

The next-gen web framework.
Extremely Popular
import { assert } from "./deps.ts";import { assertNotSelector, assertSelector, clickWhenListenerReady, waitForText, withFakeServe, withPageName,} from "./test_utils.ts";
Deno.test("apply root _layout and _app", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_layouts/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml("/"); assert(doc.body.textContent?.includes("it works")); assertSelector(doc, ".app .root-layout .home-page");
const doc2 = await server.getHtml("/other"); assertSelector(doc2, ".app .root-layout .other-page"); }, );});
Deno.test("apply sub layouts", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_layouts/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml("/foo"); assertSelector(doc, ".app .root-layout .foo-layout .foo-page");
const doc2 = await server.getHtml("/foo/bar"); assertSelector(doc2, ".app .root-layout .foo-layout .bar-page"); }, );});
Deno.test("skip layouts if not present", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_layouts/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/skip/sub`); assertSelector(doc, ".app .root-layout .sub-layout .sub-page"); }, );});
Deno.test("check file types", async (t) => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_layouts/main.ts", async (server) => { await t.step(".js", async () => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/files/js`); assertSelector(doc, ".app .root-layout .js-layout .js-page"); });
await t.step(".jsx", async () => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/files/jsx`); assertSelector(doc, ".app .root-layout .jsx-layout .jsx-page"); });
await t.step(".ts", async () => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/files/ts`); assertSelector(doc, ".app .root-layout .ts-layout .ts-page"); });
await t.step(".tsx", async () => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/files/tsx`); assertSelector(doc, ".app .root-layout .tsx-layout .tsx-page"); }); }, );});
Deno.test("render async layout", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_layouts/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/async`); assertSelector(doc, ".app .root-layout .async-layout .async-page"); }, );});
Deno.test("render nested async layout", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_layouts/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/async/sub`); assertSelector( doc, ".app .root-layout .async-layout .async-sub-layout .async-sub-page", ); }, );});
Deno.test("can return Response from async layout", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_layouts/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/async/redirect`); assertSelector( doc, ".app .root-layout .async-layout .async-sub-layout .async-sub-page", ); }, );});
Deno.test("disable _app layout", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_layouts/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/override/no_app`); assertNotSelector(doc, "body body"); assertSelector(doc, "body > .override-layout >.no-app"); }, );});
Deno.test("disable _app in _layout", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_layouts/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/override/layout_no_app`); assertNotSelector(doc, "body body"); assertSelector(doc, "body > .override-layout > .no-app-layout > .page"); }, );});
Deno.test("override layouts", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_layouts/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/override`); assertSelector(doc, "body > .app > .override-layout > .override-page"); }, );});
Deno.test("route overrides layout", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_layouts/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/override/no_layout`); assertSelector(doc, "body > .app > .no-layouts"); }, );});
Deno.test("route overrides layout and app", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_layouts/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/override/no_layout_no_app`); assertSelector(doc, "body > .no-app-no-layouts"); }, );});
Deno.test({ name: "island in dynamic route test", async fn(t) { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_layouts/main.ts", async (page, address) => { async function counterTest(counterId: string, originalValue: number) { const pElem = await page.waitForSelector(`#${counterId} > p`);
const value = await pElem?.evaluate((el) => el.textContent); assert(value === `${originalValue}`, `${counterId} first value`);
await clickWhenListenerReady(page, `#b-${counterId}`); await waitForText( page, `#${counterId} > p`, String(originalValue + 1), ); }
await page.goto(`${address}/dynamic/acme-corp`, { waitUntil: "networkidle2", });
await t.step("Ensure 1 island on 1 page are revived", async () => { await counterTest("counter", 3); }); }, ); },});
Deno.test("mix async app and layouts", async () => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_layouts_2/main.ts", async (server) => { const doc = await server.getHtml(`/`); assertSelector(doc, ".app > .root-layout > .home-page"); }, );});