "fresh-update add _fresh to .gitignore if not present", async function fn(t) { // Preparation const tmpDirName = await initProject();
const gitignore = join(tmpDirName, ".gitignore"); await Deno.writeTextFile(gitignore, ""); // clear .gitignore
await executeUpdateCommand(t, tmpDirName);
await t.step("append _fresh to .gitignore", async () => { const raw = await Deno.readTextFile(gitignore); assertStringIncludes(raw, "_fresh", "_fresh not found in .gitignore"); }); },);
Deno.test( "fresh-update do not add _fresh to .gitignore if already present", async function fn(t) { // Preparation const tmpDirName = await initProject();
const gitignore = join(tmpDirName, ".gitignore"); await Deno.writeTextFile(gitignore, "_fresh");
await executeUpdateCommand(t, tmpDirName);
await t.step("do not append _fresh to .gitignore", async () => { const raw = await Deno.readTextFile(gitignore); // Count the number of times "_fresh" appears in .gitignore const count = (raw.match(/_fresh/g) ?? []).length; assertEquals(count, 1, "extra _fresh found in .gitignore"); }); },);
Deno.test( "fresh-update do not create a .gitignore if none exist", async function fn(t) { // Preparation const tmpDirName = await initProject();
const gitignore = join(tmpDirName, ".gitignore"); await Deno.remove(gitignore);
await executeUpdateCommand(t, tmpDirName);
await t.step("do not create a .gitignore", async () => { await assertRejects( () =>, Deno.errors.NotFound, undefined, "found .gitignore", ); }); },);
Deno.test( "fresh-update migrates old exclude to top level exclude", async (t) => { // Preparation const tmpDirName = await initProject(); const denoJsonFile = join(tmpDirName, "deno.json"); const denoJson = JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(denoJsonFile)); delete denoJson.exclude; if (!denoJson.fmt) denoJson.fmt = {}; if (!denoJson.lint) denoJson.lint = {}; denoJson.fmt.exclude = ["_fresh"]; denoJson.lint.exclude = ["_fresh"]; await Deno.writeTextFile(denoJsonFile, JSON.stringify(denoJson, null, 2));
await executeUpdateCommand(t, tmpDirName);
const denoJsonAfter = JSON.parse(Deno.readTextFileSync(denoJsonFile)); assertEquals(denoJsonAfter.exclude, ["**/_fresh/*"]); assertEquals(denoJsonAfter.lint, { rules: { tags: ["fresh", "recommended"] }, }); assertEquals(denoJsonAfter.fmt, undefined); },);