

The next-gen web framework.
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import { assert, assertEquals, assertStringIncludes, Page } from "./deps.ts";import { assertNoPageComments, assertNotSelector, clickWhenListenerReady, getErrorOverlay, parseHtml, waitForText, withFakeServe, withPageName,} from "./test_utils.ts";
Deno.test("island tests", async (t) => { await withPage(async (page, address) => { async function counterTest(counterId: string, originalValue: number) { const pElem = await page.waitForSelector(`#${counterId} > p`);
const value = await pElem?.evaluate((el) => el.textContent); assert(value === `${originalValue}`, `${counterId} first value`);
await clickWhenListenerReady(page, `#b-${counterId}`); await waitForText(page, `#${counterId} > p`, String(originalValue + 1)); }
await page.goto(`${address}/islands`);
await t.step("Ensure 5 islands on 1 page are revived", async () => { await counterTest("counter1", 3); await counterTest("counter2", 10); await counterTest("folder-counter", 3); await counterTest("subfolder-counter", 3); await counterTest("kebab-case-file-counter", 5); });
await t.step("Ensure an island revive an img 'hash' path", async () => { // Ensure src path has __frsh_c= const pElem = await page.waitForSelector(`#img-in-island`); const srcString = (await pElem?.getProperty("src"))?.toString()!; assertStringIncludes(srcString, "image.png?__frsh_c=");
// Ensure src path is the same as server rendered const resp = await fetch(new Request(`${address}/islands`)); const body = await resp.text();
const imgFilePath = body.match(/img id="img-in-island" src="(.*?)"/) ?.[1]!; assertStringIncludes(srcString, imgFilePath); }); });});
Deno.test("multiple islands exported from one file", async (t) => { await withPage(async (page, address) => { async function counterTest(counterId: string, originalValue: number) { const pElem = await page.waitForSelector(`#${counterId} > p`);
const value = await pElem?.evaluate((el) => el.textContent); assert(value === `${originalValue}`, `${counterId} first value`);
await clickWhenListenerReady(page, `#b-${counterId}`); await waitForText(page, `#${counterId} > p`, String(originalValue + 1)); }
await page.goto(`${address}/islands/multiple_island_exports`);
await t.step("Ensure 3 islands on 1 page are revived", async () => { await counterTest("counter0", 4); await counterTest("counter1", 3); await counterTest("counter2", 10); }); });});
function withPage(fn: (page: Page, address: string) => Promise<void>) { return withPageName("./tests/fixture/main.ts", fn);}
Deno.test("island tests with </script>", async (t) => { await withPage(async (page, address) => { page.on("dialog", () => { assert(false, "There is XSS"); });
await page.goto(`${address}/evil`, { waitUntil: "networkidle2", });
await t.step("prevent XSS on Island", async () => { const bodyElem = await page.waitForSelector(`body`); const value = await bodyElem?.evaluate((el) => el.getInnerHTML());
assertStringIncludes( value, `{"message":"\\u003c/script\\u003e\\u003cscript\\u003ealert('test')\\u003c/script\\u003e"}`, `XSS is not escaped`, ); }); });});
Deno.test("island with json import", async () => { await withPage(async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_json`, { waitUntil: "networkidle2", });
const json = await page.$eval("pre", (el) => el.textContent); assertEquals(JSON.parse(json), { foo: "it works" }); });});
Deno.test("island with fragment as root", async () => { await withPage(async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/islands/root_fragment`);
const clickableSelector = "#root-fragment-click-me";
await page.waitForSelector(clickableSelector);
await waitForText(page, `#island-parent`, "HelloWorld");
await clickWhenListenerReady(page, clickableSelector); await waitForText(page, `#island-parent`, "HelloWorldI'm rendered now"); });});
Deno.test( "island with fragment as root and conditional child first", async () => { await withPage(async (page, address) => { await page.goto( `${address}/islands/root_fragment_conditional_first`, );
const clickableSelector = "#root-fragment-conditional-first-click-me"; await page.waitForSelector(clickableSelector);
await waitForText(page, "#island-parent", "HelloWorld");
await clickWhenListenerReady(page, clickableSelector); await waitForText( page, "#island-parent", "I'm rendered on topHelloWorld", ); }); },);
Deno.test("island that returns `null`", async () => { await withPage(async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/islands/returning_null`); await page.waitForSelector(".added-by-use-effect"); });});
Deno.test("island using `npm:` specifiers", async () => { await withPageName("./tests/fixture_npm/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.setJavaScriptEnabled(false); await page.goto(address); await page.waitForSelector("#server-true");
await page.setJavaScriptEnabled(true); await page.reload(); await page.waitForSelector("#browser-true"); });});
Deno.test("pass single JSX child to island", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_jsx_child`); await page.waitForSelector(".island"); await waitForText(page, ".island", "it works"); await assertNoPageComments(page); }, );});
Deno.test("pass multiple JSX children to island", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_jsx_children`); await page.waitForSelector(".island");
await waitForText(page, ".island", "it works"); await assertNoPageComments(page); }, );});
Deno.test("pass multiple text JSX children to island", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_jsx_text`); await page.waitForSelector(".island");
await waitForText(page, ".island", "it works"); await assertNoPageComments(page); }, );});
Deno.test("render island in island", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_in_island`); await page.waitForSelector(".island"); await waitForText(page, ".island .island p", "it works"); await assertNoPageComments(page); }, );});
