

The next-gen web framework.
Extremely Popular
import { assertSelector, assertTextMany, parseHtml, withFakeServe,} from "./test_utils.ts";import { assertEquals } from "./deps.ts";import { createHandler } from "../server.ts";import manifest from "./fixture/fresh.gen.ts";import config from "./fixture/fresh.config.ts";
const handler = await createHandler(manifest, config);
// Issue:"doesn't leak data across renderers", async () => { async function load(name: string) { const req = new Request(`http://localhost/admin/${name}`); const resp = await handler(req); const doc = parseHtml(await resp.text());
assertSelector(doc, "[id^=__FRSH_STATE]"); const text = doc.querySelector("[id^=__FRSH_STATE]")?.textContent!; const json = JSON.parse(text); assertEquals(json, { "v": [[{ "site": name }], []] }); }
const promises = []; for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { promises.push(load("foo")); promises.push(load("bar")); } await Promise.all(promises);});
Deno.test("render headers passed to ctx.render()", async (t) => { await withFakeServe("./tests/fixture_render/main.ts", async (server) => { await t.step("header_arr", async () => { const res = await server.get("/header_arr"); assertEquals(res.headers.get("x-foo"), "Hello world!"); await res.body?.cancel(); });
await t.step("header_obj", async () => { const res = await server.get("/header_obj"); assertEquals(res.headers.get("x-foo"), "Hello world!"); await res.body?.cancel(); });
await t.step("header_instance", async () => { const res = await server.get("/header_instance"); assertEquals(res.headers.get("x-foo"), "Hello world!"); await res.body?.cancel(); }); });});
Deno.test("render head text nodes", async () => { await withFakeServe("./tests/fixture_render/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml("/head_style"); assertTextMany(doc, "style", ["body { color: red }"]); assertEquals(doc.body.textContent, "hello"); });});
Deno.test("support jsx precompile", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_jsx_precompile/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml("/"); assertTextMany(doc, "h1", ["Hello World"]); assertTextMany(doc, ".island", ["it works"]); }, );});
Deno.test("support <Head /> with jsx precompile", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_jsx_precompile/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml("/head"); assertTextMany(doc, "h1", ["Hello World"]); assertTextMany(doc, "head title", ["foo"]); }, );});
Deno.test("Ensure manifest has valid specifiers", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml("/"); assertTextMany(doc, "p", ["it works"]); }, );});
Deno.test("render multiple set-cookie headers passed to ctx.render()", async () => { await withFakeServe("./tests/fixture_render/dev.ts", async (server) => { const res = await server.get("/cookiePasser"); const cookies = res.headers.getSetCookie(); assertEquals(cookies, ["foo=bar", "baz=1234"]); await res.body?.cancel(); });});