Deno.test("render island inside island definition", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_in_island_definition`); await page.waitForSelector(".island");
await waitForText(page, ".island .island p", "it works");
// Check that there is no duplicated content which could happen // when islands aren't initialized correctly await waitForText(page, "#page", "it works"); await assertNoPageComments(page); }, );});
Deno.test("render island inside island with conditional children", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/dropdown`); await page.waitForSelector("button"); await assertNoPageComments(page);
const doc = parseHtml(await page.content()); assertNotSelector(doc, ".result");
await"button"); await page.waitForSelector(".result"); await assertNoPageComments(page); }, );});
Deno.test( "render island with JSX children that render another island with JSX children", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_jsx_island_jsx`); await page.waitForSelector(".island");
await waitForText( page, ".island .server .island .server p", "it works", );
await assertNoPageComments(page); }, ); },);
Deno.test("render sibling islands", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_siblings`); await page.waitForSelector(".island");
await waitForText(page, ".island .a", "it works"); await waitForText(page, ".island + .island .b", "it works"); await assertNoPageComments(page); }, );});
Deno.test("render sibling islands that render nothing initially", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_conditional`); await page.waitForSelector(".island"); await assertNoPageComments(page);
// Button text is matched too, but this allows us // to assert correct ordering. The "island content" should // be left of "Toggle" await waitForText(page, "#page", "island contentToggle"); await assertNoPageComments(page); }, );});
Deno.test("serialize inner island props", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_nested_props`); await page.waitForSelector(".island");
await waitForText(page, ".island .island p", "it works"); await assertNoPageComments(page); }, );});
Deno.test("render island inside island when passed as fn child", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_fn_child`); await page.waitForSelector(".island"); await waitForText(page, "#page", "it works"); await assertNoPageComments(page); }, );});
Deno.test("render nested islands in correct order", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_order`); await page.waitForSelector(".island"); await waitForText(page, "#page", "leftcenterright"); await assertNoPageComments(page); }, );});
Deno.test({ name: "render nested islands with server children conditionally",
async fn() { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_conditional_lazy`); await waitForText(page, ".island p", "island content"); await assertNoPageComments(page);
await"button"); await waitForText(page, ".island p", "server rendered"); await assertNoPageComments(page); }, ); },});
Deno.test( "revive island in lazy server rendered children conditionally", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/island_conditional_lazy_island`); await waitForText(page, ".island p", "island content"); await page.waitForSelector(".mounted"); await assertNoPageComments(page);
await"button"); await waitForText(page, ".island .server", "server rendered"); await assertNoPageComments(page);
await"button.counter"); await waitForText(page, ".island .count", "1"); await assertNoPageComments(page); }, ); },);
Deno.test("revive boolean attributes", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture/main.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(`${address}/preact/boolean_attrs`); await waitForText(page, ".form-revived", "Revived: true"); await assertNoPageComments(page);
const checked = await page.$eval( "input[type=checkbox]", (el) => el.checked, ); assertEquals(checked, true, "Checkbox is not checked");
const required = await page.$eval( "input[type=text]", (el) => el.required, ); assertEquals(required, true, "Text input is not marked as required");
const radioChecked = await page.$eval( "input[type=radio][value='2']", (el) => el.checked, ); assertEquals( radioChecked, true, "Text input is not marked as required", );
const selected = await page.$eval( "select", (el) => el.options[el.selectedIndex].text, ); assertEquals(selected, "bar", "'bar' value is not selected"); }, );});
Deno.test("throws when passing non-jsx children to an island", async (t) => { await withFakeServe( "./tests/fixture_island_nesting/dev.ts", async (server) => { const overlay1 = await getErrorOverlay( server, "/island_invalid_children", ); assertStringIncludes( overlay1.title, "Invalid JSX child passed to island", );
const overlay2 = await getErrorOverlay( server, "/island_invalid_children_fn", ); assertStringIncludes( overlay2.title, "Invalid JSX child passed to island", );
await t.step("should not throw on valid children", async () => { const doc2 = await server.getHtml(`/island_valid_children`);
assertNotSelector(doc2, "#fresh-error-overlay"); }); }, );});
Deno.test("serves multiple islands in one file", async () => { await withPageName( "./tests/fixture_islands_multiple/dev.ts", async (page, address) => { await page.goto(address, { waitUntil: "networkidle2" });
await".single button"); await waitForText(page, ".single p", "Single Island: 1");
await".multiple1 button"); await waitForText(page, ".multiple1 p", "Multiple1 Island: 1"); await".multiple2 button"); await waitForText(page, ".multiple2 p", "Multiple2 Island: 1");
await".multipledefault button"); await waitForText( page, ".multipledefault p", "MultipleDefault Island: 1", ); await".multipledefault1 button"); await waitForText( page, ".multipledefault1 p", "MultipleDefault1 Island: 1", ); await".multipledefault2 button"); await waitForText( page, ".multipledefault2 p", "MultipleDefault2 Island: 1", ); }, );});